The study deals with the second life of personal names in Jaroslav Hašek’s novel Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války [The Good Soldier Švejk And His Fortunes in the World War]. Considering the distinct character types and their denotative potential, it focuses on the following topics: 1) appellativized forms of the characters’ proper names and their word-formation characteristics (e.g., the type švejk – švejkovat, švejkovina, švejkovský, etc.); 2) the use of characters’ proper names in contemporary opinion journalism as metaphorical and metonymic designations, as well as in quotations (e.g., “Tak nám prodali krematorium, paní Müllerová.” [“Well, so they sold the crematorium on us, Mrs. Müller.”]). The analysis is based on the opinion journalism corpus of the Czech National Corpus SYN, version 11.
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