Architecture is art, the art of structures. Architecture should be the structure of the "firmity, utility and beauty", and the elements can be set in different relations, depending on what ideas the architect puts before him. A building consists of the: structure of the construction and the material, the structure of the function and the structure of form.
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There is extremely difficult, living at the age of globalisation, to get through the fimdamental reflections concerning art and, at the same time, the architecture being understood as art. Even having no doubt that architecture is one of the fine arts, one is to tace many difficulties when trying to signify its features and qualities. The author's reflections and thoughts on this idea became the subject of the lecture.
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Wolność twórcy, jako kategoria filozoficzna, to dylemat związany ze wszystkimi rodzajami sztuk. Jednak wydaje się on być najbardziej dobitny w odniesieniu do architektury. Proces twórczy w powszechnym rozumieniu pojmowany jest jako proces w pełni autonomiczny, czyli wolny. Ale czy na pewno, czy takie rozumowanie nie jest obciążone błędem?
Freedom of a creator considering as philosophical category is a dilemma connected with al kind of art. However, there is the most distinct phenomena in relation to architecture. In common meaning, respective architectural creation would be regarded as completely autonomous, in other words it is free. Is such reasoning burdened with error or not, that is a question?
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The fine arts offer the tools and the "free zone" for illustration of architectural visions and dreams. C. Zehnder and A.G. Rizzoli looked for an ideal architecture in the past or in heaven. J. Głuszak created images of the future perfect world. M. Scolari examines the "secret life" of archetypal architecture forms.
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The thesis of article creates the fact of making distinction between defining the architectural space with using the shape or the void. Forming the void and so "subtraction" is the function of architecture which makes up one of two main formal motifs and is continued by century, independent from currents stylistics and fashions. The undertaking the subject joins with conviction about weight of problem of theory projecting with the help of void and its consequence for meaning and shape of modern architecture - the thing began by great idea of architecture of Adolf Loos.
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Architectural space has become an endemic element of our surroundings, our living, working and leisure environment. Being an integral ingredient of our daily existence, it has also become a part of human life, shaping our mentality, behaviour and the sense of beauty. However, apart from its aesthetic values, architects should endow their works with some additional qualities, such as usability, durability and convenience. Seen in this way, architecture is an art of responsible creation of space, an art of conscious decision-making and right choices.
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W perspektywie niepohamowanego rozwoju – nawet jeśli nazwiemy go „zrównoważonym”, w dobie chwiejnej kultury, nieokiełznanego pieniądza, zmian klimatycznych i elektronicznego pseudo-nomadyzmu mediów, długowieczne trwanie ARCHITEKTURY wznoszonej dzisiaj, wydaje się mało prawdopodobne. Przedłużyć jej istnienie może albo podnoszenie jej do rangi dzieła sztuki, albo tworzenie przez nią nowej całości z MIEJSCEM, w którym ludzie potrafią się zadomowić i z którym zwiąże się ich PAMIĘĆ.
In a perspective of an unrestrained developement – even if we call it “sustainable” – and in an epoch of unstable culture, unbridled money, climatic changes and the pseudo-nomadism of the media, the durability of ARCHITECTURE erected today is hardly likely. What could make it last is to raise it to the rank of art-work, or to make it create a new whole with a SITE, where people could feel at home and which will attach their MEMORY.
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Architecture is an Art inseparably combined with utility. Even Vitruvius wrote about qualities of architecture as of a piece of art: 'Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas' - 'Solidity, appropriateness (utility), beauty'. These words are still actual. It might be proved with the example of two concert halls by two famous architects Jean Nouvel (Cultural& Congress Center) and Frank O. Gehry (Walt Disney Concert hall). Nouvel's concert hall is a perfect example of how the form of the building follows its function while Gehry begins his design with a very complex structure which he adjusts to required function later on. As a consequence, both projects put emphasis neither on the form nor the function and so fulfill the assumption made by Vitruvius.
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After the year 1990 numerous commercial buildings have been built in Poland. Is this architecture significantly different from other functional groups. If so could this architecture be approved as successfully implementing it's prime functions. These commercial buildings were classified into 3 groups with special respect to their commercial and service functions in the close vicinity to the city centers. The resulting conclusion doesn't bring a definite evaluation of these functionally spatial group.
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Architecture of events is architecture beyond aesthetics. With some new tools like superposition, crossprogramming, disjunction, diagrams and folding developed by Tschumi, Eisenman and Koolhaas we can make architecture without designing of form, function and structure. This concept of architecture is similar to idea of event in philosophy of Martin Heidegger.
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Art is an intuition. So, how to present it. How to create an architecture with would not depress the exposed masterpieces? The examples presented in this essay show an architecture of harmony between form and function and its aim, achieved by the subtle means.
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The universalism of architecture extends far beyond the art of construction. It relates not only to art, but also to the quality of human existence in general; it is so not only within the sphere of "artificial" transformations created by the human hand. Architecture just as beauty, constitutes the expression of the universe. It is the art of architecture that ensures to man the comfort of existence. Whereas the architecture of art defines its entire superstructure.
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