In the last 20 years the digital revolution has brought a number of changes in the methods of dissemination of cultural works, particularly in the distribution of audiovisual works. An integration of electronic devices and content brings new opportunities for the development of cultural activity. An important example illustrating the range of changes in the domain of cultural management is the Malopolska Digital Cinema Network. It was created in part with funds from MROP 2007–2013 and exemplifies the use of technological innovation as an indicator of cultural mobilization. This text is a case study of local digital cinema network and attempts to define the scope of the impact of the use of digital tools in cultural and viewing practices in the cities belonging to MSKC.
The Philosophical and Social Yearbook Civitas Hominibus of 2013 highlights the diversity of the modern world. It includes articles dealing with culture, religion, politics, ideology amongst others. Current changes have varied characteristics requiring the identification of their qualitative and quantitative dynamics. Analysis of these changes is undertaken in various disciplines on an international scale through extensive research and constant observation. Analysis and evaluation is provided here by experts and specialists in the study of international relations and other academic disciplines, by politicians, journalists and representatives of various social organizations.
Przewodnim przesłaniem Rocznika Filozoficzno-Społecznego „Civitas Hominibus” z 2014 roku są wielostronne i wielopłaszczyznowe przemiany współczesnego świata, obejmujące wszystkie sfery, w których przejawia się obecna cywilizacja ludzka. Przemiany te mają swoje charakterystyczne cechy jakościowe i ilościowe, dynamikę rozwoju, określone kierunki ewolucji i perspektywy dalszego kształtowania się w drugiej i następnych dekadach XXI wieku. Stanowią one przedmiot podejmowanych w różnych dyscyplinach nauki w skali międzynarodowej rozległych badań i stałej obserwacji, analizy i wartościowania przez ekspertów i specjalistów w zakresie nauki o stosunkach międzynarodowych i innych gałęzi naukowego poznania otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, a także polityków, dziennikarzy i przedstawicieli różnych organizacji społecznych.
The paper discusses the issues associated with the use of cycling as an alternative to public transport and cars. It presents the most important factors influencing the choice of the bicycle as a means of transport within the urban area. The issues of infrastructure development and maintenance of routes and bicycle paths. The basis for the discussion are examples of public bicycle systems and related infrastructure communication cycling Warsaw, Polish selected cities and selected cities in Europe.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem komunikacji rowerowej jako alternatywy dla środków komunikacji publicznej i samochodów prywatnych. Przedstawiono najważniejsze czynniki wpływające na wybór roweru jako środka transportu w obrębie aglomeracji miejskiej. Poruszono zagadnienia związane z rozwojem i utrzymaniem infrastruktury tras i ścieżek rowerowych. Podstawą do rozważań są przykłady systemów roweru publicznego i infrastruktury związanej z komunikacją rowerową Warszawy, wybranych miast Polski oraz wybranych miast Europy.
This article is an attempt to answer the question of relationships between culture and education, not only on the level of assumptions and declarations but also in various dimensions of social life and social science. The first issue is the question of the place of education in our country’s development strategies. The author compares two such strategies: one based on the notion of development dependent on financial markets, European Union policies, labour efficiency and Gross Domestic Product (the notion of continuity of the current development path as presented in official documents) and another notion, i.e. that of mental-cultural change. The author analyses the place and role of education in each of these notions of development. The second issue is axiology of education. The major task in this part of the paper is to present tensions and divergences between declared description of educational practices and theories that legitimise them on the one hand and the actually realised axio-normative orientation or other value-based human actions and choices on the other. The third problem is an attempt to show education and school in the process of cultural change. The subject of critical analysis is a dominant educational policy and practice, which is linked to the practically realised notion of the country’s development, and based on requirements of usefulness, effectiveness and applicability. As an illustration of this, the author examines opposition between humanities and technical sciences, which is constructed and maintained in public debate. Plenary speeches from the 2nd Congress of Education that took place in Warsaw in June 2013, are also subject to analysis in relation to this opposition. In conclusions, the author poses the question whether education remains perceived as a cultural practice or it has become yet another tool of production submitted to requirements of the market, economic development and GDP growth.
Generalized major international organizations in one way or degree have influenced the development of alternative energy based on the analysis of their role, authority and influence on decision making and found their influence on the development of innovative component of the energy sector of the global economy
Генералізовано основні регіональні організації, які тією чи іншою мірою впливають на розвиток альтернативної енергетики, на основі аналізу їх ролі, повноважень та впливу на прийняття рішень. Виявлено їх вплив на розвиток інноваційної складової енергетичної сфери країн світової економіки.
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