Analizowano humoralną odpowiedź immunologiczną indukowaną przez mutant temperaturowrażliwy wirusa herpes simplex typu - 1 (mutant ts HSV-1). Określono poziom przeciwciał w klasie IgG oraz przeciwciał wiążących dopełniacz dla HSV-1 w surowicach świnek morskich szczepionych mutantem ts HSV-1 na różnych poziomach pasaży, co pozwoliło na ocenę stabilności aktywności immunogennej mutanta. Porównano również przyrost poziomu przeciwciał dla mutanta ts HSV-1 i szczepu natywnego.
The aim of the present study was the analysis of the immunogenic activity of temperature sensitive mutant of HSV-1 with significantly decreased pathogenicity for mice. The stability of immunogenic potency was also tested. The level of antibody - mediated response in guinea pigs after two doses of mutant ts HSV-1 or native strain was compared. Antibodies to HSV were measured using ELISA and CFM. Seroconversion rates in tested groups were high, from 80% to 100%. The level of antibody response at 4 week after inoculation measured by ELISA and CFM showed no significant differences beetwen 4 passages of mutant ts HSV-1. Significant higher increase of antibodies level after two doses of viruses was observed for mutant to HSV-1 as compared to native strain, both in ELISA and CFM.
U myszy zakażonych mutantem ts lub szczepem natywnym HSV-1 badano występowanie w komórkach nerwowych mózgu DNA oraz antygenów wirusowych w: fazie ostrego zakażenia; w odstępie 3-5 miesięcy po wprowadzeniu wirusa oraz u myszy poddanych jednocześnie immunosupresji. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują: brak, względnie obniżenie możliwości replikacji mutanta ts i wywoływania Iatencji w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym myszy oraz że wprowadzenie immunosupresji zwiększa zdolność mutanta ts do wywołania zakażenia latentnego.
The course of acute infection of mice with ts mutant or the native strain DNA and the antigens of HSV in brain nerve cells were determined. Virus DNA was detected in brains of all mice in both animal groups while the virus antigens - only in cells of mice infected with the native strain. It can be suggested, therefore, that the ability of ts mutant to replicate in central nervous system of the infected mice is lacking or much lower. The detection of virus nucleic acid 3-5 months after virus infection might indicate a possibility of establishing latent infection. However, ts mutant showed a significantly lower possibility of latency induction, as compared with highly virulent strains. It was found that the mutant ability to induce latent infection was markedly increased when mice were treated with both ts mutant and Depo-Medrol as immunosuppressive agent. This finding shows both a possibility of increase of frequency of Iatent infections in the state of immunosuppression, and of activation of the latent infection (reccurence of acute form of infection).
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