The addiction to psychoactive drugs still remains among the relevant research topics. The research herein focuses on the study and analysis of the relations among the alexithymia, and personality styles. The analyses of such psychological constructs may represent valuable views beneficial for the progress in the up-to-date addictology. The article deals with a number of topics, such as, definition of alexithymia, the issue of addictology and personality aspects.. The applied statistical methods are descriptive statistics, factor analysis, non-parametric Spearman's correlation analysis and Mann-Whitney U Test. The reason for choosing the non-parametric statistics has been the conclusion of the normality test pointing at the fact that the acquired data had not complied with the normal distribution assumption. The data collection methods were questionnaires TAS-20 (Toronto Alexithymia Scale) to measure alexithymia, and PSSI (Personality Style and Disorder Inventory). The gross sample under research was represented by 55 probands, namely 14 women and 41 men. The data were collected in the Psychiatric Hospital of Marianna Oranžská in Bílá Voda. The obtained results enabled us to answer the postulated research questions, which were evaluated and the following conclusions were reached: In people addicted to alcohol alexithymia occurs in 41.83 %. In subjects addicted to psychoactive drugs with alexithymia there is a substantial difference in the personality styles of a schizoid, obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, negativistic, borderline, histrionic, and self-defeating type. We believe that in this field of research there is still a huge gap to be filled, and we hope that the research may help to do so by enriching the knowledge with concrete results.
Objectives Physicians working with palliative patients have a substantial risk of emotional exhaustion because of their daily confrontation with suffering and death. Common concerns include alexithymia, high stress, low perceived social support and a greater burnout risk. This longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Balint training in preventing the development of these symptoms in these medical professionals. Material and Methods The design of the study was longitudinal. A group of 69 physicians working with palliative patients from 5 county hospitals in Romania (33 men, 36 women) participated in the study. Out of them, 31 joined and systematically attended a local Balint group whereas the others did not participate in such a group, either during the study or previously. They were given, both at the beginning (2015) and at the end of the study (2017), 4 psychometric instruments assessing alexithymia (Bagby’s Toronto Alexithymia Scale, perceived stress (Cohen and Williamson’s Perceived Stress Scale), social support (Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire) and burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory). A split-plot ANOVA analysis was used for evaluating the significance of Balint groups participation, with gender and age considered as auxiliary variables. Results In the study group, Balint training significantly improved the scores of global burnout (F(1, 64) = 25.104, p < 0.0001), 2 of its components (emotional exhaustion (F(1, 64) = 18.390, p < 0.0001) and depersonalization (F(1, 64) = 10.957, p < 0.002), alexithymia (F(1, 64) = 3.461, p < 0.0001) and perceived social support (F(1, 64) = 57.883, p < 0.0001), but not the scores of perceived stress and low personal accomplishment. Gender had an additional contribution in decreasing alexithymia (F(1, 64) = 7.436, p < 0.009) and increasing perceived social support (F(1, 64) = 15.426, p < 0.0001), with higher effects in men. Conclusions This study points to the potential usefulness of Balint training in addressing alexithymia and burnout, and in improving perceived social support among physicians working with palliative patients. As the Balint method is easily understood and does not require special investments, it could represent a cost-effective instrument of addressing job-related psychological risks. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(1):53–63
The correct, sonorous and clean human voice is the result of the interaction of many anatomical and functional structures, with the central nervous system playing a central role. Any deviations in the structure and function of these structures cause the voice to lose its normal properties, revealing pathology. Voice disorders can be divided into organic and functional. Functional disorders, unlike organic ones, are characterized by a lack of organic change in the voice organ. There are psychogenic dysphonias among the functional voice disorders. Functional, and especially psychogenic, voice disorders meet the criteria of disorders in the form of somatic and dissociative disorders. Dysphonia and psychogenic aphonia and spastic dysphonia are examples of voice disorders caused repeatedly by defense mechanisms which take the form of conversion and somatization. They share common attributes with many other disorders, which are referred to as psychosomatic, and as such are of interest to psychiatry and psychodynamic psychology. As part of this paradigm, psychosomatic disorders are considered in the context of trauma theory, alexithymia, and mentalization.
Prawidłowy, dźwięczny i czysty głos człowieka to efekt współdziałania wielu struktur anatomiczno-czynnościowych, z nadrzędną rolą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Jakiekolwiek odstępstwa w budowie i funkcji tych struktur powodują, że głos traci swoje normalne właściwości, ujawniając patologię. Zaburzenia głosu można podzielić na organiczne i czynnościowe. Zaburzenia czynnościowe, w przeciwieństwie do organicznych, charakteryzują się brakiem uchwytnej zmiany organicznej w narządzie głosu. Wśród czynnościowych zaburzeń głosu wyróżnia się dysfonie psychogenne. Czynnościowe, a zwłaszcza psychogenne, zaburzenia głosu spełniają kryteria zaburzeń pod postacią somatyczną i zaburzeń dysocjacyjnych. Dysfonia i afonia psychogenna oraz dysfonia spastyczna to przykłady zaburzeń głosu, u podłoża których wielokrotnie znajdują się mechanizmy obronne w postaci konwersji i somatyzacji. Są one wspólne dla wielu innych zaburzeń, które określa się mianem psychosomatycznych, i jako takie stanowią przedmiot zainteresowania psychiatrii i psychologii pschodynamicznej. W ramach tego paradygmatu zaburzenia psychosomatyczne są rozważane w kontekście teorii traumy, zjawiska aleksytymii oraz mentalizacji.
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