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The paper examines the question of suicide in the light of Polish criminal law. The starting point of discussion is an analysis of actions leading to one depriving oneself of one’s own life which, at the same time, do not pose any harm to third parties. Here, the paper strives to answer the question whether suicide is legal or illegal in view of criminal law, as well as whether state interference with such actions is possible and justified. These questions serve as the background for the core part of the paper, in which justifications for the criminalization of suicidal acts simultaneously being attacks on third parties, i.e. so-called suicide attacks, are sought. The paper sheds light on the latest anti-terrorist laws and formulates conclusions pertaining to its directions of development, particularly in the field of combating suicide terrorist attacks.
The paper examines the question of suicide in the light of Polish criminal law. The starting point of discussion is an analysis of actions leading to one depriving oneself of one’s own life which, at the same time, do not pose any harm to third parties. Here, the paper strives to answer the question whether suicide is legal or illegal in view of criminal law, as well as whether state interference with such actions is possible and justified. These questions serve as the background for the core part of the paper, in which justifications for the criminalization of suicidal acts simultaneously being attacks on third parties, i.e. so-called suicide attacks, are sought. The paper sheds light on the latest anti-terrorist laws and formulates conclusions pertaining to its directions of development, particularly in the field of combating suicide terrorist attacks.
In the municipal “Programme of the Security Improvement for the City of Kraków 2018– 2020” one of the main goals was pointed out as “the improvement of the protection of public buildings in Krakow against the terrorist attack”. Antiterroristic prevention of public buildings and public space is a difficult and controversial issue. On the one hand, it is connected with the need of provision a public safety but on the other hand it may affect the protection of freedom and personal rights of citizens. In practice the fortification of public buildings threatens its functionality, in symbolic dimension it undermines the basic principles of democracy. In the article, the author depicts evaluation of different approaches and effects of antiterrorist policies, which may be implemented in order to protect public facilities in Kraków.
W „Programie poprawy bezpieczeństwa dla miasta Krakowa na lata 2018–-2020” jako jeden z celów operacyjnych wymieniono „poprawę stopnia przygotowania obiektów użyteczności publicznej w Krakowie w zakresie przeciwdziałania atakowi terrorystycznemu i na wypadek ataku terrorystycznego”. Problematyka prewencji antyterrorystycznej w odniesieniu do budynków publicznych i przestrzeni miejskiej pozostaje kontrowersyjna, gdyż dotyka z jednej strony kwestii konieczności zapewnienia mieszkańcom odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa, a z drugiej – potrzeby zagwarantowania wolności osobistej i poszanowania praw obywatelskich. W wymiarze praktycznym fortyfikacja budynków publicznych zagraża ich funkcjonalności, a w wymiarze symbolicznym jest zaprzeczeniem demokracji. W artykule rozważane są możliwości i ewentualne skutki wprowadzenia w życie przedsięwzięć, które mogą służyć ograniczeniu ryzyka ataków terrorystycznych w przestrzeni publicznej i budynkach użyteczności publicznej w Krakowie.
The article examines the role of the Internal Security Agency in fighting terrorist threats within he territory of the Republic of Poland. The Internal Security Agency was established by the Act of 24 May 2002 on the Internal Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Agency. The Internal Security Agency is one of Poland’s five security services with the broadest remit and responsibilities, some of which — like civilian counterintelligence, fighting terrorism in Poland, counteracting proliferation and protecting non-public information — are the exclusive domain of this institution. The legislator has imposed on the Internal Security Agency the duty to protect internal security and constitutional order of the Republic of Poland. The tasks of the Internal Security Agency also include actions aimed at informing citizens of potential terrorist threats within the territory of the Republic of Poland. In 2010 the Agency — in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration — launched the portal, a government website the objective of which is to provide citizens with up-to-date information about how to react to terrorist threats and about the level of these threats in Poland.
Content available Cloud-based GNSS navigation spoofing detection
Satellite navigation systems are commonly used to precisely determine the trajectory of transportation equipment. The widespread deployment of GNSS is pushing the current receiver technology to its limits due to the stringent demands for seamless, ubiquitous and secure/reliable positioning information. This fact is further aggravated by the advent of new applications where the miniaturized size, low power consumption and limited computational capabilities of user terminals pose serious risks to the implementation of even the most basic GNSS signal processing tasks. This paper has presented the advantage of Cloud-based GNSS Navigation, which facilitates the possibility of developing innovative applications where their particularities (e.g. massive processing of data, cooperation among users, security-related applications, etc.) make them suitable for implementation using Cloud-based infrastructure.
The ever-increasing risk of terrorist attacks is a stimulus for seeking new, more effective danger detection methods. The article describes new methods of detecting hazardous materials based on the interaction between neutrons and matter. The status of the design of the device for detecting hazardous materials in water environments based on these methods, currently in development at the Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland), will be presented as well.
Wciąż rosnące ryzyko ataków terrorystycznych skłania do poszukiwania nowych, efektywniejszych metod wykrywania zagrożeń. W artykule opisane zostaną nowe metody wykrywania materiałów niebezpiecznych, których podstawę stanowi oddziaływanie neutronów z materią. Przedstawiony zostanie również status projektu urządzenia do wykrywania materiałów niebezpiecznych w środowisku wodnym opartego na tych metodach, które jest rozwijane na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim.
The need for accuracy, precision, and data registration in underwater positioning and navigation should be viewed as no less stringent than that which exists on the sea surface. In the same way in which GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers rely on the signals from multiple satellites to calculate a precise position, undersea vehicles discern their location by ranging to the acoustic signals originating from several fixed underwater acoustic sources using the Time-of-Arrival algorithm (ToA) through the Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS). In this article, the scope has been limited to only considering underwater positioning systems in which the navigation receiver is acoustically passive. The receiver “listens” to the buoys, receives their messages and solves the problem of finding its own position based on the geographical coordinates of the buoys. Often, such systems are called GNSS-like Underwater Positioning Systems (GNSS-like UPS). It is important to note the distinction between general purpose GNSS-like UPS (mainly civil systems) and special purpose GNSS-like UPS (mainly military systems). In this article, only general purpose GNSS-like UPS systems have been considered. Depending on the scale of system’s service areas, GNSS-like UPS are divided into global, regional, zonal and local systems. Only local GNSS-like UPS systems have been considered in this article. The spoofing of acoustic GNSS-like UPS works as follows: the acoustic GNSS signal generator transmits a simulated signal of several satellites. If the level of the simulated signal exceeds the signal strength of the real satellites, the acoustic receiver of an underwater object will “capture” the fake signal and calculate a false position based on it. All receivers that fall into the spoofing zone will calculate the same coordinates, while the receivers located in different places will have a mismatch in the XYZ coordinates.
The relations between states and terrorist entities are perceived strongly negative. Their consequence is a threat to public and international security, death, suffering, fear, destruction etc. Both sides of the violent confrontation, the terrorist side in particular, do not show enough motivation to establish non-violent interactions, dialogue including. There exist particular conditions limiting the possibilities to undertake effective non-violent (inhibitory) relations by the both sides such as asymmetry of potential and lack of politically mature leaders. However, there are also various factors known to increase chances to break away with the tradition of violent confrontation including employing experienced and neutral mediators, forcing a dialogue by a third party, and both sides’ the same culture background. The idea of relations between these sides should be to reduce or eliminate the inhibitors and multiply the influence of non-violent relations’ stimulants.
Badania w zakresie obowiązywania stopni alarmowych w Polsce nie mają długiej historii. Wynika to z faktu, że reżimy te zostały wprowadzone w 2016 roku ustawą antyterrorystyczną, a pierwotnie obowiązywały w innym kształcie na podstawie przepisów o zarządzaniu kryzysowym, dopiero od 2007 roku. Obecnie brak jest opublikowanych empirycznych wyników badań z realizacji zadań w stopniach alarmowych. Celem badań zaprezentowanych w niniejszej publikacji było zidentyfikowanie oraz omówienie podstawowych zagadnień problemowych w obszarach praktycznego wymiaru funkcjonowania stopni alarmowych. Zdaniem autora, prawidłowe ich opisanie może stanowić źródło wiedzy zarówno w wymiarze naukowym jak i praktycznym, dając możliwość poszerzenia obszaru badań w wyeksponowanych w ten sposób tematach. Aby zrealizować zakładany cel przyjęta została diagnostyczna strategia badawcza, a wypracowana diagnoza w niniejszym przedmiocie badań ma pełnić rolę dyskryptywno-ewaluacyjną. W przygotowaniu niniejszego artykułu wykorzystano kombinacyjne podejście badawcze. Do zbadania problemu wykorzystano metodę analizy literatury oraz aktów prawnych i obserwację uczestniczącą. Ta aktywna obserwacja i doświadczenia praktyczne udokumentowane zostały w arkuszach obserwacji, których ustrukturyzowana forma pozwoliła na uzyskanie wiarygodnych i popartych materiałem empirycznym wyników badawczych. Autor podczas swojej wieloletniej służby w Żandarmerii Wojskowej, jako badacz i nauczyciel akademicki z obszaru bezpieczeństwa oraz jako ekspert wykonujący liczne szkolenia i audyty w obiektach użyteczności publicznej i infrastrukturze krytycznej miał możliwość uczestniczyć wielokrotnie w rozważaniach teoretycznych, dyskusjach środowiskowych, prezentacjach i ćwiczeniach z zakresu realizacji zadań antyterrorystycznych w tym w stopniach alarmowych. W tekście zaprezentowano kilkanaście obszarów problemowych mających realne i krytyczne znaczenie dla jakości wykonywanych zadań antyterrorystycznych w reżimach stopni alarmowych. Uzyskane i przedstawione w artykule empiryczne wyniki naukowych dociekań mogą stanowić materiał wyjściowy do prowadzenia kolejnych badań lub do wyprowadzania konstruktywnych wniosków o charakterze korekcyjnym oraz naprawczym.
Research into the validity of alert levels in Poland does not have a long history. This is because these regimes were introduced in 2016 by the anti-terrorism law and were originally introduced in a different form under the provisions on crisis management, only from 2007. Currently, there are no published empirical results of research on the implementation of tasks in the alert grades. The purpose of the rese¬arch presented in this publication was to identify and discuss the basic problem issues in the areas of the practical dimension of the functioning of alert levels. According to the author, their correct description can be a source of knowledge both in the scientific and practical dimensions, allowing expanding the area of research on the topics highlighted in this way. To achieve the assumed goal, a diagnostic research strategy was adopted, and the developed diagnosis in this subject of research is to play a discriminative and evaluative role. A combinational research approach was used in the preparation of this article. The method of analysis of literature and legal acts, as well as participant observation, were used to investigate the problem. This active observation and practical experience have been documented in observation sheets, the structured form of which allowed to obtain reliable research results supported by empirical material. During his many years of service in the Military Police, as a researcher and academic teacher in the field of security, and as an expert carrying out numerous training and audits in public facilities and critical infrastructure, the author had the opportunity to participate many times in theoretical considerations, environmental discussions, presentations and exercises in the field of task implementation anti-terrorist activities, including alert levels. The text presents several problem areas of real and critical importance for the quality of counter-terrorist tasks performed in the regimes of alert levels. The empirical results of scientific research obtained and presented in the article may constitute the starting material for conducting further research or for drawing constructive conclusions of a corrective and remedial nature.
In a potential armed and non-armed conflict, troops and special operations will be applied more widely than regular military formations. Experience shows that air strikes are extremely effective, particularly retaliation actions carried out using not substantial but very efficient and determined forces as for instance the Israeli assault landing on Entebbe airport, the attack on an Iraqi reactor in 1981, the attack on PLO Headquarters in Tunis in 1985. The July 1976 events showed the air force as a transport means for special troops. The air force, however, is a precise assault measure, striking into the enemy's sore points and also an element of combat actions which becomes a very vivid enforcement and deterrence means. Sophisticated air force equipment and well-trained crews allowed conducting very difficult and complex operations on objects located in a far distance. The events presented above proved that the air force is the basic means to wage special operations and holds the main position in such actions.
Autor przez analizę zapisów zawartych w kodeksie karnym, jak i dokumentach z zakresu prawa międzynarodowego, przedstawia niecelowość stosowania wzmocnionych przesłuchań (tortur) wobec zatrzymanych osób podejrzanych o terroryzm. Zwraca uwagę, że takie działania obnażają słabości merytoryczne funkcjonariuszy organów ścigania dokonujących przesłuchań. Przestrzega, że tortury stosowane wobec terrorystów zamieniają się w tortury stosowane wobec domniemanych terrorystów, następnie wobec wrogów społeczeństwa, następnie wobec wrogów władzy i w konsekwencji zawsze miejsce terrorysty zajmuje opozycjonista i zwykły obywatel.
Enhanced interrogation techniques are known to be used by some secret and intelligence services in order to gather information about terrorism activities. Purpose of an article is to answer whether and if so to what extent these techniques could be used as an effective element of combating terrorism in the democratic rule of law state. To answer this research question Author conducts analysis of legal and scientific documents and a study of differences and similarities between Polish and American law and evaluates interrogation process of Aby Zubaydaha and other suspects of terrorism activities.
Content available Detection of Spoofing using Differential GNSS
One of the main problems in modern navigation of both manned and unmanned transport systems is that of transport safety. Differential GNSS technology has been used to improve the accuracy of transport positioning, in which position is calculated relative to a fixed reference station with a known position XYZ. Unfortunately, GNSS is vulnerable to malicious intrusion. GNSS signals and/or correction signals from the reference station can be spoofed by false signals, and special receivers have been used to provide defenses against such attacks. But how can the roving receiver (i.e. the user) be sure that the information they receive is authentic? Spoofing is the transmission of a matched-GNSS-signal-structure and/or signals to a reference station in order to cause interference and attempt to commandeer the tracking loops of a victim receiver, thereby allowing manipulation of the receiver’s timing or navigation solution. A spoofer can transmit its counterfeit signals from a stand-off distance of several hundred meters, or it can be co-located with its victim. In this article we consider the principles of spoofing detection using Differential GNSS, in which a correction signal from the reference station is used for the detection of spoofing.
W artykule omówiona została problematyka związana z zagrożeniami terrorystycznymi dla portów i linii lotniczych, ponadto przedstawiono rozwiązania systemowe w zakresie zwalczania terroryzmu lotniczego.
Paper discussed the problem of terrorist threats to ports & airlines and system resolution of air terrorism fighting.
Many civil GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) applications need secure, assured information for asset tracking, fleet management and the like. But there is also a growing demand for geosecurity location-based services. Unfortunately, GNSS is vulnerable to malicious intrusion and spoofing. How can users be sure that the information they receive is authentic? Spoofing is the transmission of matched-GNSS-signal-structure interference in an attempt to commandeer the tracking loops of a victim receiver and thereby manipulate the receiver’s timing or navigation solution. A spoofer can transmit its counterfeit signals from a stand-off distance of several hundred meters, or it can be co-located with its victim. Spoofing attacks can be classified as simple, intermediate, or sophisticated in terms of their effectiveness and subtlety. In an intermediate spoofing attack, a spoofer synchronizes its counterfeit signals with the authentic GNSS signals, so they are code-phase-aligned at the target receiver. In this paper, authors consider the antispoofing algorithms based on finding statistical anomalies in the basic parameters of the satellite signals. At the stage of learning, the system of antispoofing explores the statistical properties of signals and at the phase of spoofing detection, the system used thresholds characteristics of statistical anomalies. The excess of the threshold characteristics provides a basis for probabilistic decision on the presence of spoofing.
Wiele cywilnych zastosowań GNSS (Globalnych Nawigacyjnych Systemów Satelitarnych) wymaga pewności, że informacje dotyczące śledzenia zasobów, zarządzania flotą itp. nie są sfałszowane. Na uwagę zasługuje także rosnący popyt na geobezpieczeństwo bazujące na usługach lokalizacji. Niestety GNSS jest podatny na preparowanie i modyfikowanie pakietów danych. Powstaje pytanie: jak użytkownicy mogą być pewni, że informacja, którą otrzymują jest autentyczna? Spoofing (ang. spoof – naciąganie, szachrajstwo) jest ingerencją w strukturę transmisji GNSS w celu modyfikacji pętli trasy odbiornika poszkodowanego, skutkiem czego jest manipulacja czasem na odbiorniku lub urządzeniem nawigacyjnym. Osoba podszywająca się może transmitować podrobiony sygnał z ukrycia w odległości do kilkuset metrów lub być współpołożona z jego ofiarą. Ataki spoofingu można zaklasyfikować jako proste, pośrednie i zaawansowane pod względem ich subtelności i efektywności. W ataku pośrednim osoba podszywająca się synchronizuje swój fałszywy sygnał z autentycznym sygnałem GNNS w taki sposób, iż następuje wyrównanie kodu–fazy dla odbiornika sygnału. W artykule przedstawiono algorytmy antyspoofingu, bazujące na znajdowaniu statystycznych anomalii w podstawowych parametrach sygnału satelitarnego. W trakcie funkcjonowania system antyspoofing bada statystyczne własności sygnałów i na etapie wykrycia spoofingu wykorzystuje charakterystyki progu anomalii. Nadmiar cech progowych stanowi podstawę do wykrycia spoofingu.
In the article the author defines the notion of antiterrorist tactics, which is based on war art principles in a tactical dimension characteristic for land forces. The author enlarges the principles binding in Polish armed forces by two additional ones: “simplicity” and ’’one - man command”, which are mentioned in American sources. Basing on them, the author discusses variables connected with tactic principles belonging to antiterrorist tactics. They include “planning and exercise”, “speed” and “security”. In the second part of the article the author presents American viewpoints on a very important issue which is a model mental state of an antiterrorist subunit soldier and demanded level of this unit soldier’s mental activity on different level of his activity.
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