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Content available remote PT-91M. Co ty NA TO polska armio?
W referacie przedstawiono wyniki prac, mających na celu zmodyfikowanie kształtu zewnętrznego karabinków Modułowego Systemu Broni Strzeleckiej Kalibru 5,56 mm (MSBS-5,56) zbudowanych w układzie kolbowym i bezkolbowym, pod kątem zapewnienia broni odpowiedniej ergonomii i estetyki. Prace te realizowano w ramach projektu rozwojowego nr OR00 0010 04 pt. „Opracowanie, wykonanie oraz badania konstrukcyjno-technologiczne karabinków standardowych (podstawowych) modułowego systemu broni strzeleckiej kalibru 5,56 mm dla Sił Zbrojnych RP”, który jest finansowany przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego ze środków na naukę w latach 2007-2010.
Present in this paper is the outcome of Modular Small Arms Weapon System caliber 5,56 mm assault rifle’s preprototypes (in classic and bull-pup configuration), design process – focused on ergonomics and technical aesthetics. These rifles have been developed by Special Design Section of Institute of Armament Technology (Faculty of Mechatronics, Military University of Technology) from Warsaw (Poland) in cooperation with „Łucznik”-Radom Arms Factory from Radom, as R+D project OR00 0010 04 entitled „Designing, manufacturing and testing of standard assault rifles of modular small arms weapon system caliber 5,56 mm for the Polish Armed Forces”. This project is supported by Polish Ministry of Science and High Education in years 2007-2010.
Content available Armaments used in the Ukrainian conflict 2014–2015
The development of events in Ukraine at the end of 2014 led to the outbreak of armed fighting in Donbas, where virtually all kinds of land forces’ arms were used, not only of Soviet or Russian production but also the latest ones and armaments that had been previously withdrawn from operation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the armaments used during the fighting in the Donbas region, innovations in weaponry and tactics in the period from April 2014 to the middle of February 2015. The study is based on the qualitative analysis of primary source materials from photographs and video clips available in free circulation as well as information shared in online forums (particularly Russian ones) and unstructured interviews with the participants of those events. The findings of the study pertain to the kinds of Soviet and Russian land forces’ armaments in a real combat situation as well as the tactics involved in using them.
The paper presents an analysis of the functional operational properties of multilayer coatings for use in military technology in the field of masking. The developed coating systems are characterized by operational innovationdue to their small thickness when compared to those currently used by global defence contractors while maintaining the re-emission coefficient required for camouflage to be effective in the optical range. Their service life and durability were assessed in terms of functional properties based on measurements of attenuation coefficients, surface geometric structure, adhesion, specular gloss and colour parameters. The tests were carried out for coating systems fabricated in five variants: a two-layer paint system (SP1), a three-layer paint system (SP2), a laser-modified three-layer paint system (SP3) and a four-layer paint system in two variants (SP4 and SP5), with the former being modified with carbon nanotubes and the later with spherical iron. Coating systems are characterized by low roughness and good adhesion and have appropriate attenuation coefficients for radar waves. Due to their operational properties, the developed coating systems can be used on armaments and military equipment.
One of the basic requirements for the artillery weapons is the dumping of dynamical impulse loadings by the recoil system. Recoil subsystems, which are displaced during the recoiling process, have to be stopped and returned to the initial position, keeping the stability of weapon’s position. Displacement position control as a consequence of the recoiling process is an indirect performance of the recoil system design. These performances are changing vs. time gradients more or less rigid, regarding forces or displacements making recoil characteristics more or less elastic. Guides by forces in hydraulic brakes of recoil system are proportional to the recoil velocities, which are not always applicable for full control displacements profile on the weapon. Paper considered implementation of stiffness proportional linear or nonlinear to the displacement as possible variator of maximum force and their position in time for joined recoil system. As possible solution wire rope absorbers have been considered as redundant links in hydraulic brakes serial junctions. The appropriate position and variable stiffness of redundant have been considered by Bouc-Wen modified approximation redesigned for artillery gun loading profiles. Paper integrates experimental laboratory dynamic testing data with simulation software of gun recoil systems regarding the howitzer 152 mm.
Content available Wozy bojowe we współczesnych operacjach wojskowych
W artykule przedstawiono informacje na temat współczesnych wozów bojowych. Ponadto ukazano zadania wozów bojowych na współczesnym polu walki i wynikające z tego wymagania na ich uzbrojenie.
Some information on contemporary combat vehicles with their tasks and requirements for the weapon systems is included in the paper.
Content available remote 120 mm moździeże samobieżne
W artykule przedstawiono tendencje rozwojowe sprzętu moździerzowego w ostatnich kilkunastu latach wskazujące, że podstawą tego rodzaju uzbrojenia będą stanowiły 120 mm moździerze samobieżne z uwagi na ich dużą mobilność i skuteczność na współczesnym polu walki. W tym kontekście wskazano, że stosowane w WP moździeże są obecnie mało przydatne. Następnie przedstawiono wybrane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne 120 mm moździerzy samobieżnych, które ostatnio wprowadzono na uzbrojenie innych armii lub doprowadzono przynajmniej do etapu badań prototypu. Na tej podstawie dokonano krótkiej analizy technicznej współczesnych konstrukcji tych moździerzy wskazując w podsumowaniu wariant 120 mm moździerza samobieżnego, który byłby najbardziej przydatny dla naszych wojsk.
Presented in the paper recent development tendencies of mortars indicate that 120 mm self-propelled ones shall create the base of this weapon system because of their mobility and fire power on the today's battle field and thus the mortars being on the Polish Armed Forces' inventory are now little of use. Some selected designs of self-guided 120 mm mortars deployed by some armies recently or at least developed into a prototype stage are presented. Furthermore a short technical analysis of currently developed solutions was carried out in the paper to show the most suitable option of 120 mm self-guided mortar for the Polish Army.
Content available remote Wozy bojowe we współczesnych operacjach wojskowych
W artykule przedstawiono dane techniczne wozów bojowych oraz ich przeznaczenie i rolę we współczesnych konfliktach zbrojnych.
Technical characteristics, designation and meaning of combat vehicles in contemporary military conflicts are presented in the paper.
Content available O definicji uzbrojenia
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę definicji uzbrojenia funkcjonujących w różnego rodzajach aktach prawnych oraz ich wpływ na sposób i tempo prowadzenia procesu projektowania, zakupu i użytkowania różnego rodzaju systemów uzbrojenia w SZ RP. Zaproponowano przyjęcie nowej definicji pojęcia "uzbrojenie i sprzęt wojskowy", która zapewniłaby właściwe zabezpieczenie interesów SZ RP w zakresie zamowień uzbrojenia i sprzętu wojskowego.
The characteristics of the arm definition functioning in different legal documents with their impact into the design and procurement processes of different weapon systems serviced by the Polish Armed Forces are presented in the paper. A proposal is made to accept the new definition of “the arm and military equipment” which could properly protect the interests of the Polish Armed Forces for procurement of the arm and military equipment.
Genezą opracowania samochodu jest potrzeba zbrojnego zwalczania sił przestępczych i terrory-stycznych, przy wykorzystaniu uzbrojonego oraz zapewniającego ochronę pancerną, mobilnego pojazdu. W referacie omowiono proces opracowania pojazdu, rezultaty badań, konstrukcję, charakterystyki taktyczno-techniczne poszczegolnych odmian oraz przeznaczenie i wyposażenie pojazdu przeznaczonego dla Żandarmerii Wojskowej.
The origins for the development of the armoured and armed vehicle is the need to have a possibility to fight criminal and terrorist activities. Design works and testing results of the vehicle as well as tactical – technical characteristics for specific options and more detailed description of the vehicle designated for the Military Police is given in the paper.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane badania zdalnie sterowanych modułów uzbrojenia, oraz wyniki badań prowadzonych na wyrobach opracowanych przez OBR SM Sp. z o.o.
Some selected issues on remotely controlled modules of weapon systems and testing results of units developed by Tarnów designers are presented in the paper.
W referacie przedstawiono cechy jakie powinny posiadać zdalnie sterowane stanowiska uzbrojenia do zastosowań naziemnych, dokonano przeglądu istniejących rozwiązań technicznych rodziny zdalnie sterowanych modułów uzbrojenia opracowanych w OBR SM Sp. z o.o., budowę poszczególnych odmian rodziny ZSMU Kobuz oraz zwrócono uwagę na nowoczesność, oryginalność i nowatorstwo proponowanych rozwiązań.
The main characteristics of the remotely controlled ground weapon systems are presented in the paper with the outlook of developments made by Tarnów Centre designers with some detailed data on the family called Kobuz which distinguishes as the modern, original and new solution.
Praca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów, obliczeń i analiz umożliwiających porównanie wieżowego modułu uzbrojenia KOBUZ z innymi systemami, modułami tego typu oraz propozycje wprowadzenia zmian wynikających z doświadczeń bojowych.
The article describes the results of measurement, calculation and analysis allowing comparison of re remote controlled weapon module KOBUZ to other systems, modules and recommendations for changes resulting from the experience of mission.
In 1928, in the area of the village of Rakowice near Krakow (nowadays a quarter of Krakow) a set (?) of iron objects and ceramic fragment was found. Artefacts date back to the period from approximately the mid-14th to the beginning of the 15th century. Taking into account the mention of human and horse remains found with them, the explanation that they were relics of an unfortunate accident – an armed rider drowning in the river - seems fairly plausible.
Content available remote Armaments used in the ukrainian conflict 2014–2015
The development of events in Ukraine at the end of 2014 led to the outbreak of armed fighting in Donbas, where virtually all kinds of land forces’ arms were used, not only of Soviet or Russian production but also the latest ones and armaments that had been previously withdrawn from operation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the armaments used during the fighting in the Donbas region, innovations in weaponry and tactics in the period from April 2014 to the middle of February 2015. The study is based on the qualitative analysis of primary source materials from photographs and video clips available in free circulation as well as information shared in online forums (particularly Russian ones) and unstructured interviews with the participants of those events. The findings of the study pertain to the kinds of Soviet and Russian land forces’ armaments in a real combat situation as well as the tactics involved in using them.
Artykuł prezentuje uzbrojenie jakie obecnie dostępne jest na okrętach, a które można wykorzystać do obrony przeciwtorpedowej. W dalszej części przedstawiona jest koncepcja zwiększenia możliwości rażenia torped przez system rakietowych bomb głębinowych.
Currently existed weapon system installed on ships which may be used as an anti-torpedo defence system is presented in the paper also with a concept to increase depth bomb effectiveness against torpedoes.
W pracy przedstawiono metodykę badania modeli wozów bojowych, w oparciu o metodę elementów skończonych, w aspekcie dostosowania do nowych obciążeń wynikających ze zmiany uzbrojenia. Pokazano rezultaty analizy numerycznej stanu wytężenia wybranych elementów kadłuba dla przyjętych wariantów obciążenia.
Mathematical method of final elements is presented in the paper as a tool for examination of combat vehicle models at adaptation to new loads caused by changing of the weapon system integrated onboard. The results of studies carried out for different components of the hull and assumed options of loads are given.
Niniejszy referat ma na celu wskazać i określić celowość oraz możliwość wyboru okrętowego uzbrojenia artyleryjskiego dla nowej korwety wielozadaniowej MW RP. W referacie zwrocono uwagę na wymagania wspoóczesnego morskiego teatru działań oraz wynikającą z tego wysoką efektywność, zapewniającą neutralizację różnego rodzaju zagrożeń okrętu.
Some indications and possibilities for selection of an artillery weapon system for a new multipurpose corvette of the Polish Navy are presented in the paper. Particular stress was laid on the requirements of the contemporary theatre of operations on the sea and the required system’s high efficiency to provide the neutralisation of different threats for ships.
One of the most important and commonly used means of transport in the armed forces of various countries is wheeled armoured personnel carriers. After proper preparation, beside transport tasks, they can carry out special tasks, as part of regular and irregular activities within purpose of supporting actions of troops. This paper presents preliminary results of numerical research of wheeled armoured personnel carrier with 8x8-drive system. The effect of impact of large calibre cannon (120 mm) with reduced recoil force on transporter behaviour was investigated. The research object model consists of shell, solid and discrete elements. The research was carried out in the LS-DYNA software. Considered variant applies to sideways firing (to the left of the vehicle) for cannon elevation angle 16 deg. Numerical model of standing still on the flat ground wheeled armoured personnel carrier was preloaded with the gravitational force. The results of post-firing vehicle behaviour including angular displacement of the hull, dynamic deflections of the suspensions and impact on the stability of the wheeled vehicle were evaluated.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are under a continuous development stage. Nevertheless, there is a wider range of their use for civilian and military purposes. We have to know, there are changes in the nature of conducted military activities. Nowadays, reconnaissance is conducted as regards the use of UAVs which allow to get the data concerning the opponent’s army. It is also possible from the areas affected by an increased level of risk. Despite a modern technology, it is impossible to replace human’s work by machines. For this reason, methods of unmanned aerial vehicles used in selected military conflicts were described in this article. The paper also tries to make an attempt to determine probable directions of UAV’s evolution for military purposes. The first section of the paper briefly describes the history of UAVs. In the second part, there are presented some possible methods of unmanned aircraft`s classification. The further part of the article focuses on the previous military use and armament which are dedicated for an unmanned aircraft. Lastly, there are characterized expected trends of the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.
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