„Alpinarium” definiuje się jako ogród typu rodzajowego o niewielkiej skali kompozycji, w którym wykorzystywane są rośliny piętra alpejskiego oraz innych miejsc skalistych. Współczesne ogrody alpejskie to obiekty specjalne, miejsce prezentacji szaty roślinnej gór urządzone dla celów naukowych przy różnych ośrodkach badawczych, naukowych czy kulturalno-oświatowych, to obiekty o dużym znaczeniu estetycznym i dydaktycznym, w których naturalne lub sztucznie tworzone skaliska są tłem dla roślin. W Europie pierwsze ogrody skalne pojawiły się pod koniec XVII w., ale największy ich rozkwit przypada na wiek XIX, wtedy bowiem wzrasta fascynacja Alpami i Tatrami, florą górską, wzrasta zainteresowanie ideą ratowania zagrożonych gatunków, a przede wszystkim ogród służy do prezentacji naturalnego piękna krajobrazu. Najczęściej te swobodne układy kamienne stanowiły wyodrębnione fragmenty tworzonych w nowym duchu, ogrodów krajobrazowych, a także przedstawiały specjalne kolekcje prezentowane głównie w ogrodach botanicznych.
The first rock gardens were created in the end of seventeenth century in Europe, but their greatest development occurred in the nineteenth century. Then increased fascination with the Alps and the Tatra Mountains, mountain flora and intensified interest in the idea of saving endangered species. Above all the garden was used for the presentation of the natural beauty of the landscape. Mostly these free of stone arrangement were extracted from the new type of gardens – landscaped gardens, but also they presented plants of special collections mainly in botanical gardens.
Different kinds of rocks are used as building materials or decorative stones. Stones are commonly used in the construction of buildings, roads, and pathways, and in the making of rockeries in both public and private areas. In the case of rockeries, it is very important to create a replica of some natural environment. There is a natural relationship between a rock, its weathering and any related soils. Depending on the chemical composition of the rock, soils will have a more acid or basic character. The chemical character of soils, and climatic conditions, are reflected in the plant species that occur. Rockeries should reflect these relationships. Thus the kind of rocks used in their construction is extremely important. Moreover, it is not only chemistry but even the rock colors that should be considered. Rock color influences the colors of soils. The temperatures of soils depend on color too, particularly on sunny summer days. This it is not without significance if, for example, a plant which in its natural environment grows on white limestone is planted on black limestone. Roads, pathways, steps, the borders of pools, etc., are other important elements in many gardens and rockeries. All of these should also involve natural stone with a color corresponding to the character and color of their surroundings. Natural processes result in the decay of rocks in both the natural environment and in gardens and rockeries. In towns, decay is more pronounced because of the air pollution and the lack of proper ventilation. Decay processes (deterioration) caused by anthropogenic pollution facilitate the activity of micro organisms that can be very destructive for rocks. Hydrophobization, commonly applied to decorative stones in architecture, can be also applied in small garden-architecture in order to inhibit plant growth in those parts of rockeries which are intended should not be covered with plants - even where the rock would permit the easy migration of water.
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