Atlas, opracowany w formie cyfrowej na podstawie pomiarów elementów pola geomagnetycznego na Bałtyku w latach 1970 1990, zawiera mapy deklinacji magnetycznej D i inklinacji magnetycznej 1, wektora indukcji magnetycznej F i jego składowych poziomej H i pionowej Z oraz mapy anomalii wektora indukcji Fa i anomalii składowej poziomej Ha. Ponadto, do atlasu dołączone zostały mapy izopor D, F i H oraz mapy pola normalnego Fn i Hn. Niniejsze opracowanie, stanowiące opis atlasu, zawiera rys historyczny badań magnetycznych na Bałtyku, szczegóły dotyczące ekspedycji pomiarowych na niemagnetycznym statku badawczym „Zaria", sposobu wykonywania pomiarów i ich opracowania oraz szczegóły dotyczące analizy dokładności i opracowania kartograficznego. W opracowaniu jest także pokazany przykład zastosowania opracowanych map do wyznaczenia głębokości zalegania fundamentu krystalicznego.
Results of measurements of geomagnetic field for Baltic sea, collected between 1970 and 1990 with the use of non-magnetic research ship „Zaria", were stored at the computer database. These data were re-calculated to epoch 1995.5, considering time changes of geomagnetic field. Total length of profiles, where continuous magnetic measurements were conducted, was over 55 000 km. Average distance between particular profiles was 4,5 km. The following mean errors resulted from calculations of measurement data were obtained: for F and H - 25-35 nT: for D - 0,2o-0,3o. Data stored in database were applied for calculating values of elements of geomagnetic field for nodes of 1x1 km grid. On the basis of this grid the Atlas of Maps of Geomagnetic Field for Baltic Sea was prepared in digital form. Cartographic presentation of D, I , F, Z, H, Fa and Ha was done at a scalę of 1:5 000 000. Maps of D and Fa were also prepared at a scalę of 1:1 500 000. The Atlas also includes maps of secular changes of D, F, and H, maps of normal field Fa and Ha and map of measurement routes of the research ship. Results of determination of depth of crystallite bedrock on the Baltic area were also presented in the article as an example of application of the prepared maps.
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Europejski "Program oceny ryzyka na drogach" jest jedną z inicjatyw wspierających realizację "wizji zero". Program ma na celu przeprowadzenie badań ryzyka panującego na drogach krajów Unii Europejskiej, korzystając z jednolitej metodyki. Wyniki tych badań mają posłużyć do metodycznej oceny poziomu zagrożenia zdrowia i życia w ruchu drogowym. W chwili obecnej program ten realizuje ponad 30 krajów Europy, a kilka następnych zamierza do niego przystąpić. Idea projektu EuroRAP zyskała zwolenników także na innych kontynentach: w Australii - AusRAP, Stanach Zjednoczonych AP - USRAP, Ameryce Południowej i Afryce IRAP.
The European Road Assessment Programme is one of the initiatives supporting the implementation of Vision Zero. Its aim is to assess risk on the roads of European Union countries using a consistent methodology. The results will be used for assessing the level of risk of road death or injury. Currently, the programme is being implemented in more than 30 countries across Europe with several others planning to join it. EuroRAP as an idea has won the interest of people on other continents as well: Australia has its AusRAP, the US has the USRAP and South America and Africa have the IRAP.
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W artykule omówiono założenia redakcyjne i opracowanie arkusza mapowego pt. Gospodarka polska w okresie przemian 1990-1996, wykonanego w konwencji "Atlasu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej".
The paper presents the process of elaboration of a map "Polish economy during the period of transformation 1990-1996", presenting the most important economic changes, stimulated by the Polish political system reforms of the late 1980s and 1990s. The map sheet contains a main map at a scale of 1:1 500 000 and two supplementary maps 1: 6 000 000. The main map entitled "Selected elements of economic changes" presents: 1. Foreign investments of over USD 1 bilion, showing the investor's country of origin; 2. Traffic of people and trucks on all border crossings, including their type and opening dates; 3. Unemployment rate for the district unemployment offices' areas of activity. 4. Number of state enterprises undergoing the privatization process; 5. Changes to the share of private firms in the total number of employees, 1990-1996. 6. Size of grounds taken over by the Treasury Agricultural Property Agency and directions of their distribution. 7. Share of the grounds sold and leased from the above mentioned Agency in the total privately owned farms. All maps are based on the data for December 31, 1996. The cartographic presentation of these issues depended to the great extent on the character and number of details of the available data. The ownership transformations, considered a crucial topic, had to be presented on supplementary maps at a scale of 1:6 000 000, due to the generality of statistical data which made it impossible to present these issues on the 1:1 500 000 scale map (the only available data pertained to 49 voivodeships). The map "Polish economy during the period of transformation" was prepared digitally. The Corel-Draw! software was used as a main program; both the base map and majority of thematic content elements have been drawn with the use of it. Also, Arc/Info and ArcView have been used. The map's graphic form follows the convention of the "Atlas of the Republic of Poland" published between 1993 and 1998. The described map was prepared at the Chair of Cartography, Warsaw University as a M. Sc. thesis.
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Artykuł prezentuje przykład zastosowania oprogramowania GIS MapInfo do opracowania "Atlasu środowiska przyrodniczego województwa gdańskiego". Scharakteryzowano metodę wykonania i zakres cyfrowej bazy danych atlasu, technologię numerycznego opracowania map, zawartość atlasu, a także przedstawiono krąg potencjalnych odbiorców i zastosowań publikacji, posiadającej wersję drukowaną oraz cyfrową na płycie kompaktowej.
The papaer presents the technological aspect of elaboration of the Atlas, part of which was developed using the MapInfo software. The described procedure was applied in the production of the "Digital Environmental Atlas of Gdansk Voivodship (Northern Poland). The atlas was completed in September 1998 and released both in print and as a digital atlas on a CD-R. The database prepared in the MapInfo environment is organized into 60 thematic layers, including the following categories of information: - Land use, - Environment protection forms, - Geologic resources and hydrogeologic conditions, - Hydrography, - Selected elements of the quality of environment (waste sites, water quality). The content of this geographic database corresponds with the level of detail for the 1:25,000 scale topographic mapping. The data set served as a base for the atlas production. Digital elaboration of this atlas can be divided into 2 main steps: 1. GIS data preparation (MapInfo software), 2. Vector and Raster data processing and DTP (graphic and DTP software). The MapInfo software was used to produce the thematic maps based on the previously developed database, and also to generate the map lebels, legends and linear bar. The maps were formatted using the "Layout" command, and then saved as workspace (*.wor). The next step was to save both the maps and map legends as postscript files (*.eps). The Adobe Illustrator software was used to process the *.eps vector images, and the DTP was made in the Quark XPress software. The final stage of the atlas preparation was led simultaneously in the following two directions: For the paper version the map colors were separated and then printed, whereas fo the digital one maps were exported to the *.pdf format and then recorded on CD-Rs. The atlas is composed of 43 maps, 13 tables and 30 photographs. Most of the maps cover the whole of Gdansk Voivodship, but some of them only the selected areas (landscape parks, Gdansk Metropolitan Area). Maps are printed at scales varying from around 1:70,000 to 1:1,500 000. The digital version allows to magnify the maps to the desired scale, and also to visualize them together with the appropriate data. The data included in this atlas should be of assistance to numerous groups of users dealing with the protection and conservation of the natural environment: teachers, students, clerks, researchers, spatial data managers as well as the local societies and non-governmental ecological organizations.
“The history of art is [...] the history of what is photographable,” wrote André Malraux. Surrealism and related interwar visual phenomena add an interesting context to this observation. If we look at surrealism through the prism of the numerous magazines that accompanied it, we can see the special role of photographic reproduction. It seems that it plays a slightly different role there than in other practices of the interwar avant-garde: it tends to be a visual form of thinking, establishing photography as a crucial medium. The case of the journal “Documents” (1929–1930), existing on the fringe of surrealism and anthropology, seems particularly interesting. It can be seen as a kind of atlas of visual forms, in which the problem of reproductions of artworks and artefacts from different cultures was constantly problematised. The cannibalisation of various types of iconography was related not only to discussions on cultural visual appropriation, or the criticism of various conventions of seeing and making images, but also to a broader project whose aim was the decolonisation of seeing. It assumed a re-examination of European (art) history – in a radical, non-hierarchical and non-encyclopaedic way. The aim of the editors of the journal was to move away from the metaphysical and ocularcentric paradigm in favour of a more horizontal and relational (and in effect anthropological) positioning of a work of art. The question of reproduction is problematised in “Documents” in terms of a discussion on the aura of works and objects from other cultures: displaced and uprooted from their cultural context. The subversive photographic practices of the surrealists related to the status of copies and reproductions are also contextualised here, as are two monumental projects based on reproduction: Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas (1924–1929) and Malraux’s Museum of the Imagination (1947–1951), or a “photographic album of universal culture”, but which were created in the face of similar problems to “Documents” (the visual form of knowledge; the “universal” in the face of colonialism; the relationship between artwork and reproduction). All three projects were a kind of response to the globalisation of images and the crisis of cultural memory. Here the use of the atlas form and photographic reproduction becomes an attempt to establish a new epistemic paradigm.
Номіки (діал. nˡom’ik’i), колишнє село королівських селян в економії Гродно. Під час волочної поміри близько 1560 року воно займало на 22 волоки. Перша згадка про село Номіковічи датується 1578 р. Проживали там литовці та русини, які відбували панщину у фільварку в Одельську. Після шведської навали частину покинутих земель віддали селянам, переселеним із сіл, переданих татарам. Під час діалектних досліджень, здійснених Станіславом Глінкою (1957 рік і 1971 рік), було стверджено, що мешканці села спілкувалися між собою переважно білоруською, частково польською мовами. У статті подано приклади використання двох та кількох різних назв для одного і того ж десигната, дії чи явища. Це були назви, що використовувались у минулому та вживаються сьогодні, а також назви знарядь та дій, які вийшли з ужитку внаслідок науково-технічного прогресу, розвитку культури та освіти. Чітко видно заміну руських назв польськими назвами, що часто залежить від віку інформатора (зміни поколінь).
Nomiki (dialectal: nˡom’ik’i) is an old village of royal peasants in Grodno county. During measurement of ground about 1560. The first mention of the village of Nomikowiczy dates back to 1578. Lithuanians and Ruthenians serving serfdom on the farm in Odelsko were imprisoned there. After the Swedish invasion, some of the abandoned lands were given to the peasants who were displaced from the villages handed over to the Tatars.During the dialectical research of Stanisław Glinka (1957 and 1971), the inhabitants mostly spoke Belarusian, partially Polish. The article presents the examples of usage two or more different names to define the same designate, activity or phenomenon. There were the names used in the past and nowadays, or the names which were out of use due to scientific and technical progress, evolution of culture and education. Changes in replacing Ruthenian names with Polish names are clearly visible, often depending on the age of the informant (generational changes).
Nomiki (gw. nˡom’ik’i), to dawna wieś chłopów królewskich w ekonomii grodzieńskiej. W czasie pomiary włócznej około 1560 roku została osadzona na 22 włókach. Pierwsza wzmianka o siole Nomikowiczy pochodzi z 1578 roku. Osadzono w niej Litwinów i Rusinów odbywających pańszczyznę na folwarku w Odelsku. Po najeździe szwedzkim część włók opustoszałych oddano chłopom przesiedlonym ze wsi przekazanych Tatarom. W czasie badań gwarowych Stanisława Glinki (lata 1957 i 1971) mieszkańcy rozmawiali ze sobą przeważnie po białorusku, częściowo po polsku. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady używania dwóch i kilku różnych nazw na określenie tego samego desygnatu, czynności czy zjawiska. Były to nazwy używane dawniej i obecnie lub nazwy narzędzi i czynności, które wyszły z użycia w wyniku postępu naukowo-technicznego, rozwoju kultury i oświaty. Wyraźnie widoczne są zmiany zastępowania nazw ruskich nazwami polskimi, często zależne od wieku informatora (zmiany pokoleniowe).
The article shows the role of Prof. Władysław Kuraszkiewicz in creating and developing Byelorussian investigations in Poland after World War II. In the interwar period he investigated Russian dialects in Podlasie, Polesie and Helm Regions. In 1937 he was the first to collect rich dialectae materials in 70 villages between the Bug and the Narew Rivers, which he published in 1939 The Outline of east-slavonic dialectology with examples of dialectal texts, and edition, Warsaw 1963, made him famous. Prof. Kuraszkiewicz was the reviewer of the first three volumes of the Atlas of East Slavonic Dialects of Bialystok Region (Wrocław 1980–1993). Before 1985 he initiated the investigations of the Atlas of East Slavonic Dialects of the Bug River Region, carried out by to teams: the Institute of Slavistic Studies in Warsaw and the Institute of Slavistic Studies UMCS in Lublin. He also contributed to the development of scientific personnel. He promoted and reviewed the doctor`s and assistant-professor research. He supported the development of Byelorussian studies and set up “International Association of Byelorussists and Polish Byelorussists Society”.
Our ultimate objective is to create a holistic and reference atlas of the whole adult human brain along with the head and neck. Several techniques have been employed to create atlases. Here we discuss the atlas design and use from a point of view of two key techniques, visualization and interaction. For visualization, surface rendering of a geometrical model of the brain, head and neck is employed. Geometrical model ensures anatomic parcellability, high (sub-pixel) resolution, editibility, extendibility, structure separability, structure-to-structure conflict detection, and integration a knowledge-based content with the atlas. Interaction allows the user to create and explore any region of interest along with its surroundings just with a few clicks, taking into account that the atlas provides a rich set of functions and the number of atlas components is about 3,000. There are seven types of interaction enabling to: select and deselect tissue classes/groups/individual structures, do real-time manipulation, do virtual dissections, select and scroll the original scans, query a structure to get its label or location, get stereotactic coordinates and measure distances, and support other functionality. This design of visualization and interaction provides a fast and easy to use solution, and allows the atlas to run on desktop and mobile iPad and Android-based platforms.
Gerard Merkator (Kremer) (1512-1594), flamandzki kartograf, matematyk i geograf urodził sie w Rupelmonde we Flandrii 5 marca 1512. Podczas studiów w Bois-le-Duc i Lowanium poznał Georgiusa Macropediusa i Gemmę Frisiusa dzięki którym zainteresował się kartografią i naukową geografią. W roku 1534 założył pracownię geograficzną w Lowanium, a w latach 1537-1538 wydał swoją pierwszą mapę Palestyny i małą mapę świata w odwzorowaniu sercowym. W roku 1541 stworzył swój słynny globus ziemi, który otrzymał w prezencie król Karol V. W roku 1551 powstał kolejny globus, tym razem nieba. W 1544 Merkator został na krótko aresztowany i oskarżony o herezję. Wkrótce przyjął zaproszenie Uniwersytetu w Duisburgu, gdzie uczył matematyki w szkole przygotowującej kandydatów na studia. Następnie został kosmografem i osiadł na stałe w Niemczech. W roku 1554 w Duisburgu Merkator zakończył swój projekt nowej mapy Europy. "Odwzorowanie Merkatora" miało taka cechę, że południki, równoleżniki i boki rombów miały na mapie formę linii prostych. W 1569 Merkator przedstawił swoją mapę świata dla celów nawigacji. Była to ostatnia mapa wielkoformatowa w której zastosował odwzorowanie walcowe równokątne znane pod jego imieniem. Jako pierwszy użył słowa "atlas" w odniesieniu do zestawu map. W 1585 Merkator opublikował pierwszy tom swojego atlasu w formie książkowej. Po jego śmierci w 1594 roku jego syn Romuld Merkator i wydawca Henrik Hondius dokończyli Atlas i wydali go w dwóch częściach. Idee Gerarda Merkatora wywierają wielki wpływ na nowoczesną kartografię. Pozostawiły ślad w teorii i wzbogaciły kartografię matematyczną. Odwzorowanie Merkatora jest zawsze używane we wszelkiego rodzaju mapach nawigacyjnych (morskich, lotniczych i drogowych). Merkator przyczynił się także do powstania globusa i wniósł znaczący wkład w kartograficzną metodykę badań - nalegał, aby każdy produkt kartograficzny (mapa, globus) zawierał instrukcję użycia i metodę pomiarów kartometrycznych. Największym osiągnięciem naukowca jest ustalenie zasad tworzenia atlasów i samo słowo "atlas", któremu współczesne znaczenie nadał Merkator.
Gerard Mercator (Kremer) (1512-1594) - was a Flemish cartographer, mathematician and geographer, born at Rupelmonde, in Flanders, on the 5th of March 1512. While studding at Bois-le-Duc and Louvain (where he became licentiate), he met Georgius Macropedius and Gemma Frisius, from them he derived much of his inclination to cartography and scientific geography. In 1534 he founded his geographical establishment at Louvain and in 1537-1538 he published his earliest known map of Palestine and a small map of the world in double hart-shaped projection. In 1541 he issued the famous terrestrial globe which has been presented to King Charles V. In 1551 a celestial globe followed. In 1544 Mercator was arrested for short time and prosecuted for heresy and then he accepted the invitation from University of Duisburg. He taught mathematics in a school designed to prepare students for University. Then he became a cosmographer permanently settled in Germany. In 1554 in Duisburg Mercator completed his project to produce a new map of Europe. The 'Mercator projection' had the property that lines of longitude, latitude and rhomb lines appear as straight lines on the map. In 1569 Mercator presented his world map to be used in navigation. It was Mercator's last map in large format where he used the angle perspective cylindrical projection bearing his name. He was also the first to use the term 'atlas' for a collection of maps. In 1585 Mercator published the first volume of his own world atlas in a book form. After his death in 1594 his son Romuld Mercator together with map publisher Henrik Hondius completed the Atlas and published it in 1589 in 2 parts which included 80 maps. Ideas of Gerard Mercator have a great influence on modern cartography. They left the trace in its theory, enriched mathematical cartography. Mercator's projection is always used for all types of navigation maps (marine, aviation and auto). Mercator made the significant contribution in globes creation as well as in the cartographic method of research since he was the one who insisted that every cartographic product (map, globe) should be accompanied by the instructions for its use and the techniques on how to make cartometric measurements on the maps. The biggest contribution of the great scientist are the principles of atlas mapping and the word 'atlas' itself was started to be used by Mercator.
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