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Content available New data on the property market
The GUS Central Office of Statistics has been providing information on the number and value of property deals, concluded annually in the form of notarial deeds since 2003. Detailed information has been available on ca. 75% of market deals, in the amount of more than 300,000 and valued at ca. 44 billion Polish zlotys (2007 data). The data are split according to market segments (business premises and office space, land and developed properties) and to deals (those in Municipal Counties, Rural Counties, and Regional Capital Cities). One can identify transactions that were based on auctions, as well as those carried out on free market, in the context of ownership or perpetual usufruct. Also average deal values are included, based on the respective segments. That information has extended our knowledge on the property market in particular years of the period 2003-2007.
The article discusses methods used in auctioning Treasury securities in Poland. Treasury auctions are widely used by authorities responsible for the management of public debt. The authors of the paper set out to identify auction mechanisms that maximize the expected income of the seller. The paper shows the effects of the single- and multiple-price auction systems in Poland. The authors use a research method developed by G.R. Kim, S. Oh and K. Ryu. Babczuk and Dudek conclude that the single-price auction system is safer for the issuer because revenue from single-price auctions is in most cases higher than that generated from multiple-price auction systems. At the same time, due to imperfect research methods, especially in estimating the issuer’s revenue from a single-price auction system, further in-depth studies are needed into methods for carrying out auctions for T-securities in Poland, the authors conclude.
Article 70[5] of the Civil Code gives an opportunity to invalidate a contract which was concluded as a result of a faulty tender or an auction, when someone affected a result of the tender or the auction contrary to a law or a a good will. There are three types of problems connented with the article 70[5] of the Civil Code. First: is the formulation of the article 70[5] proper? Second: is a range of an usage of article 70[5] accurate? Finally, third: is an invalidity of the contract an effective and proportional sanction? The article attempts to give an answer to foregoing questions.
The process of Europeanisation in the legal field results in various conflicts between the Member States and European authorities. Cases concerning State aid are an example of such a conflict, where on one hand Member States want to preserve control over various supporting schemes and on the other the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union through a set of judgements and decisions increase their supervisory power over the supporting schemes. The European jurisprudence tend to stretch the scope of State aid by expanding the definition of State resources, which is one of its prerequisites. Applying of such a broad definition of State resources to Polish green certificates scheme and the auction scheme shows negative results of this approach that not only decreases the efficiency of the Renewable Energy Sources supporting schemes but that has a negative reflection on the whole State aid system.
Content available Artystka a rynek sztuki: Magdalena Abakanowicz
Weronika Ptak in the paper The Artist and the Art Market: Magdalena Abakanowicz analyzes the presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz's works on the international and domestic art market, with an emphasis on the auction market. The analysis of the auction results is accompanied by the biographical outline and artistic activity of the artist. In the first part, the artist's biography is outlined, including exhibitions and biennials important for her artistic career, which are presented in the context of the feminist history of art that was developing at that time and the first exhibitions devoted exclusively to the work of women artists. The further part of the text presents the division of the art market and its components, which affect both the position of artists and female artists, as well as their prices on the secondary market. Exhibitions, biennials, art fairs and many other factors contribute to the situation of each of the creators on the auction market, which is the only one that allows you to track transaction data. The presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz works on the global auction market has been traced from the first New York Sotheby's auction in 1988, to the 2019 auction record set at the Warsaw auction house DESA Unicum. As part of the introduction, a historical sketch and specificity of the Polish art market have been outlined, to analyze the presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz's works on the domestic art market in the context of the international market in a later part of the section. At the end of the text, the most important achievements of Magdalena Abakanowicz are presented, such as an unconventional approach to textiles and the initiation of an artistic installation, the creation of which by the artists is indispensably connected with, among others, with feminist movements and the role of female artists in creating public sculptures and city monuments. The presence of the artist on the global art market was also summarized, along with references to the representation of female artists' works in permanent collections and the average median, which has been lower than that received by men for decades.
Content available remote Osudy mikulovské zámecké knihovny v meziválečném období
The aim of this article is to show the course of castle-library auctions in the 1930s on the specific example of the Dietrichstein family. The sale of the Mikulov castle library is placed in the broader context of legal and social changes after the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy and the establishment of the First Czechoslovak Republic (the abolition of fideicommissum, a change in the status of the former nobility).
The GUS Central Office of Statistics has been providing information on the number and value of property deals, concluded annually in the form of notarial deeds since 2003. Detailed information has been available on ca. 75% of market deals, in the amount of more than 300,000 and valued at ca. 44 billion Polish zlotys (2007 data). The data are split according to market segments (business premises and office space, land and developed properties) and to deals (those in Municipal Counties, Rural Counties, and Regional Capital Cities). One can identify transactions that were based on auctions, as well as those carried out on free market, in the context of ownership or perpetual usufruct. Also average deal values are included, based on the respective segments. That information has extended our knowledge on the property market in particular years of the period 2003-2007.
Od 1994 r. weszła w życie Ustawa o zamówieniach publicznych. Ustawa ta miała ogromny wpływ na znaczną część handlu i gospodarki państwa. Jej wpływ na większość laboratoriów chemicznych jest również ogromny, nawet szerszy, niżby to wynikało z jej zapisów, często bowiem stanowi ona wzorzec przy zakupach aparatury i sprzętu również dla instytucji i firm, które dysponują środkami publicznymi.
Content available Poszerza się wiedza o polskim rynku nieruchomości
GUS udostępnił od 2003 r. informacje o liczbie i wartości zawieranych corocznie umów notarialnych dot. nieruchomości. Szczegółową informacją objęto dotąd ok. 75% transakcji rynkowych w liczbie ponad 300 tys. o wartości ok. 44 mld zł (dane za 2007 r.). Dostępny jest podział tego rynku na segmenty (lokale, grunty, budynki, nieruchomości zabudowane) oraz obroty w powiatach grodzkich, ziemskich i miastach wojewódzkich. Można wyodrębnić transakcje w trybie przetargu i wolnorynkowe w sferze własności i użytkowania wieczystego. Wyprowadzono także średnie wartości transakcji według segmentów. Poszerzyło to naszą wiedzę o rynku nieruchomości w poszczególnych latach 2003-2007.
The GUS Central Statistical Office has since 2003 been providing information on the number and value of property deals, concluded annually in the form of notarial deeds. Since then, detailed information has been available on ca. 75% market deals, in the amount of more than 300,000 and valued at ca. 44 billion Polish zlotys (2007 data). The data are split according to market segments (business premises and office space, land, developed properties) and to deals (those in urban counties, in rural counties, and in provincial cities). One can identify transactions that were based on auctions, as well as those freemarket ones, in the fields of ownership and perpetual usufruct. Also average deal values are included, based on the respective segments. That information has extended our knowledge on the property market in particular years of the 2003-2007 period.
Ustawa Prawo geologiczne i górnicze z dnia 9 czerwca 2011 r. z późniejszymi zmianami umożliwia, z pewnymi wyłączeniami, ustanowienie użytkowania górniczego w drodze przetargu, w szczególności gdy o jego ustanowienie ubiega się więcej niż jeden podmiot. Także w odniesieniu do złóż węglowodorów wspomniana ustawa stanowi, że udzielenie koncesji na poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie złoża następuje w wyniku przeprowadzenia postępowania przetargowego. W najbardziej ogólnym stwierdzeniu przetarg jest sposobem wyboru oferty w celu zawarcia konkretnej umowy i sam w sobie jest swoistego rodzaju rozgrywką. Rozgrywką, gdzie z jednej strony negocjowana jest stawka z ogłaszającym przetarg, z drugiej zaś rywalizacja z pozostałymi oferentami weń uczestniczącymi. Pomijając formalne wymogi przetargowe, jego rezultat winien być w jakiś sposób sprawiedliwy, co nie zawsze jest łatwe do osiągnięcia. W referacie, na bazie koncepcji teoriogrowych, zobrazowano strategiczne zachowania biorących udział w przetargu oraz pokazano fundamentalne algorytmy podziału na hipotetycznych, jakkolwiek realistycznych przykładach opartych na geologiczno-górniczej procedurze koncesyjnej.
Geological and Mining Law in Poland permits, subject to certain exceptions, the establishment of the mining usufruct by tender way, in particular where it is applied for more than one entity. The same procedure is also possible with regards to licenses granted to hydrocarbon deposits. In the most general statement, the tender (bargaining) is a method of offering that is selected in order to reach a specific agreement conclusion. From this point of view, it is a kind of gameplay where the rate is negotiated with the announcement of the auction on the one hand, and on the other hand competition with the other bidders participating. Apart from the formal requirements of the tender, its result should be fair in every way, which is not always easy to achieve. In the paper, based on game theory concepts, the strategic behavior of tender participants has been illustrated. Some fundamental algorithms of division were presented in the hypothetical but realistic examples related to geological and mining concession procedures.
Celem artykułu jest przegląd najważniejszych regulacji dotyczących udzielania wsparcia dla nowych jednostek wysokosprawnej kogeneracji w Polsce. Wprowadzone systemy wsparcia z założenia miały doprowadzić do rozwoju jednostek wysokosprawnej kogeneracji, ich modernizacji i budowy nowych jednostek. Artykuł stanowi analizę obowiązujących regulacji krajowych, w szczególności systemów wsparcia: wysokosprawnej kogeneracji, rynku mocy oraz odnawialnych źródeł energii. Na podstawie zebranych danych statystycznych, dotyczących budowy nowych jednostek wysokosprawnej kogeneracji, dokonano oceny funkcjonowania tych systemów wsparcia.
The purpose of this article is to review the most related regulations concerning support for new high efficiency cogeneration units in Poland. Implemented measures, were intended to lead to development of high efficient cogeneration — modernization and building of new units. The article analyses the existing national regulations, in particular the support systems for high-efficiency cogeneration, the capacity market and renewable energy sources schemes. On the basis of the collected statistical data on the construction of new high performance cogeneration units, an assessment of the functioning of these support systems is made.
Online advertising is one of the most dynamically developing forms of advertising in the Polish market. This paper aims to review existing auction mechanisms for pricing and selling online advertisements. The analysis of the available solutions, including their advantages and disadvantages, such as usefulness in determining the advertisers’ willingness to pay, allows for the indication of practical recommendations for the use of specific auction mechanisms for the media market in Poland. The presented solutions can be considered an alternative to the traditional method of concluding purchase/selling transactions of advertising space.
Reklama internetowa jest jedną z najdynamiczniej rozwijających się form reklamy na rynku polskim. W artykule dokonano przeglądu koncepcji wykorzystania mechanizmów aukcyjnych na potrzeby sprzedaży reklam internetowych. Analiza dostępnych rozwiązań, w tym ich wad i zalet, takich jak przydatność w ustalaniu gotowości do zapłaty reklamodawców, pozwala na wskazanie praktycznych rekomendacji dotyczących zastosowania konkretnych mechanizmów aukcyjnych dla rynku mediowego w Polsce jako alternatywy dla tradycyjnego sposobu zawierania transakcji kupna/sprzedaży przestrzeni reklamowych.
W 2023 roku odbyły się już dziewiąte (licząc od 2016 roku) aukcje na energię z OZE. Nie było niespodzianek, jak zwykle niemal cała pula zakontraktowanego wolumenu przypadła fotowoltaice, ale to tylko niewielka część oferowanego wsparcia. Czy system aukcyjny jest już zbędnym instrumentem kształtowania rozwoju OZE, skoro dotyczy tylko jednej technologii?
Artykuł opisuje obowiązujący system prawny dotyczący energii wytworzonej w odnawialnych źródłach energii, w szczególności skupiono się na nowym sposobie sprzedaży energii w postaci aukcji. Ponadto w artykule zawarto informację na temat urządzenia MUPASZ 902E, przeznaczonego do monitorowania OZE.
The article describes the existing legislative framework for energy generated from renewable energy sources, in particular, they focus on a new way of selling energy in the form of an auction. Additionally, it contains information about the MUPASZ 902E device, dedicated for monitoring RES.
Content available remote Rynek mocy – pierwsze doświadczenia certyfikacji i aukcji
Mechanizm mocowy, zwany rynkiem mocy, został wprowadzony w Polsce ustawą z dnia 8 grudnia 2017 r. o rynku mocy. Szczegółowe warunki wdrożenia tego mechanizmu do elektroenergetyki polskiej zostały zawarte w Regulaminie Rynku Mocy, zatwierdzonym przez Prezesa URE w dniu 30 marca 2018 r. oraz w aktach wydanych na podstawie delegacji ustawowych. W 2018 i 2019 roku miały miejsca pierwsze działania praktyczne w zakresie wdrożenia rynku mocy, poprzez przeprowadzenie odpowiednich rodzajów certyfikacji i aukcji.
The capacity mechanism, compact with capacity market, was introduced in Poland by the Act of 8 December 2017 on the capacity market. The regulations were introduced in the regulations of the Power Market, approved by the President of ERA on March 30, 2018 and in the files issued on the basis of statutory delegations. In 2018 and 2019, the first practical activities in the implementation of the capacity market took place, through the implementation of appropriate types of certification and auctions.
tom 22
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The article discusses the recent international interest in contemporary Romanian art and its growth in market share, with a focus on the United States. The theme is followed thorough in numerous museum exhibitions, increased collector following, art fair presence, gallery representation and auction activity initially in Europe and the United States. The phenomenon is discussed both in the context of the larger international movement conducive to the contemporary art price bubble, and in that of the local socio-economic changes. My chief interest lies in the factors leading up to the entry of post 1989 Romanian art in the global arena as a manifestation of market forces in the field. The analysis follows its grass roots local emergence through non-profit institutions, individual artists, small publications, low budget galleries, as well as the lack of contribution (with few notable exceptions) of state institutions, while pointing out the national context of increasing deregulation of social support systems resulting in lack of focus on cultural manifestations. The conclusion is that the recent ascent of contemporary Romanian art (and coincidentally, the award winning contemporary Romanian cinematography) is a fortuitous convergence of various factors, among which, increased international mobility and sharing. At the same time, it is also the result of the evolution of various individual artists that pursued a form of art rooted in Romanian artistic tradition but with a focus on the symbolic figurative. The result is a personal semiotics of raising the mundane to extraordinary levels that reconfigured the anxiety of entering a new system into an unmistakable and lasting visual language.
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