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Content available remote Komparatívne čítanie čínskej filozofie :  úvod do konceptu autority
In this study I have attempted to show the different perceptions of the term authority in the European philosophical tradition and in the Chinese philosophical tradition. In these investigations I am guided by the viewpoints of contemporary representatives of critical theory (the Frankfurt School) who attempt to incorporate the phenomenon of globalisation into their considerations of social processes. One of the most important states today is the Chinese People’s Republic which has a marked influence on world events. This study attempts to demonstrate the relevance of Sinological studies, not only from the point of view of contemporary times, but also from the historico-philosophical point of view. This is because each human civilisation has its own, albeit often highly-modified, ontological heritage emerging from the period of the formation of the main world religions and the first philosophical schools, and which influences the thought and behaviour of individuals in these civilisations up to today.
V rámci tejto štúdie som sa pokúsil poukázať rozličné ponímanie termínu autorita v európskej a čínskej filozofickej tradícii. Pri týchto skúmaniach som vychádzal z teoretických východísk súčasných predstaviteľov kritickej teórie (frankfurtskej školy), u ktorých je prítomná snaha zakomponovať do svojich úvah o sociálnych procesoch fenomén globalizácie. Jedným z najvýznamnejších štátov súčasnosti je Čínska ľudová republika, ktorá výrazným spôsobom ovplyvňuje svetové dianie. V rámci štúdie som sa pokúsil poukázať na relevantnosť sinologických štúdii, nielen z hľadiska súčasnosti, ale aj z historicko filozofických dôvodov, keďže každá jedna ľudská civilizácia zahŕňa vlastné, aj keď často značne modifikované, ontologické dedičstvo, ktoré, hoci pochádza z obdobia formovania hlavných svetových náboženstiev a prvých filozofických škôl, dodnes ovplyvňuje myslenie a správanie jednotlivcov v rámci týchto civilizácií.
Content available remote K problematizácii chápania autority u Hannah Arendtovej
The aim of the article is to criticise the concept of authority as presented by Hannah Arendt, who claims that crisis in, and subsequent loss of, authority are typical features of the modern world. The weakening of authority goes hand in hand with the retreat of freedom, which has been seriously jeopardised by totalitarianism since the early-20th century. The reason for the claim that authority is afflicted by crisis, causing its demise, is more philosophical than political; this mixture of relativism, scepticism and pessimism began to take shape in Western European thought after World War II. However, authority should be derived not from an ideological or political tradition, but from real social conditions. It must be seen against the background of the diverging reality of the world characterized by social contradictions and struggles, in which an effort to bind the world by traditional authority and religion must ultimately fail. Yet, authority is a relative concept and so its scope of application varies in different stages of social development.
Obsahom článku je kritika chápania autority u Hannah Arendtovej, podľa ktorej patrí k charakteristickým rysom moderného sveta kríza a následná strata autority. Simultánne s autoritou v jej chápaní ustupuje aj sloboda, ktorá je od začiatku 20. storočia vážne ohrozovaná totalitarizmom. Dôvod tvrdenia, že autoritu postihla kríza, ktorá spôsobila jej zánik, je skôr filozofický ako politický, je to relativizmus, skepticizmus a pesimizmus, aký sa objavil v západoeurópskom myslení od konca prvej svetovej vojny. Autoritu je však potrebné odvodzovať nie z ideovo-politickej tradície, ale z reálnych spoločenských podmienok. Musíme ju vnímať na pozadí diferencujúcej reality sveta vyznačujúcej sa spoločenskými protikladmi a bojmi, v ktorej snaha zakonzervovať svet tradičnou autoritou a náboženstvom musí nakoniec skončiť neúspechom. Autorita je tak vec relatívna a oblasti jej aplikácie sa menia v rôznych fázach spoločenského vývinu.
Content available remote Hermeneutika a autorita – bilance
Gadamer provides an explanation of his attitude to authority, in which he refers, among other things, to his personal experience. The basis of the modern scientific method is an impartiality of approach and the exclusion of the subjective point of view. The raising of hermeneutical questions, however, does not allow one to blindly accept objectivity. In the complex phenomena that include social processes, economical contexts and the understanding of texts and traditions, a part is played by the participation of the person, his or her involvement in contexts, the influence of traditions, the formation of patterns and the guidance of authority. Authority can have, in Gadamer’s view, a creative influence on the person, opening up new possibilities of freedom.
The example of Mogila’a personal involvement in the cause of revival and reunification of Eastern Christianity in the Republic of Poland in the first half of the 17th century into one organism wins recognition among the supporters of the religious idea of unity. On the other hand, the methods that he used in the realization of his conception o f bringing the Churches together are an object of controversy among the Orthodox faithful. That is why today it is impossible to say univocally whether the Orthodox metropolitan can be a symbol of reconciliation.
The contribution focuses on the issue of teacher authority and classroom climate. Our research aimed to determine a relationship between teacher authority built on the teacher’s interaction style and dimensions constituting the classroom climate. The research involved n = 411 students who assessed the interaction style of their teachers (n = 23). The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and Classroom Environment Scale (CES) were employed. Analysis of empirical data showed a statistically significant positive relationship between the interaction style-built teacher authority and classroom climate dimensions. The statistically significant positive relationship was between the interaction style dimensions: helpful, understanding, student responsibility and the classroom climate dimensions: involvement, task orientation, organisation and order, and rule clarity. A statistically negative relationship was found between the interaction style dimensions: uncertain, dissatisfied, admonishing and the classroom climate dimensions: teacher support, organisation and order, and rule clarity. According to our findings, authoritative teachers, perceived by students as good organisers, helpful, understanding, and giving responsibility, can create a positive climate in classrooms.
The article aims to show the importance of the teacher’s authority in the modern school. The authors present a different view from the one well established in the literature looking at the problem of the formation of teachers’ authority. In addition to the definitions relating to the professional competence and cognitive abilities, a significant aspect of the analysis was focused on the teacher’s ability to form and shape the student’s sense of belonging to school. The paper also includes the research findings univocally indicating that the teacher is a highly regarded authority if they can build and maintain positive relationships in the classroom between them and students as well as between the students themselves, especially the ones manifesting difficulties in the current social functioning.
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne 58 (2010), issue 2. The idea of the justice of the authority in the general meaning remains a central topic in Polish political theory. This has resulted in the frequent tackling of this problem, but it has not been reflected in the complexity of the theory. It is even difficult to talk about a theory in the case of the considerations analyzed. They were mostly very superficial mentions of the monarch’s justice, permeated with old-Polish legalism, a legalism reduced to the rule: the king is obliged to observe legal norms and to give priority to the good of those ruled over his own interests. This model determined the deliberations about justice. Most theoreticians could not see the possibility of strengthening the king’s influence on dispensing justice in the country, although there were exceptions to this view and not only among monarchists. Owing to this model in Polish political thought, after the fall of the First Republic of Poland it was easier to accept the idea of justice dispensed by broad bodies representing the community. The model was not even overturned by the instrumental transfer of the idea of natural justice to Poland. It was also not overturned by the doubts expressed by Wybicki about the possibilities of linking justice to the subjects’ happiness and political freedom.
The father figure in twentieth-century novels usually appears only as a part of the family. It is rare for a father to become the main protagonist of the book; he is frequently presented as an “addition” to the mother. Rightly or not, the father figure is, however, a symbol of authority and power in the family, hence writers have a tendency to present the parent-child relationships as difficult, bitter, and very, very complex. The situation is not much different in modern Italian literature, in which relationships with fathers during childhood are often a starting point for adult problems. In this article, I try to analyze this phenomenon on the basis of two novels written after 1950: Caro Michele by Natalia Ginzburg and Volevo i pantaloni by Lara Cardella.
Content available remote Mimořádné události v komunikaci rodiny a školy
The paper describes and analyses extraordinary events in family - school communication. It focuses not only on negotiation of power and responsibility but also on legality and legitimacy of observed situations and their importance for individual participants and the influence on authority of both institutions. Extraordinary events are interpreted in terms of strategies of combat among parents, children and teachers.
The main object of the analysis was to answer whether contemporary Poland faces a crisis of authority. The notion is considered in two dimensions: authority of power and power of authority. It needs to be determined whether we are experiencing a deep reformulation of the very idea of authority, its meaning and function. Another key issue analyzed was whether role models are still needed and if Poles still need them in a democratic system. On the basis of available research it is possible to conclude that in fact role models are still of importance or even much desired in times of crisis. It is also worth mentioning that the authority of truth and role models of science and its practitioners are particularly worth preserving. The correlation between the level of education and the level of trust, willingness to cooperate and the need for authority is present in numerous studies. The conclusion appears to be obvious: if there is an area, in which the need for revival of authority and the master-apprentice relation is particularly dire, that area would be the authority of truth, knowledge and education.
Content available Culture and Authority
Authority – even though the title of this paper may suggest so – is not a phenomenon opposing culture. It is actually a product of culture or, as sometimes said, of the achievements of civilisation. Since authority is a product of culture, it may not be treated as a phenomenon isolated from it, without any ties with cultural patterns, which may – as a result – act as determinants of the institutional and functional qualities of authority. Culture and its products (including knowledge, law, religion, morality, etc.), like other social phenomena, can become factors stimulating the exercise of authority, or act as factors to stabilise or curb this exercise within the framework of the patterns (norms) it has created. Societies make constant choices in terms of adopting, modifying, and rejecting various cultural patterns.
The article presents authors’ reflection upon the problem of the law of nature. In the literature on the subject, there is adominant opinion that the natural law is atype of amatrix, which should be duplicated by the legislator in order to prevent unfair laws. Following the Latin maxim: “Lex iniusta non est lex” (“Unfair law is not alaw”), legislator must take into account all non-specified norms of the higher order. According to the authors of this article, in the modern times the natural law rational­ism is rather apparent, and its religious foundations will not necessarily be accepted in the culturally plural [multicultural?] society.
The article is primarily concerned with the relationship between authority and freedom. From the pedagogical point of view, freedom comes from authority because to be free means to be able to express self-control in order to choose only what is good. Educational authority isn’t tyranny because the educator must be coherent and must act as he/she teaches. The main challenge to educating people and to people in education – both of them – is to be able to practice virtue, not only to recognize values. Nowadays, especially the “bad conduct” of youths, people are increasingly concerned about their relationship with permissive educational practices. In fact, the problem revolves around the fact that boys and girls have learned but are unable to lead themselves, they involved in addictions (drugs, alcohol, internet…) and they show their weakness in concrete decisions. It isn’t a matter of knowledge, but of will; it is related to the lack of will towards self-care. Why are boys and girls who attend school, are well informed and without economic problems not determined to reject what is bad not only from the moral point of view, but also from the point of view of their health? Because they are not educated to fix limits to their desires: that problem is related to the lack of authority because authority makes us able to face limitations. For this reason it is necessary to reconsider authority within educational theory and practice.
Artykuł dotyczy przede wszystkim relacji pomiędzy władzą a wolnością. Z pedagogicznego punktu widzenia, wolność pochodzi od autorytetu, ponieważ bycie wolnym oznacza możliwość wyrażania samokontroli w celu wybierania tylko tego, co jest dobre. Instytucja edukacyjna nie jest tyrania, ponieważ wychowawca musi być spójny i musi działać jak uczy. Głównym wyzwaniem dla uczących i edukowanych jest to, aby móc praktykować cnotę a nie tylko do uznawać wartości. W dzisiejszych czasach ludzie są coraz bardziej zaniepokojeni obecnością permisywnych praktyk edukacyjnych. W rzeczywistości problem kręci się wokół faktu, że chłopcy i dziewczęta uczą się, ale nie są w stanie sobą kierować, uzależniają się (narkotyki, alkohol, internet ...) i przejawiają słabość w podejmowaniu konkretnych decyzji. To nie jest kwestia wiedzy, ale woli; jest to związane z brakiem woli to, by się o siebie troszczyć. Dlaczego chłopcy i dziewczęta, którzy uczęszczają do szkoły, są dobrze poinformowani nie potrafią odrzucić tego, co jest złe, nie tylko z moralnego punktu widzenia, ale także z punktu widzenia ich zdrowia? Ponieważ nie są nauczeni stawiania granic dla swoich pragnień: problem ten związany jest z brakiem autorytetu, bo autorytet umożliwia nam stawianie czoła ograniczeniom. Z tego powodu konieczne jest ponowne przyjrzenie się autorytetowi w teorii i praktyce edukacyjnej.
Content available remote Demokracja. Interpretacja wyznania wiary red. Stanisław Filipowicz
Stanisław Filipowicz is one of the renowned experts of theory of democracy in Poland. The reviewed book confirms his status as such. Although S. Filipowicz presents the views that had been established in the literature and refers to problems that are well known, his interpretation stands out as original. A significant feature of his interpretation is its multi-dimensionality. The book contains fewer than 150 pages divided into six chapter, an introduction and conclusion. Despite its small volume, it refers to the most important problems of modern democracy. These are: the problem of properly defining the essence of democracy, real and symbolic signifi cance of the mythical principle of rule by people and an attempt at finding an alternative formula therefor, searching for a remedy to systemic threats in people’s features and the value of state institutions, democracy’s legitimacy and the issue of the rule of law as an indispensable element of democracy. The book is distinguished by the author’s masterly style characterized by elegance and linguistic quality.
Authority and function of the head of guild and custom communicative in the light of Cracow’s brewers protocols (from the years 1729-1760) This article presents the concept of authority exploited in historical studies of language. It shows a clash between the authority of the head of a corporation and the language custom of a speech community fixed in guild protocols. The influence of the older guild is reflected in the choice of the writer, in giving orders to write down contents of extreme relevance as well as in the theme of unusual records. The stylistic, linguistic and genre shape of records depend on the writer, who adapts it to the existing patterns of text. The relationship between the writer and the head of a guild sometimes manifests itself in the records of panegyric character. The situation changes when former writers become the head of guild, which will be discussed in the next publication.
The study aims to identify of the specific models of cooperation between government and opposition in Czechoslovakia in transition period. In the article the prerequisites of confrontational relationships and their projection on the level of political competition and the formation of new political institutions in terms of democratization are determined. Was proved that the character of the relationship between government and opposition in Czechoslovakia was largely determined by degree of democratization of the regime and the opposition force, it`s goals and strategies. In the late 80th under pressure of the opposition, parties have moved from confrontation to cooperation, what reflected on co-option of the opposition members to the government. However, at the coalition government in fact was no division on pro-government and opposition forces, which made adaptation of opposition to the new socio-political conditions more complicated. A fundamental difference between the relationship of government and opposition in West European countries and Czechoslovakia was noted. In West European countries, the relationship found expression in both legal and political norms. They were characterized by the fact that they are in mutual consent of the parties to act before all in the public interest without going beyond existing law. In Czechoslovakia the main opponents of the ruling forces were communists who had radically different understanding of the main goals of social development. As for the anti-communist opposition, which operated until 1989, its isolation and the virtual disappearance were observed. The elections did not lead to authority post-communist forces, as it were observed in Poland and Hungary. The weakness of the opposition until 1989 gave her little chances at a new political conditions. It was weakened by internal divisions. Against the background of a weak opposition increased level of competition between pro-government parties. This, to some extent, contributed the establishment of new informal rules of electing of the president and prime minister of the federal government. After the first free parliamentary elections, relations between the government and the opposition have changed to a more confrontational with minimal consensus. In Czechoslovakia, in contradistinction to Poland and Hungary, there was no opposition repositioning, i.e. its transformation from outsider of changes of political order to an active participant in the parliament. Post-opposition forces remained weak and separated political entities. In 1991-1992 clear division between progovernment and opposition forces cannot be traced. Blurred boundaries between political opponents were intensified duality of political regime, that combines the features of the previous and democratic, centrifugal tendencies, regionalization of political parties. The competition took the form of real competition within the ruling group, formally differentiated by geographic criteria into two political parties. All this weakens the inter-party competition at the level of «government-parliamentary opposition» at the national level and put the problems of democratization to the second plan, giving priority to processes of formation of independent states of Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Studia Ełckie
tom 19
nr 1
7 - 19
This article has two parts: 1) analysis of the concept of sovereignty and proposal of some ways to its understanding; 2) analysis of the socio-political area of human life, where we actually exist in the post-sovereign state. In the first part the author discussed the history of the concept of sovereignty (Middle Ages, J. Bodin, T. Hobbes, G.W.F. Hegel, J. Maritain) and its main senses (sovereignty as a form of absolute, constant and sacred power; sovereignty as full autonomy of authority in relation to different parts of society, and its su-premacy). In the second part the author analyzed the political system of the state in the era of globalization and integration and its consequences (founda-tion of supranational communities and structures; benefits; imposing rights and standards of legal solutions; limiting the right of veto; adoption of a common currency and citizenship; lack of some political competences). As a result, sov-ereignty becomes merely a useful fiction, and many people believe that they actually live in the post-sovereign state.
Content available remote Autorita jako zážitek : předběžné metodologické úvahy
The purpose of this study is to suggest a way of making phenomenology available for the study of social phenomena like authority, which the subject experiences in a public space. Phenomenology is ideally suited to the purpose – except for its inherent tendency to subjectivism. Neither Husserl’s solution – the transcendental ego – nor Heidegger’s solution – the entschlossene Dasein – will do. The problem remains insolvable as long as we regard the world as initially meaningless. It disappears when we set out with a vitalist conception of the world as intrinsically meaningful in virtue of the initial purposive orientation of life to fulfilment. Neither a transcendental ego, nor a determined Dasein, but life itself is the key to prereflective intelligibility, as in the work of French phenomenologists or in Jan Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology.
Autor naznačuje způsob, jak uplatnit fenomenologii při studiu takových společenských jevů, jako je autorita. Ty představují osobní zážitky ve veřejném prostoru, zároveň subjektivní a objektivní, tedy doslova fenomena. Potíž s fenomenologií je její sklon k subjektivismu, který Husserl neúspěšně řeší pojetím transcendentálního ega a Heidegger pojetím rozhodné přítomnosti. Problém se jeví jako neřešitelný, pokud chápeme svět jako prvotně nesmyslný. Řešení je možné, pokud svět chápeme vitalisticky jako z podstaty smysluplně uspořádaný teleologickým zaměřením života k naplnění. Ani transcendentální ego, ani rozhodné Dasein nepotřebuje svět osmyslnit. Svět je předreflektivně smysluplný jako svět života, jak vystupuje u francouzských fenomenologů či v a-subjektivní fenomenologii Jana Patočky.
Each public speech (including the homily) should be associated with showing the right which serves as the basis for accepting the presented statements. This is one of the fundamental features of the correct construction of a statement. The theological content of a homily can be presented on the basis of the classical form of argumentum ex auctoritate. As an inductive structure, this argument may promote specific ways of organising the whole speech. Firstly, in the rhetorical inventio structure, it allows the author to control the semantic coherence of the text. Secondly, in the structure of dispositio, the authority can make for an interesting use of rhetorical narrative in homily text. Thirdly, argumentum ex auctoritate can be used to build the ethos of the preacher. Thanks to the above proposals, it is possible to influence the processuality of the text, which may determine the recognition and assimilation of the different key elements, both of which are crucial for preaching.
In the daily professional activity of a psychologist, the issue of his authority is of particular importance. In the first part of the article, the very concept of authority is the subject of scientific reflection. Authority in the proper sense means a person who, thanks to a set of personality traits, in particular competences in a given area, determines the shaping of judgments, opinions and attitudes of another person or social group, recognizing its value. The second part deals with the issue of the authoritarian personality. Authoritarianism describes the actions of the authorities using all means to implement their own, sometimes dogmatically understood political concept and forcing others to behave desired by it. This concept falsified the classical sense of authority. The third part of this article concerns the profession of psychologist in the dimension of authority. A psychologist should take care of his professional and moral authority for the benefit of his patients and clients, observing the basic ethics of the psychologist's profession.
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