Celem badań jest wyodrębnienie czynników architektonicznych kształtujących systemy przestrzenne poparte przykładem term w Vals Petera Zumthora. Esencjonalna analiza zmian w postrzeganiu zjawiska architektury wskazuje na istotność pojęcia architektoniki autorstwa Immanuela Kanta implikującego determinujące znaczenie relacji pomiędzy elementami systemów przestrzennych. Architektoniczny - identyfikowany powszechnie jako pochodny słowa architektura, jest wieloznacznym określeniem, wielokrotnie nadużywanym przez samych architektów. Architektoniczny - pochodny pojęcia architektonika staje się czytelnym określeniem bazującym na precyzyjnej podstawie semantycznej. Punktem wyjścia dla badań tego, co w architekturze jest istotnie architektoniczne, a więc systemowe, jest założenie, że każda wydzielona przestrzeń, wraz z otaczającym ją kontekstem, stanowi intencjonalnie regulowany system - systemy przestrzenne są zaś ramami dla odbywających się w nich zdarzeń. Stąd architektoniczny - to taki, który kształtuje relacje pomiędzy elementami systemów przestrzennych, a w następstwie - zachodzące w nich zdarzenia.
The aim of the research is to identify architectural factors shaping spatial systems, supported by the example of Peter Zumthor's Vals thermal baths. The essential analysis of changes in the perception of the phenomenon of architecture indicates the importance of the concept of architectonics by Immanuel Kant, which implies the determining significance of relations between elements of spatial systems. Architectural - derived from the word architecture, is an ambiguous term, repeatedly misused by the architects themselves. Architectural - derived from the concept of architectonic becomes a precise term based on an accurate semantic basis. The starting point for considerations about what is architectural in architecture is the assumption that each separated space along with the surrounding context is an intentionally regulated system - whereas spatial systems are the framework for the events that take place in them. Hence, architectural factors are those that shape the relationship between elements of spatial systems, and consequently - the events that occur in them.
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Borrowed from E. Kant term "architectonic" could be useful while bridging the gap between the architecture and the urbanistic. This vet another approach to the "defense of the architecture of the city" calls for the redefinition of basic relations between the idea of "architectonic" mind and the concepts of architectural space, existential space, and "the life of space" and the living space.
This article regards polystructural peculiarities of textural complex which is the result of variant interaction of means of music expressiveness according to their classificational definition and the influence of the final result of sounding of various compositions written for concrete music instruments, instrumental ensembles, orchestras, genre varieties of vocal music and works connected with textural technology of organization of music material, which corresponds to the set task of solution of the question of development and formation of professional level of textural thinking. It creates conditions for stage-by-stage understanding of processes beginning with system analysis of individual peculiarities of means of music expressiveness, variants of their interaction and concrete textural embodiment in accordance with development in time and single-moment sounding. The formation of professional perception in the direction of vision and understanding of system organization of music material on the level of complementary principles and methods of analysis of unification of component elements of the music expressiveness means in the context of typology of textural generalization gives the possibility to understand structural tendencies of material, peculiarities in genre and style signs, varieties of textural organization on the level of embodiment of methodological regulations of pedagogical activity as well as in the process of solution of creative tasks. The vision of retrospective peculiarities of textural organization, concretization of internal-textural integration processes, understanding of the influence of conceptual trends of development of composer’s technique, mastering the technology of formation of normative-traditional textural complexes play a leading role in the development and formation of structural-system analytic skills. In the process of work it is necessary to take into consideration standard principles of organization as well as modern achievements of music science. It gives the possibility to orientate independently in questions of traditions and innovation using in practice the vision of stage-by-stage process of development of constructive objective laws of technology of textural organization of material. In conformity with the complex of knowledge which is formed on the unity of musical-theoretic, professional-creative and professional-methodological principles precise interaction of demands of educational process connected with understanding of material in the context of main complex-systematic of stage-by-stage aspects is provided. It is concentrated in the schematic understanding of abstract-conceptional generalization, in the vision of structural and vector directions given in the logically formed textural structures which are the result of successive-historical processes of appearance of objective laws in the progression of quantitative growth of the basis of normative regulations. The indicated criteria stimulate analytic activity and deepen research creating conditions for appearance of innovational tendencies of perfection educational-methodological process in consistency of assimilation of informational-instructive material that corresponds to the level of modern professional demands on acquiring the final result of special training.
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