This paper presents methods for the surface modification of cotton woven fabric and polypropylene non-woven in order to make them antibacterial. In the case of cotton fabric, its surface was functionalised with chloroacetate groups by means of chloroacetyl chloride, using pyridine as a catalyst, followed by the quaternalisation of the chloroacetate groups with poly(4-vinylpyridine). In the second process polypropylene nonwoven was impregnated with a multimonomer containing vinyl groups, which were then changed into tertiary amine groups by the addition of diethylamine. These groups were quaternalised with propyl bromide. In the next method colloidal silver was incorporated into the nanolayers formed from polyelectrolytes on the polypropylene non-woven. Quantitative tests of bacteriological activity of the modified woven fabric and non-woven showed both bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities in relation to Escherichia coli. In addition, colloidal platinum was incorporated into previously deposited polyelectrolyte nanolayers in order to impart catalytic properties to fibers. The results obtained clearly show the catalytic action of such systems, the oxygen release from the hydrogen peroxide solution being an example.
Przedstawiono metody modyfikacji powierzchni tkaniny bawełnianej i włókniny PP w celu nadania im właściwości antybakteryjnych. W pierwszej metodzie funkcjonalizowano grupami chlorooctanowymi powierzchnię tkaniny w wyniku jej reakcji z chlorkiem chloroacetylu używając pirydyny jako katalizatora, a następnie czwartorzędowano grupy chlorooctanowe poli(4-winylopirydyną). W drugim sposobie włókninę PP napawano multimonomerem zawierającym grupy winylowe, które przemieniano na drodze addycji dietyloaminy w trzeciorzędowe grupy aminowe. Grupy te czwartorzędowno bromkiem propylu. W kolejnej metodzie wprowadzano do nano-warstewek wytwarzanych z polielektrolitów na włóknine PP koloidalne srebro. Ilościowe testy aktywności bakteriologicznej tak zmodyfikowanej tkaniny i włókniny wykazały zarówno bakteriostatyczną jak i bakteriobójczą aktywność do Escherichia coli.Ponadto wprowadzano koloidalną platynę do uprzednio naniesionych nano-warstewek z polielektrolitów w celu stwierdzenia możliwości nadania włóknom właściwości katalitycznych. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na działanie katalityczne takich układów na przykładzie wydzielania tlenu z roztworów wody utlenionej.
The problem of nosocomial infections is nothing new. In places, where people, The problem of nosocomial infections is nothing new. In places, where people, whose immune system is weakened, are gathered and subjected to various kinds of treatments, the risk of infection increases considerably. The use of textiles with biocidal finishing, which contains nanoAg and nanoCu, may give an additional protection against nosocominal infections. This article presents the latest information regarding various methods for synthesis, impregnation and immobilization of antibacterial coatings. It also describes the textile biocidal activity depending on the active agents applied and the type of textile used. The textile biocidal properties obtained by the described methods were systematically lost. Therefore, at the end of the article a method, which enables their constant renewing is presented. whose immune system is weakened, are gathered and subjected to various kinds of treatments, the risk of infection increases considerably. The use of textiles with biocidal finishing, which contains nanoAg and nanoCu, may give an additional protection against nosocominal infections.
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