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Soil nematode communities were analyzed (total abundance, number of taxa, diversty indices of genera and species, trophic structure) in ash dumps that were waste products of the coalfired power plants. The samples were taken on four occasions during three years from three sites: non-reclaimed ash, reclaimed for 3-5 years, and reclaimed for 11-13 years. The values of the parameters analysed increased with the time of reclamation. Nonetheless, even after more than ten years of reclamation, nematode communities were more similar to those observed in degraded environments than in grasslands. They consisted mainly of bacterial- and fungal-feeding nematodes, whereas plant-feeders and omnivores were scarce, and predators were absent. All sites were dominated by bacterial-feeding nematodes of the genus Acrobeloides. Among fungal-feeding nematodes, Aphelenchoides were abundant in the initial period of reclamation, and later on Aphelenchus avenae.
Changes in the below-ground system of ash dumps reclaimed by covering with turf were estimated using parameters and indices based on analysis of nematode communities. Higher trophic diversity, higher values of Maturity Index (MI), and higher complexity of food-web structure were expected when reclamation proceeded. The study was carried out for three years in chronosequences of ash dumps. Two of the dumps were reclaimed shorter and were studied between the 2tnd and 5th year of reclamation, the first one was reclaimed by covering with turf with mineral soil (S-M), the second one with turf with organogenic soil (S-O). The third ash dump reclaimed in longer time, covered with turf with organogenic soil was studied between the 8th-11th year of reclamation (L-O). Until the fourth year of reclamation S-O site provided better conditions for the development of nematodes than S-M site; trophic diversity and MI were higher in S-O site in comparison with S-M site. Later on most parameters and indices were similar in S-M and S-O site. Longer reclamation resulted in higher total abundance, higher abundance of bacteriovores, plant feeders and omnivores, and also higher biomass of bacteriovores and plant feeders. However, changes in the below-ground system of reclaimed ash dumps were very slow because even after 11 years of reclamation the ash dump had the features of a degraded environment.
The objective of the research project was the initial development of selected plant species useful for stabilising the surface ash dump. In the experiments, the effect of ash from the Termoelectric Power Plant „Siekierki” on the germination and growth of grass species was studied.
Changes in the below-ground system of ash dumps reclaimed by covering with turf were estimated using parameters and indices based on analysis of nematode communities. Higher trophic diversity, higher values of Maturity Index (MI), and higher complexity of foodweb structure were expected when reclamation proceeded. The study was carried out for three years in chronosequences of ash dumps. Two of the dumps were reclaimed shorter and were studied between the 2nd and 5th year of reclamation, the first one was reclaimed by covering with turf with mineral soil (S-M), the second one with turf with organogenic soil (S-O). The third ash dump reclaimed in longer time, covered with turf with organogenic soil was studied between the 8th–11th year of reclamation (L-O). Until the fourth year of reclamation S-O site provided better conditions for the development of nematodes than S-M site; trophic diversity and MI were higher in S-O site in comparison with S-M site. Later on most parameters and indices were similar in S-M and S-O site. Longer reclamation resulted in higher total abundance, higher abundance of bacterivores, plant feeders and omnivores, and also higher biomass of bacterivores and plant feeders. However, changes in the below-ground system of reclaimed ash dumps were very slow because even after 11 years of reclamation the ash dump had the features of a degraded environment.
Content available Usability of fly ash for filtration barriers
The results of permeability and compressibility tests of the fly ash from Skawina Power Plant were presented in the paper. These tests were carried out in the aspect of its usage in filtration barriers in municipal and industrial waste landfi lls. It was stated that the tested fly ash can not be used for fi ltration barriers, mainly because of granulation and fi ltration criteria. Although, the addition of another soil or a hydraulic binding agent would improve its granulation and would increase impermeability.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań współczynników filtracji i ściśliwości popiołów lotnych pochodzących ze zsypów przy elektrofiltrach Elektrowni „Skawina”. Badania były prowadzone w aspekcie oceny możliwości wykorzystania popiołów do budowy barier przeciwfiltracyjnych składowisk komunalnych i przemysłowych odpadów. Stwierdzono, że przedmiotowe popioły lotne nie mogą stanowić materiału do formowania barier przeciwfiltracyjnych, głównie ze względu na kryterium uziarnienia i filtracji. Stosując jednak zabiegi związane z doziarnieniem popiołów lub stosując spoiwa hydrauliczne, można polepszyć ich uziarnienie i zwiększyć szczelność.
This article presents the results of a study on the cultivation of romanas rose on ash, carried out between 2004 and 2006. The experiment involved two different substrata and five different fertile covers. The control group comprised of roses growing on native grounds and raw ash rock. The study measured the viability of the plants, number of flowers and fruit borne from these flowers. This study showed that the techniques of reclamation applied in this study signifi cantly infl uenced the examined characteristics of romanas rose. Fertile covers increased the growth and blooming, however the most desirable results were obtained when the cover consisted mostly of mineral matter.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań nad kwitnieniem róży pomarszczonej uprawianej w warunkach rekultywacji składowisk odpadów paleniskowych prowadzonych w latach 2004-2006. W doświadczeniu uwzględniono sposób przygotowania podłoża i rodzaj zastosowanej żyznej warstwy wierzchniej. Kontrolę stanowiły rośliny rosnące na gruncie rodzimym oraz na surowej skale popiołowej. W ramach badań zmierzono żywotność roślin oraz określono liczbę kwiatów i procent zawiązanych z nich owoców. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że zastosowane metody rekultywacji miały istotny wpływ na kształtowanie się badanych cech róży pomarszczonej. Porównując metody rekultywacji zauważyć można, że zastosowanie nadkładów istotnie poprawiło warunki ich wzrostu i kwitnienia. Korzystniejsze efekty uzyskano stosując nadkłady z przewagą materii mineralnej.
Celem badań było określenie właściwości biologicznych gruntów składowiska popiołów poprzez pomiar aktywności enzymów glebowych: inwertazy, ureazy, fosfatazy, dehydrogenazy i katalazy. Aktywność enzymatyczna składowiska popiołowego zależna była od szaty roślinnej pokrywającej grunt i od głębokości pobrania próbek glebowych.
The aim of study was to determine biological properties of ash dump sites by measuring the activity of soil enzymes: invertase, urease, phosphatase, dehydrogenase and catalase. The enzymatic activity of ash dump sites was dependent on the kind of plants covering the ground as well as on the depth of sampling.
Rozpoznano aktywność enzymatyczną gruntów składowiska mokrego odpopielania Elektrowni „Adamów” na podstawie aktywności wybranych enzymów glebowych. Otrzymane wyniki badań wykazały, iż grunty tego składowiska charakteryzują się wysoką aktywnością proteazy i niską aktywnością fosfatazy. Wysoka aktywność katalazy stabilnej świadczy o zachodzących procesach wietrzeniowych. Nie stwierdzono aktywności katalazy labilnej.
Enzymatic activity of the grounds under wet ash dump sites belonging to „Adamów” Power Plant was studied on the basis of selected soil enzyme Obtained results showed that grounds of wet ash dump sites were characterized by high activity of protease and low activity of phosphatase. High activity of stable catalase testified about weathering processes. No activity of labile catalase was observed.
Praca dotyczy dwóch wariantów rekultywacji składowiska mokrego odpopielania elektrowni Adamów. Wariant I - skała popiołowa, wariant II - skała popiołowa pokryta 50 cm warstwą gliny zwałowej szarej (Riss). W tych wariantach zastosowano zróżnicowane kombinacje nawożenia mineralnego: 0 - bez nawożenia; 300 kg N∙ha-1; 300 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1; 200 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1; 100 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1. Zastosowanie samej naprawy chemizmu gruntu skały (nawożenia mineralnego) w rekultywacji składowiska mokrego odpopielania, okazało się przedsięwzięciem mało skutecznym. Wykorzystanie gliny zwałowej w rekultywacji składowiska mokrego odpopielania, w świetle uzyskanych wyników, okazało się celnym przedsięwzięciem rekultywacyjnym. Znacznie poprawiło warunki siedliskowe dla roślin. Skuteczność rekultywacji dodatkowo zwiększyło nawożenie mineralne. Najkorzystniejsze warunki do wzrostu roślinności uzyskano w wariancie II i kombinacji nawozowej 300 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1.
The investigation concerns two variants of ash dump site reclamation of Adamów power station. Variant I - ash rock, variant II - ash rock covered by 50 cm of grey boulder clay (Riss). In these two variants different combinations of mineral fertilization were used: 0; 300 kg N∙ha-1; 300 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1; 200 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1; 100 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1. The use of only the calicfile species of trees and shrubs were introduced. Single application of rock ground chemistry improvement (mineral fertilization) in the ash dump site reclamation was not effective. The results indicate, that the application of boulder clay in the ash dump site reclamation was an effective resolution. Habitat conditions for plants were improved significantly. The mineral fertilization additionally improved the effectiveness of reclamation. The most propitious conditions for plants growth was achieved in variant II and the fertilization combination of 300 kg N∙ha-1, 100 kg P∙ha-1, 100 kg K∙ha-1.
Do badań prowadzonych w latach 2006-2008 wybrano 6 gatunków traw: kupkówka pospolita (Dactylis gromerata), tymotka łąkowa (Pyhleum pratense L.), życica trwała (Lolium perenne L.), życica wielokwiatowa (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), kostrzewa łąkowa (Festuca pratensis Huds.) i wiechlina łąkowa (Poa pratensis L.) w mieszance z koniczyną łąkową (Trifolium pratense L.) i lucerną siewną (Medicago sativa L.), kostrzewą trzcinową (Festuca arundinacea) i stokłosą bezostną (Bromus inermis) w czystym siewie oraz miskant cukrowy (Miscanthus sacchariflorus), wydmuchrzycę groniastą (Leymus racemosus), spartinę preriową (Spartina pectinata) i perz grzebieniasty (Agropyron cristatum). Rekultywacja popiołów przez nawożenie osadami ścieków komunalnych(dawka 350 m3.ha-1) i wprowadzenie roślinności wpłynęła na obniżenie pH podłoża, prawie 3.krotny wzrost przyswajalnego Mg, znaczny P2O5 i niewielki K2O w stosunku do wariantu kontrolnego i w warstwie organiczno-próchniczej i w skale macierzystej. Obserwuje się systematyczny spadek zawartości przyswajalnego P2O5 w podłożu w kolejnych latach badań. Na płaskiej wierzchowinie składowiska popiołów, gdzie nie stosowano osadów ściekowych pojawiło się kilkanaście pionierskich gatunków roślin zielnych i drzew, a żarnowiec miotlasty (Sarothamnus scoparius), topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus), trzcinnik piaskowy (Calamagrostis epigeios) i kostrzewa trzcinowa (Festuca arundinacea) zaczynały tworzyć luźne skupiska roślin.
The investigations were carried out in 2006-2008 at Białystok-Solwany site in order to make a choice and to determine the development of selected grass and papilionaceous plant species used to reinforcing dumps of furnace ashes enriched with municipal sewage sludge at the rate of 350 m3/ha. Among six grass species in the mixture with added red clover (Trifolium pratense) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) sown out in spring 1999, three taxons of grass which showed slight coverage almost dropped out. Clover and lucerne plants and from the tall grasses - cockfood (Dactylis Glomerata) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis), while from low grasses - meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis), occurred in larger amounts, but covered small surface. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and awnless bromegrass (Bromus intermis) in pure sowing formed still a dense field of lush and annually intensively blooming plants. From among the grasses of foreign origin silver banner grass (Miscantus sacchariflorus), mommoth wild rye (Leymus racemosus), prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata) and crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) were well developed. Reclamation of the ashes through application of municipal sewage sludge and introduction of the flora reduced subsoil pH, causing almost triple increase of assimilable Mg, considerable growth of P2O5 and little increase of K2O in relation to control variant, both in organic-humus soil layer and bedrock alike. Systematic decrease of P2O5 content in subsoil was observed in consecutive years of study. On the flat top part of ash dump, where the sewage sludge was not applied, a dozen pioneering species of green plants and trees occurred. Such species like common broom (Sarothamnus scoparius), Jeruzalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), wood small reed (Calamagrostis epigeios) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) began to form some loose plant clusters. On dumping ground of fresh raised "raw ashes" started to grow some rachitic, palegreen and single specimen of pioneering plants.
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