W niniejszym artykule przeprowadzono analizę i klasyfikację typowych awarii sprężarek przepływowych pod kątem ich przyczyn. Analiza ta oparta jest na ponadtrzydziestoletnim doświadczeniu eksploatacyjnym i konstrukcyjnym. Przedstawiono ponadto przykłady typowych awarii.
Opisano system zbierania, analizy i sposób prezentacji informacji uzyskanych z sieci dystrybucyjnej w celu poprawy parametrów jakościowych dostarczanej energii elektrycznej.
The author describes a system of acquisition, analysis and presentation of information obtained from distribution network in order to improve quality parameters of supplied electric energy.
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In the article analysis of failures of the Krosno water network has been presented. In the work the analysis of the failure frequency for individual kinds of waterworks (main, distribution and water supply connections) on the example of the Krosno water network was also presented. An analysis based on exploitation data of the water network get from Municipal Services Office in Krosno in years 2005 - 2009 was carried out. In the work the analysis of the failures depended on the diversity of applied materials, age and diameters for individual kinds of waterworks was also presented.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę awaryjności sieci wodociągowej Krosna. Zakres pracy obejmuje analizę wskaźników intensywności uszkodzeń przewodów magistralnych, rozdzielczych oraz przyłączy wodociągowych na przykładzie sieci wodociągowej Krosna. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie danych eksploatacyjnych sieci wodociągowej w latach 2005 - 2009, uzyskanych od MPGiK w Krośnie. Dokonano analizy awaryjności ze względu na zastosowany materiał, wiek oraz średnicę dla poszczególnych rodzajów przewodów wodociągowych.
The effects of the miniature channel-shaped scratches not detectable by the present inline electromagnetic defect detection system employed for wires’ surface defect detection on the fracture behaviour of the wires for civil engineering applications were investigated numerically. Finite element analysis revealed that both miniature channel-shaped across-the-thickness and across-the-width scratches change the fracture behaviour of the wires in terms of the fracture initiation locations and fracture process sequence. However, miniature across-the-thickness scratches does not affect the fracture shape of the wire while miniature across-the-width scratches changed the wires’ cup and cone fracture to a fracture shape with a predominantly flat fracture. These results provide an understanding of the fracture behaviour of wires with miniature scratches and serve as an alternative or a complimentary tools to experimental or fractographic failure analysis of wires with miniatures scratches which are difficult to carry out in the laboratory due to the sizes of the scratches.
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The paper presents an approach to modeling of shorted tums in rotor excitation winding of synchronous generator using FEM. It enables detailed analysis of magnetic field at several operating conditions under healthy and faulty states which are difficult to carry out by available measurement methods in industrial environment. Modeling of excitation winding faults is performed for a 156 MVA turbo generator operating in thermaI power plant. Since the level of diagnostic signal is considerably influenced by combination of many machine and operating parameters, an extensive analyses are needed to assure accurate healthy/faulty state predictions.
Artykuł prezentuje podejście do modelowania zwartych zwojów w uzwojeniu wzbudzającym wimika generator synchronicznego przy utycie MES. Umożliwia to dokładną analizę pola magnetycznego w kilkunastu reżimach pracy z uwzględnieniem stanów awaryjnych i bezawaryjnych, która jest trudna do przeprowadzenia dostępnymi w przemyśle metodami pomiarowymi. Modelowanie uzwojenia wzbudzenia zostało wykonane dla turbogeneratora 156 MVA pracującego w elektrociepłowni. Ponieważ poziom sygnału diagnostycznego w sposób istotny poddany wpływowi kombinacji wielu maszynowych i operacyjnych parametrów, ekstensywne analizy są niezbędne aby zapewnić dokładne predykcje stanu awaryjnego.
The aim of the research is to develop a front bumper system that absorbs maximum impact energy as compared to the current bumper available in the market, Bumper design is based on increasing the area of the crumping zone to slow down the collision and observe the impacts taking place at the time of jerks and reduces the percentage of damage. To develop the system, the number of load cases tested numerically in passive safety simulation has increased significantly in recent years. The variety of applications may be divided into three main topics: structural crashworthiness of the whole car, passenger protection, and crashworthiness of components. Present theories and practices. To absorb impact, the front bumper of the car uses a spring-loaded system that is installed between the bumper and the support for the chassis structure. This system is made of metal and serves as the bumper's structural foundation. A honeycomb structure is being added to the bumper as a composite material together with a layer of galvanized iron as it is being created in this manner, which increases strength while weighing less. This arrangement design is suitable for psychoacoustics, varying velocity explicit analysis is performed with the approach of finite element analysis, experimental testing is carried out for the validation of the value and advanced manufacturing methods are implemented with statistical results, and one of the cheapest systems is developed as compared to the current bumper systems.
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