Ilarion (Ivan Ohienko) published in his Canadian periodical Faith and Culture (1953–1967) as well as his reviews of new books in literature studies and fiction published in continental Ukraine. Bishop Ilarion’s literary reviews and assessments can be divided into two groups: 1) assessments and commentaries of works on new Ukrainian literature studies (‘pre-October’) and 2) new (‘Soviet’). The first group includes critical reviews of scientific research works of M.D. Bernstein, M.N. Komyshachenko whose methodological foundations (Marxist-Leninist) he couldn’t accept. Many materials on the pages of Faith and Culture are dedicated to individual figures of Ukrainian literary process of the new period. Among them is his linguistic and literary research work Marko Vovchok’s language, commentaries to I. Franko’s articles which appeared in continental Ukraine to mark his centennial (1956), articles about А. Chaikovskiy, materials about Nataleta Koroleva, B-I. Antonych etc. Bishop Ilarion paid less attention to works of Ukrainian literarure scholars dedicated to works by Soviet writers. He didn’t like their Communist ideological bias. This was reflected in his assessment of works by M. Syrotiuk Ukrainian historical prose (1958), collection of papers Soviet literature studies. N1 (1959) etc. Ivan Ohienko also paid attention to works of fiction in Ukraine. He considers such works as Атестат зрілості by V. Kozachenko, Світанок над морем by J. Smolych, Данило Галицький by A. Hyzhniak to be the model of communist ideology. Different tonality and style characterize Bishop Ilarion’s literal and critical reviews of works by Ukrainian diaspora representatives. The reviews do not contain any ironical implicatures, direct criticism, ideological non-acceptance. Among highly praised works are those by P. Zajtzev Життя Тараса Шевченка (1955), J. Slavutych Іван Франко і Росія (1959) etc. Ohienko as a critic also pays attention to works by famous diaspora writers D. Humenna, I. Bahriannuj, U. Samchuk, H. Zhurba etc. Bishop Ilarion (Ivan Ohienko), who was limited within his scientific research and was denied a professor’s position, succeeded in combining his religious ministration and science. As a student and representative of historical and philological school of V. Peretz and the author of numerous philological studies, I. Ohienko symbolized the objective, free of political bias, ethical and profound criticism.
Community and individual are major topics of philosophical discussions during the 17th–18th centuries in Europe. Is there a natural need of living together? What urges people to join and stay together despite the constant hostility and fighting? How to combine a duty to the community with individual freedom? A concept of the common is mostly negative in Skovoroda’s texts because the philosopher was in the permanent conflict with society, praised solitude and self-knowledge. The paper argues that this theme was very important for his concept of an ideal man. The analysis is structured into three sections: individual and society (duty to the community), individual and individual (friendship), truth and spiritual community (choir). It is said that Skovoroda’s perfect community correlates with the idea of ‘symphony’ as the cognitive and ethical principle.
The present article analyses the lyric and epic poetry of Lesya Ukrainka. Emphasis is put on the fact that all the works of the poet reveal her epic talent, but that the transition to lyric and epic, with the introduction of dramatic moments, and dialogues, gave the poems a tragic, dramatic perception of the world with a clear lyrical colour. The ideas of asceticism, sacrifice for the humankind and the establishment of justice, love of country is defined as one of the leading characteristics of Lesia Ukrainka. It is concluded that the poet was constantly in the international sphere, as she called for justice, brotherhood, freedom – as the highest ideals of peaceful coexistence of nations.
Prawo jest nieodłącznym elementem istnienia i funkcjonowania każdej ludzkiej wspólnoty. Podobnie jak społeczność, w której prawo istnieje, jest ono jakby żywym organizmem, to znaczy rodzi się, żyje i umiera. To życie prawa jest zawsze połączone ze zmianami w prawie. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie niektórych czynników wpływających na zmiany w prawie. Wzięto pod uwagę czynniki o charakterze społecznym, kulturowym, ekonomicznym. Wyrastają one z życia społeczności, co dobrze wyraża starożytna maksyma ius sequitur vitam. Jest bardzo ważne, aby prawodawca z jednej strony miał świadomość konieczności nieustannego dostosowania prawa do stopnia rozwoju społeczności, a z drugiej strony powinien wiedzieć, co w systemie prawa jest niezmienne.
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