Thesis. After the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China in 1997, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government stipulated a trilingual (English, Cantonese, and Mandarin) and biliterate (English and Chinese) policy, in order to include Mandarin as an additional co-official language together with the original English and Cantonese. Until the handover, the use of Mandarin was restricted in British colonial Hong Kong. Since the handover, however, Mandarin and its users have experienced some resistance by local Hong Kong people. Method. In an attempt to better understand this resistance and its implications, this study adopts Pierre Bourdieu’s field, habitus, and capital theory, to analyse the anti-Mandarin discourse that has prevailed in the ensuing two decades. Via narrative inquiry, this study explains the habitus of four Mandarin speaking teachers, while especially noting their clashes with the anti-Mandarin discourse, and the symbolic violence they suffered in the field. Conclusion. The study concludes with a reflection on the clash between the teachers’ struggles with the discourse from a postcolonial perspective, and it also considers the legal issues involved in protecting mainland Chinese as a minority in Hong Kong.
This paper is a short attempt at examining Tagore’s concept of modernity, by trying to understand what modernism and its relation to modernity means in this poet’s work. Considering the large range of his writings, essays and novels are selected according to what I consider to be the most relevant to the present investigation, favoring the more systematic writings among Tagore’’s novels and essays. Gora, however, another complex criticism of Nationalism, has not been included here, since its analysis would deserve a complete paper. It also does not focus on the introduction of European modernisms and European modernist expressions in India from a historical or aesthetic perspective. Rather, it underline a conceptual understanding through Tagore’s work of his own ideas, and the experience of modernism in India through his Indian writings. In so doing, I try to present the important differences of these concepts in an Indian colonial context, as well as the singularity of Tagore himself in his own context, hoping to contribute to an exploration of the poet’s talent and richness of expression and thinking.
The article discusses the transformation of Ukraine from a peripheral colony to a European nation-state. It examines changes in the interpretation of UkrainianRussian relations in historiography, public perceptions, and museum exhibitions related to the ongoing war. It demonstrates that since 24 February 2022, Ukraine’s politics of memory has exclusively followed a continuously expanding anti-colonial perspective. The article highlights a shift in Ukrainian society’s view of its past, with growing interest in the country’s history and a move away from the Soviet perspective. Museums are crucial in shaping these narrative changes and fostering Ukrainian national identity. The article also explores societal transformations since 1991, showing an increased identification with the state and a gradual distancing from Russia. This is accompanied by a westward turn in geopolitical orientation and a desire to join the European Union. The National Museum of History of Ukraine in the Second World War in Kyiv serves as an example of these processes, reflecting a nuanced portrayal of the war and of its human dimension. The museum’s commitment can be seen as a pillar of a nation-state building project, with symbolic identification shifting from the East to the West, towards the EU and NATO.
This article deals with some earlier applications of psychology for the analysis of the colonial condition offered by three thinkers—Octave Mannoni, Frantz Fanon and recent applications of Freudian psychoanalytical theory in the poststructuralist approach of Homi K. Bhaba. An attempt is made to compare their standpoints and reflect more broadly on what their implications mean for the future of psychoanalysis’ place in postcolonial critique. Also to answer a vital question in the theoretical project of postcolonial studies: Is psychoanalysis a universally applicable theory for psychic disruption in the colonial context? What are differences in the application of psychological theory for studies of colonial discourse? The conclusion of the paper is: Despite the problematic inheritance of racializing thinking psychoanalysis has proved to be an important and reoccurring methodology in colonial critique and postcolonial theory. Nevertheless, it is necessary to recognize that psychoanalysis itself is a colonial discipline and must become an object of colonial discourse analysis.
Choucas, малоизвестный роман Зофьи Налковской, опубликованный в 1927 году, всю остроту критики и иронии направляет в сторону имперской политики Франции и Испании начала XX века. Статья посвящена способам формирования этой критики. Поскольку важно не только расшифровать исторические контексты, использованные Налковской в произведении, или ее личное мнение по вопросам войны и колонизации (исследованием этих вопросов занимался Влодзимеж Вуйцик), но еще проанализировать язык, который герои романа - госпожа de Carfort и господин Carrizales - использовали для защиты, обоснования или одобрения колониальной политики. Подробному анализу особенно подверглось значение двух прилагательных, очень часто используемых в повествовании, обычно при характеристике внешнего вида героев: «экзотический» и «расовый». В статье принимается гипотеза, что злоупотребление этими определениями - это не только форма капитуляции Налковской перед изобилием словаря или некая неосведомленная манерность, но также способ критики понятий, которые писательница признает пустыми обозначениями. Эти термины, вбирая в себя по ходу повествования разные значения и выступая во все более новых контекстах, демонстрируют свою произвольность и непредставимость.
Choucas, a lesser-known novel by Zofia Nałkowska published in 1927, directs the criticism and irony against the imperial politics of France and Spain of the early 20th century. The article addresses the way in which this criticism is formulated, the working assumption being that it is important not only to decipher the historical contexts that Nałkowska uses in her work, or her private views on the issues of war and colonization (an examination of these issues was undertaken by Włodzimierz Wójcik), but also to analyze the language used by the novel’s protagonists, Mrs. de Carfort and Mr. Carrizales, to defend, justify or praise colonial policies. In particular, the meaning of two adjectives, “exotic” and “racial,” is analyzed in detail; they are used very frequently in the narrative, usually to characterize the appearance of the characters. The author puts forth the hypothesis that this abundant use of these two words does not simply manifest stylistic deficiencies of the novel or a kind of unconscious mannerism of Nałkowska, but a way of criticizing concepts which she, Nałkowska, identifies and regards as empty signifiers. Absorbing various meanings in the course of the narrative and occurring in ever-changing contexts, these words reveal their arbitrariness and unrepresentability.
Choucas, mniej znana powieść autorstwa Zofii Nałkowskiej wydana w 1927 roku, ostrze krytyki i ironii kieruje w stronę imperialnej polityki Francji i Hiszpanii początku XX wieku. Przedmiotem artykułu jest sposób formułowania owej krytyki. Istotne jest bowiem nie tylko rozszyfrowanie historycznych kontekstów, które w swoim utworze wykorzystuje Nałkowska, czy prywatnych poglądów autorki na kwestie wojny i kolonizacji (zbadania tych kwestii podjął się Włodzimierz Wójcik), lecz także analiza języka używanego przez bohaterów powieści – panią de Carfort i pana Carrizales – do obrony, uzasadnienia czy pochwały kolonialnej polityki. Szczegółowej analizie poddane zostało zwłaszcza znaczenie dwóch przymiotników używanych w narracji bardzo często, zazwyczaj do charakterystyki wyglądu postaci, „egzotyczny” i „rasowy”. Przyjmuję hipotezę, że nadużywanie tych określeń nie jest po prostu formą kapitulacji Nałkowskiej wobec obfitości słownika czy też rodzajem nieuświadomionego manieryzmu, a sposobem krytyki pojęć, które pisarka rozpoznaje jako puste znaczące. Określenia te, wchłaniając w toku narracji różnorakie znaczenia i pojawiając się w coraz to nowych kontekstach, odsłaniają swoją arbitralność i niereprezentacyjność.
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