The headwater streams constitute landscapes with their own entity and are strongly influenced by their environment. They have a large impact on health and integrity, both for water quality and wildlife downstream. Studies on water quality from atlantics agroforestry catchments are scarce. Knowledge about water quality in agroforestry headwater catchments is important for assessing downstream effects and as a baseline for net impacts of land-use change. We analyzed physicochemical water variables of a headwater stream framed in a rural-agroforestry catchment with very little agricultural area, low livestock density and very little human population in NW Spain. Stream water samples were collected at the catchment outlet at approximately biweekly intervals over three years. All water samples were analyzed for the following quality parameters: pH, water temperature (T), electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K), anions (Cl, SO4), nutrients [total dissolved carbon (TDC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrites nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonium nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen (KN), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved, particulate and total phosphorus (DP, PP, TP)], and suspended solids (SS). Discharge was also measured. The mean concentrations of major anions, cations and different forms of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus were rather low compared to global “average” values. Overall, the mean values of the main physicochemical water quality indicators offers similar values to those found in other rural catchment in humid temperate climates with low agricultural activity and demography, although such concentrations could have been underestimated as they mostly correspond to regular sampling and therefore ignore the influence of rainfall-runoff events.
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In the last years the agricultural areas in Poland have been under great alterations caused by external production requirements. The food demand and farm products. prices decreased which became an important turn in comparison with the previous political period of almost unrestricted demand and high prices for farm products. That phase, very beneficial for farms. development had negative impact on ecosystem, which nowadays may be observed in environment. Among others they caused water eutrophisation and decrease of landscape values. Changes in prices and demand for products also influenced the socio-economic situation. The food overproduction and in consequence the decrease of farmers. income and employment or later on an exclusion of vast areas from agricultural production may be observed in the whole country. The situation caused the need for employment of the surplus of the human sources and new management of all agricultural land. It is the alternative crops that create the greatest opportunities for implementation of these free sources. They enable a faster flow of financial funds compared to, for example forestation; moreover they can be a source of new products for local industry development. Those features are attributed to poplar plants, planted since long by farmers in Italy, France, Belgium and Great Britain. The aim of this research is to localise, with the use of GIS tools, the potential areas for such plants. The assumptions are obligatory within the European PAMUCEAF Programme and are associated with the localisation of potential plantations on the agricultural grounds and with the requirements of rules in sustainable development. Environmental data of geomorphological, climatological, soil and hydrological information were processed into environmental characteristics that became compared with the poplars. requirements in terms of water supply, soil conditions, drought resistance, risk of frost etc. It was also arranged the information of the location of population, works and so, for delimitation of the areas where poplars could be implemented in varied strength and associated with the environmental, economical and sociological restrictions. The first stage of the research eliminated the areas improper for poplars. planting. The second one excluded the forest and designated areas from those of eligible environmental conditions. In the third stage the key areas for suggested poplar plantations were delimitated. Further on, they were divided into separates, in which the economical and social issues e.g. the lack of local market separated from the development centres or high unemployment rate, became recognised as the main aspects of introducing poplars. The main results of the research are the maps of Poland presenting the areas with the most appropriate physical conditions for poplar plantations. These are the areas in northeast part of the country as well as in the south central ones. The advantages water conditions as well as relatively low frost pisk were the most important factors that decided of the delimitation. In some areas, mostly in northern part, the frost resistant clones should be considered the Polish research conducted since the 70. indicated either the native or northamerican ones. The suggestions associated with the implementation of crops in terms of socio-economical requirements reveal that wood as well as agricultural landscape improvement effects could be gained in the areas close to big city areas as well as in the villages with a high social potential rate.
Spopularyzowana głównie w Europie Zachodniej koncepcja rolnictwa konwencjonalnego, w ostatniej dekadzie ubiegłego wieku oparta na chemizacji, hodowli nowych odmian oraz mechanizacji i automatyzacji, przyniosła wielkie zyski ekonomiczne, lecz z czasem powstały przez nią liczne zagrożenia. Zaprowadziły one finalnie do degradacji środowiska i ostatecznie sprawiły, że dziś mówi się już o prowadzeniu nowego modelu rolnictwa – regeneracyjnego, agroekologii, rolnictwa o obiegu zamkniętym czy agroleśnictwa.
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