Introduction: Distorted processing of auditory information has a negative impact on the child’s cognitive development. There are only a few studies conducted by Polish researchers determining the normative values of psychoacoustic tests in auditory processing disorders. They are inconsistent due to different methodologies and different research protocols. Objective: The aim of the work was to determine the reference values of selected psychoacoustic tests for the population of Polish children between 7 and 12 years of age. Material and method: The study group consisted of 213 healthy children from 7 to 12 years of age. The condition for including the child in the study was an intellectual norm, proper sound sensitivity, proper development of children’s voice and speech. All children underwent two auditory temporal processing tests. The diagnostic procedure used a standardized Frequency Pattern Test (FPT) and Duration Pattern Test (DPT). The tests were carried out in accordance with the authors’ recommendations, using the original versions available on the CD for 60 dB SL intensity, simultaneously for the right and left ear. Results: The reference values for FPT and DPT tests were determined at various age ranges in children aged 7–12. It has been shown that auditory functions change with age and development of the child. Reference values including age, language, cultural and educational differences were prepared. Conclusions: The development of reference values for individual tests for the Polish children population is a key element in the reliable diagnosis of auditory processing.
Introduction: Distorted processing of auditory information has a negative impact on the child’s cognitive development. There are only a few studies conducted by Polish researchers determining the normative values of psychoacoustic tests in auditory processing disorders. They are inconsistent due to different methodologies and different research protocols. Objective: The aim of the work was to determine the reference values of selected psychoacoustic tests for the population of Polish children between 7 and 12 years of age. Material and method: The study group consisted of 213 healthy children from 7 to 12 years of age. The condition for including the child in the study was an intellectual norm, proper sound sensitivity, proper development of children’s voice and speech. All children underwent two auditory temporal processing tests. The diagnostic procedure used a standardized Frequency Pattern Test (FPT) and Duration Pattern Test (DPT). The tests were carried out in accordance with the authors’ recommendations, using the original versions available on the CD for 60 dB SL intensity, simultaneously for the right and left ear. Results: The reference values for FPT and DPT tests were determined at various age ranges in children aged 7–12. It has been shown that auditory functions change with age and development of the child. Reference values including age, language, cultural and educational differences were prepared. Conclusions: The development of reference values for individual tests for the Polish children population is a key element in the reliable diagnosis of auditory processing.
Wstęp Wiele osób pracujących w narażeniu na substancje neurotoksyczne wymaga badań w kierunku ośrodkowych zaburzeń słyszenia. Mimo że używane w tym celu testy ośrodkowego przetwarzania słuchowego są szeroko stosowane w innych krajach, nie zostały dotąd wystandaryzowane dla populacji polskiej. Celem pracy było określenie zakresu wartości referencyjnych dla 3 testów przetwarzania czasowego: testu wzorcu długości (duration pattern test – DPT), testu wzorcu częstotliwości (frequency pattern test – FPT) i testu wykrywania przerw w szumie (gaps in nosie – GIN). Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto 76 osób z prawidłowym słuchem (38 kobiet, 38 mężczyzn) w wieku 18–54 lata (średnia ± odchylenie standardowe: 39,4±9,1). Żaden z uczestników badania nie cierpiał w przeszłości na chorobę przewlekłą, a wynik badania otolaryngologicznego u każdego z uczestników był w normie. Wyniki Obliczono, że przedział wartości prawidłowych dla DPT wynosi 55,3–100%, a dla FPT – 56,7–100% poprawnych odpowiedzi. Przybliżony średni próg detekcji dla obu uszu w teście GIN został ustalony na poziomie 6 ms. Nie stwierdzono istotnych zależności między wynikami DPT, FPT i GIN a wiekiem lub płcią. Stwierdzono symetrię DPT, FPT i GIN dla obu uszu. Wnioski Przedziały wartości referencyjnych dla DPT i FPT w populacji polskiej są niższe niż wcześniej publikowane zakresy referencyjne dla innych narodów, natomiast wyniki GIN są zgodne z publikowanymi danymi literaturowymi. Konieczne są dalsze badania w celu wyjaśnienia rozbieżności między wartościami normatywnymi w Polsce a w innych krajach oraz dostosowanie testów do potrzeb medycyny pracy. Med. Pr. 2015;66(2):145–152
Introduction Several subjects exposed to neurotoxins in the workplace need to be assessed for central auditory deficit. Although central auditory processing tests are widely used in other countries, they have not been standardized for the Polish population. The aim of the study has been to evaluate the range of reference values for 3 temporal processing tests: the duration pattern test (DPT), the frequency pattern test (FPT) and the gaps in noise test (GIN). Material and Methods The study included 76 normal hearing individuals (38 women, 38 men) at the age of 18 to 54 years old (mean ± standard deviation: 39.4±9.1). All study participants had no history of any chronic disease and underwent a standard ENT examination. Results The reference range for the DPT was established at 55.3% or more of correct answers, while for the FPT it stood at 56.7% or more of correct answers. The mean threshold for both ears in the GIN test was defined as 6 ms. In this study there were no significant associations between the DPT, FPT and GIN results and age or gender. Symmetry between the ears in the case of the DPT, FPT and GIN was found. Conclusions Reference ranges obtained in this study for the DPT and FPT in the Polish population are lower than reference ranges previously published for other nations while the GIN test results correspond to those published in the related literature. Further investigations are needed to explain the discrepancies between normative values in Poland and other countries and adapt tests for occupational medicine purposes. Med Pr 2015;66(2):145–152
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