Review article of the book "Życie codzienne pod rządami Stalina. Rosja radziecka w latach trzydziestych XX wieku", przeł. J. Gilewicz, Kraków 2012, ss. 427.
These reflections tackle a specific understanding of researching everyday life, which presents itself as a methodological demand, i.e., as a constitutive element of the new forms of inquiry. Consequently, the discourses revolve around the specificity of the anthropology of everyday life, as seen from various angles entailing third wave of sociology, cultural anthropology, and symbolic interactionism. It also elaborates on the methodological issues encompassing idiographic, emic characteristics of a qualitative inquiry that with relation to everyday life can provide a useful and cognitively attractive tool of reconstructing the world of different cultural groups.
The author analyzes the poetics of affective topography in the works by Michał Cichy. Her close reading of the texts demonstrates that the interpretative parts gradually give way to the record of the bodily and sensual. Cichy’s emotive descriptions of his Warsaw neighbourhood, Ochota provide insight into the life of the place and its inhabitants. His poetics frequently reveals such features as micrological descriptions and the use of animal (canine) perspective in experiencing place. This last tenet places Cichy’s works within the framework of (non-anthropocentric) phenomenology of perception and anthropology of everyday life.
The author examines the work of two of the most famous writers of the Russian underground – V. Pelevin and V. Sorokin, who expressed the crisis of the great humanistic tradition. The author analyzes the reasons why V. Sorokin refuses “his” author’s style and writes through recognizable literary discourses from the XIX century to socialist realism, and in later prose – through modern media dialects. In contrast to the “male” letter, the article presents a new “female” prose – a work that carries the message of the writer’s, scientific and cultural project-book B. Orlova “Anthropology of everyday life, non-fiction”. The material of the observation is oral history of the indigenous inhabitants of the Angara region (genre of anthropological, sociological, modern historical, ethnographic studies), and the method of their arrangement is collage. This explains the genre borderline of the work, which combines everyday mythology and cultural geography of the people (man).
Zimą 2009/2010, od połowy grudnia do połowy lutego większość terytorium Polski, a przede wszystkim Warszawa, pokryła się niespotykanie obfitym śniegiem. Co zmienił śnieg w mieście? Jak funkcjonowało ono w zimowej szacie, jak z pogodą radzili sobie mieszkańcy? Jakie nowe elementy przestrzeni miejskiej, a co za tym idzie, nowe praktyki życia codziennego można było zaobserwować? Na podstawie artykułów z prasy codziennej, komentarzy do tekstów z portali internetowych oraz tekstów blogów autorka proponuje typologię oraz analizę postaw warszawiaków wobec kolejnej zimy stulecia. Tekst napisany został na podstawie obserwacji uczestniczącej oraz analizy dyskursu i wykorzystuje perspektywę antropologii miasta i antropologii codzienności.
It was in winter 2009/2010, from mid-December to mid-February, that almost all Poland, especially Warsaw, faced exceptionally heavy snow falls. What did the snow falls change in the city? How was city life affected by those winter conditions, how did the inhabitants deal with the snow? What new elements were introduced in the urban space and what new kinds of everyday life practices emerged? We present our own take on the city-users’ attitude toward the heavy winter, based on press news, on-line comments and blog entries. This paper is based on participant observation and discourse analysis, including urban anthropology and anthropology of everyday life.
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