Mining supervision authorities provide information on their activities pursuant to the Act on Access to Public Information and specific acts. The provisions guarantee access to this information to everyone through official publications, especially the online Public Information Bulletin, and by way of responding to individual requests. Public information is everything that is directly related to the activities of public authorities and entities performing public tasks, excluding internal working documents and strictly personal information. The most important role is played by access to official documents, including decisions in administrative and court proceedings. A distinction is made between simple information, generated as part of the tasks performed, and processed information, developed on the basis of simple information in cases of particular importance for the public interest. The provisions may specify different rules for disclosing public information depending on its subject (e.g. in the case of files of proceedings, recruitment for positions in the civil service or information on the environment) and may introduce restrictions on access to this information (e.g. due to legally protected secrets or personal privacy). Obtaining public information does not require the applicant to meet complicated requirements, it should take place immediately or within the time limits provided for by law. Refusal or failure to provide information is subject to administrative and judicial review and may result in administrative and criminal sanctions. Abuse of the right to public information, obtained contrary to its purpose, allows for refusal to disclose it.
Artykuł prezentuje podstawy systemu udostępniania informacji publicznej w Polsce, w szczególności przedmiot tej informacji, akty prawne regulujące jej udostępnianie, formy udostępniania, tryb udostępniania informacji na indywidualny wniosek, przewidziane w przepisach odrębnych wyłączenia i odmienności w stosowaniu przepisów o udostępnianiu informacji publicznej, sankcje za nieudostępnienie informacji publicznej i instytucję nadużycia prawa do informacji publicznej.
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