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It has always been the tradition in Przemyśl, especially in the TPN circles, to remember anniversaries of the three great Polish Romantics. It is 200 years now since the youngest of them, Zygmunt Krasiński, was born. Unlike Piotr Skarga, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski or Janusz Korczak, he is not a writer whose anniversaries have been specially celebrated. It was different in 1912, though. The article called The Commemoration of the 100th Birth Anniversary of Zygmunt Krasiński in Przemyśl (“Rocznik Przemyski” 2004 vol. 40 issue 3, pp. 27-36) recalls the fine tradition which ought to be continued. Three theses on Krasiński are being published. The planned symposium has not taken place yet. Certain work on Krasiński prepared for that event might be published in 2013.
2012 marked an informal jubilee of Stefan Grabiński on account of his 125th birth anniversary. That is why within the project titled “Grabiński, Grotesque and Horror” a series of academic and cultural events were organized, highlighting the meaning of the title phenomena in the Polish mentality in recent years. It turns out that the idea which originated in Przemyśl found plenty of followers in many other towns in Poland, What is more, there were a lot of initiatives devoted to Grabiński in 2012 though not implemented under the project. This shows a great revival of interest in Grabiński. This article, whose first part was published a year ago (“Pokłosie Roku Stefana Grabińskiego”, Rocznik Przemyski 2012, vol. 47, issue 2 Language and Literature) is an attempt to discuss the most important of the mentioned events from March until the end of 2012.
The author discusses the major forms in which Stefan Grabiński was present in the academic discourse in Przemyśl in the 20th and early 21st centuries. He presents the rise of the 2011 initiative to commemorate the writer’s 125th birth anniversary, which between November 2011 and December 2012 took form of a series of various events. He explains what motivated the organizers of the anniversary celebrations which began in November 2011, on Grabiński’s 75th death anniversary. Then he discusses the first initiatives of the whole-year undertaking (until February 2012).
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów Westerplatte zbliża się do dziewięćdziesiątej rocznicy rozpoczęcia swej działalności. W tym roku 1 października, dzień uważany za główne święto Akademii2, będzie wyjątkowo uroczysty. Mając na uwadze ten historyczny czas i potrzebę przedstawienia swojego rodzaju podsumowania działalności naszej Uczelni, zebrałem najistotniejsze fakty i liczbowe zestawienia obrazujące okres bezpośrednio poprzedzający dziewięćdziesiątą rocznicę powstania polskiego morskiego szkolnictwa wojskowego. W okresie swojego istnienia Uczelnia napotykała wiele trudnych wyzwań, z których zawsze wychodziła zwycięsko. Słuszne decyzje i właściwie określone priorytety pozwoliły na jej wszechstronny rozwój, wysoki poziom naukowo-technologiczny i osiągnięcia dydaktyczno-szkoleniowe.
The Naval Academy named after the Westerplatte Heroes is approaching its 90th anniversary. This year, the 1st of October, regarded as the Academy Day, will be unusually solemn. Considering this historic time and the necessity to present a kind of summary the academy’s activity, I have collected the most important facts and sets of figures illustrating the period directly preceding the 90th anniversary of the Polish naval training system. In its existence the academy has faced a number of difficult challenges, always successfully. The right decisions made and priorities appropriately set have led her to versatile development, high scientific and technological level as well as educational achievements.
Content available remote "Szkło i Ceramika" 70 lat w służbie przemysłu, techniki, nauki, kultury.
Production of ceramics and glass has a long tradition in Poland. It can be traced back to prehistoric times and in the periods of Lusitze and Celtic cultures it was particularly rich. Production of porcelain and majolica began in the XVIIIth century. The glass workshops functioned since the Xth century, and the manufacturing of stained glass started in the XIIth century. The abundance of sand and the large forests, which supplied fuel and wooden ash as flux, were the basis for the functioning of "forest glass works" in the whole country. Production of glass and ceramics on industrial scale began in the early XIXth century. At presence, Poland is an important produced and exporter of white ware and ceramic tiles, flat glass, container glass and table ware, including hand-made, and decorated and artistic glass. Production of isulating glass units and safety glass on the large scale has been developed. The journal "Glass and Ceramics" during 70 years of its existence, constributed to the development of the production of ceramics and glass form the hand-operated to the automated stage by informing the readers about the technical progress and market in Poland and abroad. It propagated the knowledge of the history of the production of ceramics and of the cultural heritage as represented by ancient glass and ceramic objects. The Journal informs also about the results of scientific investigations carried out in Poland. The investigations are concentrated on biomaterials, nanomaterials, smart materials, materials for optoelectronics, problems of environmental protection and utilization of wastes, as well as on other problems essential to the progress of civilization. The importance and the function of the journal are presented against the background of 70 years of its activity.
Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Radomiu jest oddziałem Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu. Posiada dużą kolekcję polskiej sztuki II połowy XX w., powiększającą się niemal wyłącznie dzięki darom. Zostało powołane w 1990 r., w okresie transformacji ustrojowej. Przejęło zgromadzone wcześniej w muzeum zbiory sztuki powstałej po II wojnie światowej (1797 dzieł), a także kolekcję działającej w Radomiu galerii BWA (265). Jako pierwsze w Polsce otrzymało nazwę muzeum sztuki współczesnej. Jego siedzibą są dwie barokowe kamieniczki przy radomskim Rynku: Dom Esterki i Dom Gąski. Działalność rozpoczęło w maju 1991 r. Rok 2011 był rokiem jubileuszowym – Muzeum obchodziło 20-lecie działalności. Z kolei w roku 2012 minęło 20 lat od rozpoczęcia akcji gromadzenia darów, w której wzięli udział wybitni i najwybitniejsi polscy twórcy (i nieliczni zagraniczni). Jedną z ważnych kolekcji podarował Andrzej Wajda. Dzieła są starannie wybierane. Artyści i inni darczyńcy stali się współtwórcami zbiorów. Dzięki tej akcji zgromadziło ponad 2500 dzieł, ale też ukształtował się program muzeum, intelektualny i edukacyjny, decydujący o odrębności placówki. Stworzony tu obraz sztuki polskiej po II wojnie światowej najlepiej definiuje tytuł jednego z pokazów: „Kolekcja 18. Sztuka w Polsce po r. 1945. Między ideą sztuki nowoczesnej, a rzeczywistością i pamięcią” (w 2009 r.). Jedną z najważniejszych kolekcji Muzeum pokazywało pod różnymi tytułami: „Sztuka w Polsce wobec spraw publicznych”, „W drodze do wolności” i „Polityka i etyka”. Muzeum organizuje też wystawy indywidualne zaprzyjaźnionych twórców.W zbiorach muzeum jest przeszło 4500 dzieł. Są tu dzieła stworzone przez artystów kilku pokoleń, reprezentujących różne nurty sztuki – przede wszystkim prace wykonane w technikach tradycyjnych. Muzeum posiada dużą kolekcję polskiego malarstwa współczesnego; ważne są kolekcje portretów i autoportretów oraz rysunków. Są rzeźby, niewielki zbiór obiektów i instalacji, grafiki wybranych artystów i fotografie, prace artystów tworzących poza krajem (na emigracji).
Content available remote 50-lecie Wydziału Mechatroniki
Rok 2011 jest rokiem 60-lecia Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej. Jest to również rok jubileuszowy dla Wydziału Mechatroniki (WMT) WAT. Choć pod obecną nazwą funkcjonuje on od roku 2003, jednakże jego korzenie są znacznie starsze. Układając w szereg czasowy komórki organizacyjne, z których na drodze kolejnych przekształceń powstał WMT, na początku tego szeregu znajdziemy powołaną w 1961 roku Katedrę Urządzeń Automatycznych. Wywodząc od niej korzenie wydziału, świętujemy w tym roku jego 50-lecie.
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Radom is a branch of the local Jacek Malczewski Museum. Its large collection of Polish art from the second half of the twentieth century increases almost exclusively thanks to donations. The Museum was established in 1990 during the phase of systemic transformation, when it took over collections created at the Museum of Art and dating from the post-Word War II period (1 797 exhibits) and a collection of the BWA Gallery in Radom (265 exhibits). It was also the first institution in Poland to be named a museum of contemporary art. The Museum is located in two Baroque town houses in the Radom Market Square: the Esterka House and the Gąska House. The Museum initiated its activity in May 1991, in 2011 it celebrated its twentieth anniversary, and the year 2012 marked two decades from the inauguration of a collection of donations, an anniversary attended by outstanding Polish artists (and several from abroad). One of the important collections was donated by Andrzej Wajda. All artworks are carefully selected, with their authors and other donors becoming the co-founders of the collection. This campaign made it possible to amass more than 2 500 exhibits and to mould the intellectual and educational programme of the Museum, decisive for the latter’s distinctness. The thus created vision of Polish post-war art is best defined by the title of one of the shows: “Collection 18. Art in Poland after 1945. Between the idea of modern art, reality and memory” (2009). The Museum displayed one of its most prominent collections under various titles: ”Art in Poland and public issues”, “Along the path towards freedom”, and ”Politics and ethics”. It also holds one-man shows of artists closely affiliated with the Radom institution. The Museum collections are composed of over 4 500 works of art created by representatives of several generations and typical for assorted currents, with pride of place given to exhibits executed in classical techniques. A large collection of Polish contemporary painting is accompanied by significant collections of portraits, self-portraits and drawings. Other exhibits include sculptures, a small collection of installations, graphic works by leading authors, photographs, and works by artists residing abroad (émigrés).
Audycja nagrana z okazji 20 rocznicy śmierci Wacława Taranczewskiego, wyemitowana została przez Radio Kraków 6 lutego 2007 roku w ramach cyklu Dzieła sztuki. Audycję prowadziła Justyna Nowicka, a udział w niej wzięli: prof. prof. Janina Kraupe-Świderska, Władysław Stróżewski, Adam Wsiołkowski i Paweł Taranczewski.
The article presents the events of the celebration of Chopin’s 100th birthday in 1910. The article is based on the accounts published in the daily press of the time. The growth of Chopin’s cult in Polish lands culturally connected the nation divided both politically and administratively between three countries (Austria, Prussia and Russia). Despite disruptions by the police that inhibited the organisation of the celebrations in Poznan and Warsaw, the Polish people treated them as a nation-wide occasion and used that time to integrate. The key events were the 50th anniversary of Chopin’s death (1899) and the 100th anniversary of his birthday (1910). The year 1910 was also the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald which saw the Poles defeat the Germans. Chopin’s year had immense patriotic meaning and integrated the nation living under foreign rule.
Content available remote Działać pragmatycznie
Polish Ethnological Society (PES) [Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze] was established on the 9th February, 1895 in Lviv as Ethnological Society [Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze]. The name was changed in 1947. This article presents the most important facts from the history of PES (the beginnings, twenty years of interwar period, times after the Second World War) as well as organizational structure (branches and sections) and various activities (publishing, library, archives, Center for Ethnographic Documentation and Information [Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Informacji Etnograficznej], Polish Ethnographic Atlas [Polski Atlas Etnograficzny], Kolberg´s Center [Pracownia Kolbergowska], Opening Education Center [Pracownia Edukacji Otwierającej] and others). International cooperation was also described, including Czech threads. A crucial moment in the functioning of the Society was the change of borders in Central Europe after the Second World War. Lviv was left outside Poland and the head office was moved first to Lublin, then to Poznan. Since 1953 it has been located in Wroclaw.
Content available Anniversary Emblem & Logotype Designs
Corporate anniversaries are mostly used as a promotional event to increase the value of corporate identity of firms, business enterprises or their brands. They are also used to create investment trust or strengthen the relations between, employees and customers. What makes corporate anniversaries meaningful is the importance of their moral value of continuity. Signs that are designed to identify these moral values and indicate the anniversaries can be defined as “anniversary emblems.” The design and uniqueness of these emblems are important in the means of being remarkable and memorable. Thus creative and unique results can be achieved by converting the numbers of anniversaries into expressive signs. This article focuses on existing design approaches and examples of anniversary emblem designs.
The article is devoted to the events of the Maksym T. Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poet-academician Maksym T. Rylsky, who was its director for many years, as well as analytical coverage of the issues of the international scientific conference, which took place in Kyiv on December 28, 2020, co-organized and participated by Polish scientists.
Praca przedstawia drogę rozwojową Wydziału Inżynierii Produkcji Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie w okresie 40-tu ostatnich lat. Ukazuje wpływ tego Ośrodka na rozwój krajowego środowiska inżynierii rolniczej a także sylwetki Profesorów: Janusza Hamana i Andrzeja Kwiecińskiego.
The paper presents how the Department of Production Engineering of the University of Life Sciences has developed for the last forty years. It presents the influence of the Centre on the development of the national environment of agricultural engineering and profiles of the following professors: Janusz Haman and Andrzej Kwieciński.
This article discusses the way in which the Chopin Year of 1910 was celebrated in Wielkopolska. It presents a script prepared in the nineteenth century and shows similarities with celebrations of Mickiewicz and other Polish heroes and artists. Invariably used in such commemorations was a “symbolic capital” that made it easier to create an intergenerational code, thereby disseminating knowledge of national culture and history. A significant role was played in 1910 by a centenary panel, which produced “Guidelines for popular Chopin celebrations” and also many occasional, popular materials. Chopin’s induction into the national pantheon involved the use of audio material (vocal and instrumental concerts), verbal material (articles, poems, lectures and brochures) and also a visual code (anniversary window stickers, tableaux vivants or tableaux illuminés). Illuminated pictures - recommended by a catalogue of slides produced in Poznań - stimulated the imagination of the masses and served as a guide through the composer’s life and work, and their impact was enhanced by a commentary. Most of the living pictures were probably inspired by Henryk Siemiradzki’s canvas Chopin grający na fortepianie w salonie księcia Radziwiłła [Chopin playing the piano in Prince Radziwill’s salon] and Józef Męcina Krzesz’s painting Ostatnie akordy Chopina [Chopin’s last chords]. This combination of codes made it possible to create a model adapted to the times and to the expectations of a mass audience. The Chopin anniversary, in which admiration was inseparably intertwined with manipulation, was a pretext for strengthening the national identity.
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