The research, determining the potential of network of maintenance workshops for agricultural machinery. A survey was conducted in 30 maintenance workshops in Western Pomerania in 2009. The study period covered the years 2007–2008, when 8,476 repairs were made. The analysed workshops have experienced staff with appropriate qualifications. 63.4% are employees with formal experience between 11 and 20 years. Employees with experience below 10 years amount 34% of staff. The demand for repair services is generated by the implementation of field work. During this period, the potential of staff and maintenance positions is fully used, while during off-season there is a significant surplus of service supply over demand. Annually, this surplus is 530% in the area of maintenance services for agricultural machinery. The effective use of the potential of the repair shops employees in the surveyed period was 30.5%.
This paper presents the perspective of the application of biogas to power the machines working in agriculture, mainly agricultural tractors. The solutions are available abroad and chart positions built in bench Institute of Vehicles.
Artykuł przedstawia perspektywę zastosowania biogazu do zasilania maszyn pracujących w rolnictwie, a głównie ciągników rolniczych. Przedstawione są rozwiązania dostępne za granicą oraz schemat stanowiska budowanego w hamowni Instytutu Pojazdów.
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