Quality plays a crucial role in both e-commerce and online stores because customers expect not only convenient shopping but also satisfaction with products and services. High-quality services and products contribute to increased customer loyalty and the establishment of a positive company image in the competitive online market. In the case of e-commerce, the main attributes considered when evaluating quality are those related to the functioning of the website through which the customer orders products. The main goal of the study was an attempt to compile attributes that would reflect the quality of a specific e-service, especially an e-commerce store, and influence customer satisfaction. Based on the list of attributes, an effort was made to identify those most important to customers. The research results, the importance of individual attributes and groups, further demonstrate what customers pay particular attention to in e-shops and what matters to them. Emphasizing the fulfillment of these attributes is crucial.
Celem opracowania była identyfikacja atrybutów jakościowych usług zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa pracy. Wykorzystano do tego analizę literaturową 11 modeli jakości usług, popartą metodą bibliometryczną. Jako rezultat teoretyczny uzyskano zbiór atrybutów opisujących jakość badanych usług. Implikacją praktyczną jest możliwość pomiaru jakości tych usług i wskazanie kierunków ich doskonalenia. Nowatorską propozycją i wkładem własnym autorów jest zastosowanie w badanym obszarze metody bibliometrycznej oraz próba konceptualizacji jakości usług zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa pracy.
The aim of the paper was to identify qualitative attributes of safety at work assurance services. To achieve this, literature studies encompassing 11 Service quality models were carried out, supported by a bibliometric method. As a theoretical result, a set of attributes describing quality of examined services was created. A practical implication is a possibility of measuring the quality of services and pointing the directions of improvement out. A novelty proposal and authors' contribution is the use of a bibliometric method in the area of research and a trial of conceptualization of safety at work assurance services quality.
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