An inquiry into moral and ethical questions has been undertaken by anthropologists from the beginning of the discipline. Nonetheless, the lack of theoretical basis for conceptualizing ethics and morality was regularly regarded as a sign that the anthropology of morality was in the state of underdevelopment. The last decade or so witnessed an intensified interest of several anthropologists into theorizing ethical and moral issues within the discipline. This “movement” has been labelled an “ethical” or “moral turn”, or “the new anthropology of moralities”. The aim of this article is twofold. First, it analyzes the main theoretical approaches that emerged within recent years, i.e. anthropology of morality/moralities; anthropology of ethics; critical moral anthropology, and anthropology of evil. Second, it points at those social and cultural phenomena that have not yet received due attention from anthropologists of morality, such as politics, bioethics, and the immoral.
Tekst jest wprowadzeniem do sekcji tematycznej poświęconej alternatywnym wizjom dobrego życia. Ma on na celu wskazanie miejsca i roli tego pojęcia w procesach, które charakteryzują współczesne społeczeństwa. Szczególnie podkreślono w artykule podatność pojęcia „dobre życie” na zawłaszczenie i stosowanie go w sposób manipulacyjny przez rynek i państwo, oraz na kulturowe znaczenia poszukiwania alternatyw dla tych zawężających społeczną wyobraźnię użyć. Ponadto, tekst zawiera przegląd wybranych teoretycznych ram stosowania pojęcia „dobre życie” w literaturze naukowej, który pozwala na lepsze powiązanie przedstawionych w sekcji tematycznej tekstów z kontekstem zwiększonego zainteresowania wartościami i moralnością w socjologii i antropologii.
The article serves as an introduction to the thematic section devoted to the alternative visions of the good life. It aims to indicate the place and role of this concept in the processes that characterize modern societies. The article particularly emphasizes the susceptibility of the concept of the good life to appropriation and manipulative uses by the market and the state, as well as the cultural meaning of seeking alternatives to the uses that limit social imagination. In addition, the text provides a review of the selected theoretical frameworks that refer to „the good life” in academic literature. This review allows to place the articles presented in the thematic section in the context of the increased interest in values and morality in sociology and anthropology.
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