Felicjan Faleński’s unpublished, first completed drama, Smutne dzieje powstania w Dalekarlii [The Sad Story of the Uprising in Dalecarlia] from 1867, corresponds to Victor Hugo’s program, whereby a work of dramatic art should be “the past revived for the present”. Written with a fresh memory of the January Uprising of 1863, Faleński’s text tells about the rebellion of the Swedes against Danish domination in the union of Scandinavian states established by the Kalmar Union at the end of the 14th century. The play depicts the abuses of the Danes and King Eric of Pomerania, the rebellion of Swedish nobility and the popular masses led by a simple miner, the overthrow of the king, the betrayal of one of the feudal lords, the coup d’état, and the assassination. The action is arranged according to the historical mechanisms known from Shakespeare’s chronicles; in presenting the monarch’s fate, Faleński adds the Calderonian element of the rule of divine providence over the world of earthly history.
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The article deals with the external analysis of a part of the manuscript dating from the 15th century which contains a collection of letters of the archbishop Jan of Jenštejn; it was coped at the end of the 14th century and published 1877 by J. Loserth under the title Jenštejn´s Epistolary. The text focuses on the adjustment of the quires and character and order of the letters copied, as well as on the text corrections made by another scribe. It concludes that the manuscript originated under the direct supervision of the archbishop who transmitted the papers of individual letters to the scribe step by step for copying them and then he polished their stylistic form and corrected them. The conserved manuscript came into being in the year 1398 in Herštejn and as a whole it represents the concept of Jenštejn´s new autobiographic work analogous to Petrarca´s Familiares. The epistolary has never been transcribed into definitive form for the public.
The article is an introduction to the issues of Adam Naruszewicz’s editorial techniques, revealed in the preserved autographs of his literary prose and scientific works. These manuscripts are divided into texts written by Naruszewicz and those dictated and edited by him. Initial research shows that the bishop’s editorial work was done in line with the following criteria: clarity and credibility of the argument, substantive correctness, and shaping the content, the aim of which was to create a positive image of the king, Stanisław August. This often determined intervening in areas, which are difficult to be accused of being incorrect today. This is why the article attempts to indicate those editorial activities of the bishop, which could now be perceived as variants of the text, while, according to the author, they required amending. As an editor, Naruszewicz interfered with various aspects: factual errors, style, structure, punctuation, making clarifying additions, as well as self-censoring. All these editorial efforts show the literary skills of one of the most outstanding minds of Polish Enlightenment.
В статье анализируется первоначальные тексты украинского и русского романов Кулиша Черная рада, сохранившиеся в рукописях. Исследуются существенные изменения в образе польской княгини (жены полкового осаула Гвинтовки), которые произошли в процеcсе авторского редактирования обеих разноязычных романов.
The paper analyzes the early texts of the manuscripts of the Russian and Ukrainian versions of Kulish’s novel The Black Council. Substantial changes can be observed in the representation of the Polish princess, the wife of captain Hvyntovka, in both versions of the novel.
Felicjan Faleński’s unpublished, first completed drama, Smutne dzieje powstania w Dalekarlii [The Sad Story of the Uprising in Dalecarlia] from 1867, corresponds to Victor Hugo’s program, whereby a work of dramatic art should be “the past revived for the present”. Written with a fresh memory of the January Uprising of 1863, Faleński’s text tells about the rebellion of the Swedes against Danish domination in the union of Scandinavian states established by the Kalmar Union at the end of the 14th century. The play depicts the abuses of the Danes and King Eric of Pomerania, the rebellion of Swedish nobility and the popular masses led by a simple miner, the overthrow of the king, the betrayal of one of the feudal lords, the coup d’état, and the assassination. The action is arranged according to the historical mechanisms known from Shakespeare’s chronicles; in presenting the monarch’s fate, Faleński adds the Calderonian element of the rule of divine providence over the world of earthly history.
Nigdy niewydany pierwszy ukończony dramat Felicjana Faleńskiego – Smutne dzieje powstania w Dalekarlii z 1867 roku – odpowiada programowym założeniom Victora Hugo, wedle których dzieło sztuki dramatycznej powinno być „przeszłością ożywioną na rzecz teraźniejszości”. Pisany pod wpływem świeżego wspomnienia powstania styczniowego traktuje o zrywie Szwedów przeciwko dominacji Danii w związku państw skandynawskich ustanowionym przez unię kalmarską u schyłku XIV wieku, przedstawia nadużycia Duńczyków i króla Eryka Pomorskiego, bunt szwedzkich możnowładców i mas ludowych pod dowództwem prostego górnika, obalenie króla, zdradę jednego z feudałów, zamach stanu, skrytobójstwo. Akcja została skomponowana według mechanizmów dziejowych znanych z szekspirowskich kronik z przydaniem w losie monarchy calderonowskiego pierwiastka rządów Bożej opatrzności nad światem ziemskiej historii.
Ludwik Gocel (1889-1966) był znawcą epoki powstania listopadowego i twórcą wielkiej kolekcji historycznej dotyczącej tego zrywu narodowowyzwoleńczego. Interesowała go również biografia Cypriana Norwida i recepcja dzieła poety, w swoich zbiorach miał norwidiana. W niniejszym szkicu, opierając się m.in. na materiałach z archiwum i spuścizny Gocla oraz treści jego listu z grudnia 1957 r., omówiono fragment losów autografu wiersza Norwida Italiam!Italiam! Przybliżone zostały okoliczności, w jakich Gocel pozyskał go do swych zbiorów w 1949 r., by po kilku latach, w 1957 r., przekazać autograf do Fawley Court w Anglii, gdzie wzbogacił on zbiory księdza Józefa Jarzębowskiego, marianina, znawcy Norwida i kolekcjonera pamiątek narodowych. Uwzględniony został także istotny aspekt współpracy bibliofilów Gocla i Jarzębowskiego na niwie kolekcjonerskiej. Dzięki niej rękopis Norwida został zachowany, a dziś eksponowany jest w Muzeum w Licheniu Starym. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono kilka innych przejawów zainteresowania Gocla Norwidem.
Ludwik Gocel (1889-1966) was an expert on the November Uprising and the creator of a large historical collection documenting this national liberation uprising. He was also interested in the biography of Cyprian Norwid and the reception of the poet’s work, some of which were part of his collection. Based, inter alia, on the materials from Gocel’s archive and his legacy, and the content of his letter of December 1957, this sketch discusses a fragment of the history of Norwid’s autograph of the poem Italiam!Italiam! The sketch outlines the circumstances in which Gocel obtained the poem for his collection in 1949, which after a few years, in 1957, he handed over to Fawley Court in England, where it supplemented the collection of Father Józef Jarzębowski, a Marian, expert on Norwid and collector of national memorabilia. The text also takes into account an important aspect of the cooperation between the two bibliophiles Gocel and Jarzębowski, owing to which Norwid’s manuscript has been preserved and today it is exhibited in the Museum in Licheń Stary. In addition, the article presents several other manifestations of Gocel’s interest in Norwid.
Ludwik Gocel (1889-1966) was an expert on the November Uprising and the creator of a large historical collection documenting this national liberation uprising. He was also interested in the biography of Cyprian Norwid and the reception of the poet’s work, some of which were part of his collection. Based, inter alia, on the materials from Gocel’s archive and his legacy, and the content of his letter of December 1957, this sketch discusses a fragment of the history of Norwid’s autograph of the poem Italiam!Italiam! The sketch outlines the circumstances in which Gocel obtained the poem for his collection in 1949, which after a few years, in 1957, he handed over to Fawley Court in England, where it supplemented the collection of Father Józef Jarzębowski, a Marian, expert on Norwid and collector of national memorabilia. The text also takes into account an important aspect of the cooperation between the two bibliophiles Gocel and Jarzębowski, owing to which Norwid’s manuscript has been preserved and today it is exhibited in the Museum in Licheń Stary. In addition, the article presents several other manifestations of Gocel’s interest in Norwid.
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski’s novel entitled [Mister] Judge Deluty [Pan sędzia Deluty] was first ever published in 2005 on the base of the text’s handwriting copy made by Leonard Niedźwiecki, Czartoryski’s secretary. However, the autograph is much richer. The content of its first nine cards – Czartoryski named them ‘snippets’ – are in connection with the novel despite the fact that they appear to be only a ‘secondary text’. This fragment waited to be issued until now. What is more, it has not been mentioned in any research work so far. The purpose of the article is to issue a piece of this unknown prose which seem not to be without importance for thorough analysis, interpretation and comprehension of the whole book by Czartoryski.
Powieść Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego pt. Pan Sędzia Deluty po raz pierwszy została wydana w 2005 roku na podstawie rękopiśmiennej kopii tekstu wykonanej przez Leonarda Niedźwieckiego, sekretarza Czartoryskiego. Niemniej jednak autograf jest znacznie bogatszy. Zawartość jego pierwszych dziewięciu kart – Czartoryski nazwał je „urywkami” – pozostaje w związku z powieścią, pomimo że wydaje się jedynie „tekstem pobocznym”. Fragment ten oczekiwał na wydanie do dziś. Co więcej, nigdy dotąd nie został odnotowany w żadnej pracy badawczej. Celem artykułu jest edycja tej cząstki zapomnianej lub nawet nieznanej prozy, która może nie wydaje się bez znaczenia dla wnikliwej analizy, interpretacji oraz zrozumienia całej książki Czartoryskiego.
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