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The subject of thorough analysis is, among others, the effectiveness of the performed transformation and one of the first attempts, in Polish science, to compare the legal changes; the attempt to answer the research question concerning the method of the implemented changes – whether the administrative and legal regulation has brought the expected results and whether all legal institutions relevant to the private law have been used appropriately; results and method of the performed inspection and supervision of the process of ownership changes in both of the countries in question. One of the basic purposes is to answer the question of how the national administration interfere in the legal turnover of agricultural real estate nowadays and how the national agricultural property influences the legal turnover of real estate. The analysed legal regulations of both countries become an interesting research area. In both cases the process of ownership changes began similarly but the further changes were proceeding differently; also, the ultimate result of the system transformations is different. The execution of the project enabled to reveal advantages and disadvantages of the changes implemented during the last 20 years. It also enabled to suggest de lege ferenda changes in the Polish Law, which made it possible to reasonably manage the agricultural real estate being the property of the State Treasury, including the transformations of the Agricultural Property Agency.
The article discusses the evolution of the legal status regulating management of agricultural property owned by the State Treasury. It presents this evolution as the consequence of multiple, often provisional actions of the legislator conditioned by changing political objectives, which results in an incoherent model of Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury aiming to serve the development of a specific agricultural system in Poland. The incidental nature can also be attributed to the regulations used as grounds for establishment of the National Support Centre for Agriculture in 2017. These provisions were supposed to implement the longdemanded closing of the Agricultural Property Agency. However, this demand was previously associated with the need for definitive distribution of the Agricultural Property Stock owned by the State Treasury through the completion of its restructuring process and ultimately its privatisation. Meanwhile, the establishment of the National Support Centre for Agriculture only means that the past activity of the Agency will continue under a new name and that the Stock will function as property used exclusively for restructuring purposes in the near future. Such legal conditions make it difficult to achieve the main objective of state agricultural property management, which is to facilitate access to agricultural land for farmers with respect of their economic interests.
Shaping the Agrarian System is one of the basic topics of the Polish Agricultural Law. The main problem here is to define a proper model of ownership relations in the agricultural sector and principles of the real estate trading. These issues are relevant for both economic and political relations. In economy the influence the real capability of the agricultural sector as well as the standard of living of the agricultural society. In the politics they are treated as the instruments assuring the food security for all the citizens and in the international relations food sovereignity. The article presents, against the historical background, the solutions provided in the recently adopted law, the main purpose of which was to restrict the possibility of acquiring the agricultural real estate by foreigners. The new law provides a ban for the transfer of state owned agricultural real estate not only to foreigners but also to Polish citizens who are not farmers. It also provides certain other restrictions on this area.
On 4 November 1971, the Law of 26 October 1971 on the regulation of ownership of farms came into force. It was a one-time piece of legislation aimed at finally regulating the informal trade in agricultural real estate. Despite its incidental effect, the enfranchisement carried out over 50 years ago has had legal effects that are still relevant. The document confirming the ownership of property acquired as a result of enfranchisement is the land title deed, which is an administrative decision. The article aims to provide an overview of the possibility of verifying land title deeds in administrative and civil proceedings.
The Polish legislator introduced a series of mechanisms limiting the possibility of turnover of agricultural real estate. The amendment to the Act on the Formation of Agricultural System, binding since 30 April 2016, has introduced several limitations in the acquisition of agricultural real estate. The rule has been adopted that only an individual farmer may be the acquirer of farming land, which excludes e.g. a commercial law company. These limitations also apply to the division of inheritance. The acquisition by relatives is not subject to the restrictions contained in the discussed regulation, but the inheritance by non-relatives is only possible under the statutory requirements. In the division of inheritance, the estate may be acquired by an individual farmer, or by other subjects who obtained the approval of the President of the National Center for Support of Agriculture. The inclusion of the above clauses in the inheritance section is not understandable and does not serve any purposes defined in the preamble to the law. It unnecessarily complicates the turnover. Fortunately, the most common divisions of inheritance, i.e. those in which relatives participate, are excluded from these constraints.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyse the legal provisions regulating the acquisition of real estate by foreigners and to indicate the area of agricultural real estate acquired by foreigners in the years 2010-2021. The analysis attempts to describe the problems resulting from the lack of coherence between the Act on shaping the agricultural system and the Act on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. Design/methodology/approach: The research methodology is based on an analysis of the existing legal and organisational regulations concerning the possibility of acquiring rights to real estate in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The authors have also reviewed the available literature in which authors have addressed issues related to the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. The annual reports made available by the Ministry of Interior and Administration on the implementation of the aforementioned Act were also used. Findings: Polish legislation favours the establishment and enlargement of family farms. At the same time, the law does not prohibit the running or enlargement of farms other than family farms, as persons running such farms may conclude agricultural land lease agreements or purchase land with the consent of the National Agricultural Support Centre. Importantly, foreigners from EU countries who decide to run an agricultural holding in Poland and obtain the status of an individual farmer have the same rights as Polish farmers with regard to not only the acquisition of agricultural land, but also direct payments, insurance in the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) or other rights and obligations related to agricultural activity in Poland. Originality/value: The publication addresses important issues concerning the acquisition of real estate in Poland by persons from both EU and non-EU countries. The subject matter is important in the context of the current socio-economic and political situation.
This article analyzes the impact of the regulation of the Act on the Formation of the Agricultural System in all phases of the contract of annuity cycle, starting from its birth, through changes, to expiration. The study assumes that the exercise of the right to acquire under Article 4 of this Act does not expire the relationship of the contract of annuity or the right to demand the conversion of the right to annuity into a pension. In addition, the result of the literal interpretation, which implies the requirement for the vendor (annuitant) to have the status of an individual farmer in the event of termination of the contract of annuity by the court, was questioned. The contested interpretative variant leads to grossly unfair and unconsidered results that do not take into account the specificity of the contract of annuity, requiring a decisive breakthrough in the mode of systemic and functional interpretation.
The subject of the analysis are new tendencies in the European soft law pertaining to agricultural land management and agricultural property trade. In 2017, a European Parliament resolution was published on the current state of agricultural land concentration in the EU. This same year, on 18 October, European Commission formulated a statement that responded to this resolution by defining the control limits of property rights for the European Union authorities, based on a line set by the Court of Justice and the guiding principles of the TFEU.
L’oggetto dell’articolo riguarda le restrizioni, presenti nell’ordinamento giuridico polacco, all’acquisto di azioni e quote da parte di stranieri nelle società proprietarie di immobili agricoli (usufrutto perpetuo). La Polonia, come alcuni Paesi dell’UE, ha introdotto specifiche limitazioni alla compravendita degli immobili, ricorrendo sia agli strumenti di diritto privato sia a quelli di diritto pubblico nell’esercitarne il controllo. Il grado di ingerenza da parte del legislatore polacco nelle operazioni di acquisto e vendita di azioni e quote delle società commerciali è stato valutato dal punto di vista giuridico, sulla base della legge in materia di acquisto degli immobili da parte di stranieri e di quella sul regime agricolo.
The subject of this article is restrictions on the acquisition by foreigners of shares in companies that are owners (perpetual usufructuaries) of agricultural real estate under the Polish legal system. Poland, similarly to some other EU Member States, has restricted the freedom to trade in real estate and introduced control over this trade through the use of instruments from the private as well as public law sphere. The degree of interference by the Polish legislator in trading in shares of commercial companies has been assessed basing on the Act on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners and the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system.
L’articolo si propone di esaminare, nel contesto del principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, i limiti posti ai trasferimenti di immobili agricoli disciplinati nella legge sul regime agricolo dal punto di vista della loro ammissibilità. Nello studio sono stati presentati i fenomeni economici e climatici in atto nel mondo, e in particolare nell’UE, i quali fanno sì che l’introduzione di soluzioni legislative volte a limitare i trasferimenti di immobili agricoli sembri ormai inevitabile. In seguito, è stato discusso il principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, comprese le condizioni secondo le quali si possono ammettere i limiti al principio stesso. Alla luce delle costatazioni formulate, si è proceduto alla valutazione degli strumenti che limitano i suddetti trasferimenti. L’analisi svolta porta a constatare che la maggior parte delle soluzioni adottate riesca a superare il test di giudizio per l’ammissibilità delle restrizioni, sviluppato positivamente nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, benché alcune di esse sollevino dubbi.
The aim of the considerations was to assess the admissibility of restrictions of trading in agricultural real estate introduced by the Act on shaping the agricultural system in the context of the EU principle of free movement of capital. The article presents the economic and climatic phenomena that have been taking place worldwide and in the European Union in particular, which make the introduction of legal solutions limiting trading in agricultural land inevitable. The EU principle of free movement of capital is discussed, including the premises for the admissibility of restrictions of this principle. In the light of these findings, an assessment of instruments that restrict trading in agricultural real estate has been made. The analysis carried out in the article leads to the conclusion that most of the adopted solutions pass the test of admissibility of introducing restrictions that has been developed in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Some of these restrictions, however, raise doubts.
Celem rozważań jest dokonanie oceny dopuszczalności ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi uregulowanych w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego w kontekście unijnej zasady swobody przepływu kapitału. W artykule przedstawione zostały zjawiska ekonomiczne i klimatyczne jakie mają miejsce na świecie, a w szczególności w UE, które powodują, że wprowadzanie rozwiązań prawnych ograniczających obrót nieruchomościami wydaje się nieuniknione. Omówiona została unijna zasada swobody przepływu kapitału, w tym przesłanki dopuszczalności ograniczenia tej zasady. W świetle tych ustaleń dokonana została ocena instrumentów, które ograniczają obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi, do których zalicza się przede wszystkim zasada nabywania nieruchomości rolnych przez rolników indywidualnych, zasada nakazująca prowadzenie gospodarstwa rolnego na nabywanej nieruchomości rolnej przez okres 5 lat i wprowadzająca zakaz zbywania nabytej nieruchomości w tym czasie bez uzyskania zgody dyrektora generalnego KOWR oraz prawo pierwokupu i nabycia przysługujące KOWR. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza prowadzi do wniosku, że większość przyjętych rozwiązań przechodzi pozytywnie wypracowany w orzecznictwie TSUE test dopuszczalności wprowadzania ograniczeń, chociaż niektóre z tych ograniczeń budzą wątpliwości.
Purpose: The aim of the publication is to provide a concise overview of the restrictions on the use of agricultural properties located in protected areas. Design/methodology/approach: As regards protected areas the Central Statistical Office publishes basic information annually in its studies and in the Local Data Bank on the forms of nature protection established in a given area, such as the area and forms and use in general terms for the whole country or by voivodeship, district and sometimes commune. However, it does not provide information on the overlapping of individual forms of nature protection and their spatial distribution, which was necessary in the case of this study. Therefore, an analysis of the spatial distribution and diversity of protected areas in the West Pomeranian Province was carried out using data made available by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection (individual forms of nature protection), the Central Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation Centre (territorial division units of the country), and cadastral data by districts from the Land Parcel Identification System. The study also used data from the Central Register of Nature Protection Forms maintained by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection and the Local Data Bank provided by the Central Statistical Office. Findings: The most restrictive restrictions on the management of agricultural real estate in protected areas occur in the case of the two most important legal forms of nature protection: national parks and nature reserves. With regard to the other forms of nature conservation, these restrictions are not felt as much by property owners. Originality/value: Research on the analysis of specific properties located in protected areas is rare. The authors wanted to show the constraints, difficulties faced by owners of agricultural properties located in environmentally valuable areas.
The aim of the deliberations presented in the article was an attempt to determine to what extent and in what degree the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system influences the conclusion, execution and termination of agricultural land leases, and whether these regulations are conducive to a stable agricultural activity on the agricultural land leased. The subject of the analysis were the provisions contained in the Act of 11 April 2003 on the shaping of the agricultural system, the Civil Code and the Act of 19 October 1991 on the management of agricultural real estate of the State Treasury. The conclusions of the deliberations are that successive amendments to the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system have had an increasing impact on the conclusion, execution and termination of all types of agricultural land leases – private, municipal and state-owned. Many provisions, however, raise interpretational doubts. Hence the need to develop a law on agricultural lease seems justified. Currently however, in order to eliminate the doubts arising from the interpretation of the existing provisions and in order to ensure stable conditions for agricultural activity, the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system must be amended.
Celem rozważań jest próba ustalenia, w jakim zakresie i stopniu na zawieranie, wykonywanie oraz zakończenie dzierżawy gruntów rolnych wpływa ustawa o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego oraz czy regulacje te sprzyjają stabilnemu prowadzeniu działalności rolniczej na dzierżawionych gruntach rolnych. Przedmiotem analizy są przepisy zawarte w ustawie z 11 kwietnia 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, w Kodeksie cywilnym oraz w ustawie z 19 października 1991 r. o gospodarowaniu nieruchomościami rolnymi Skarbu Państwa. W podsumowaniu autorka stwierdziła między innymi, że kolejne nowelizacje ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego w coraz większym stopniu i zakresie wpłynęły na zawieranie, wykonywanie oraz zakończenie dzierżawy gruntów rolnych - prywatnych, komunalnych i państwowych. Wiele przepisów budzi wątpliwości interpretacyjne. Z tego względu zasadny jest postulat podjęcia prac nad ustawą o dzierżawie rolniczej. Obecnie natomiast, by wyeliminować wspomniane wątpliwości interpretacyjne i zapewnić stabilne warunki prowadzenia działalności rolniczej, niezbędna jest nowelizacja ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego.
The subject of the article is the assessment of the applicable provisions on fees in land and mortgage register proceedings and an attempt to indicate the directions of possible normative changes. The first part will present the practical aspects of the provisions on applications including a request to establish a land and mortgage register and to connect real estate to existing land and mortgage registers. Next, considerations will be presented on selected problems with the assessment of the amount of fees for applications for the entry of ownership of agricultural real estate and entries in section III of the land and mortgage register referred to in Article 43a of the Act on Court Costs in Civil Cases. The last chapter will include de lege ferenda proposals regarding changes in the regulation of fees in matters related to land and mortgage register proceedings.
The article concerns the effects of the repeal of Article 172 paragraph 3 of the Civil Code, which provided that only an individual farmer could acquire agricultural real estate by way of acquisitive prescription. The aim of the deliberations is to determine whether, following the repeal of this provision, any entity established under civil law may acquire agricultural real estate by way of acquisitive prescription, or whether acquisition of such real estate in this manner falls within the scope of Article 2a of the Act of 11 April 2003 on the shaping of the agricultural system. In conclusion, the author states that Article 2a of the said Act applies to the acquisition of agricultural real estate by way of acquisitive prescription. Therefore, in principle, agricultural real estate by way of acquisitive prescription may be acquired by an individual farmer. There are also possible some exceptions to this rule as indicated in Article 2a, paragraph 3 of the Act. Doubts, however, arise with regard to the application to acquisitive prescription of agricultural real estate.
Artykuł dotyczy skutków uchylenia art. 172 § 3 Kodeksu cywilnego, który stanowił, że nabywcą nieruchomości rolnej w drodze zasiedzenia mógł być wyłącznie rolnik indywidualny. Celem rozważań jest określenie, czy w związku z uchyleniem tego przepisu każdy podmiot prawa cywilnego może nabyć przez zasiedzenie nieruchomość rolną, czy nabycie takiej nieruchomości przez zasiedzenie jest objęte zakresem zastosowania art. 2a ustawy z dnia 11 kwietnia 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. W podsumowaniu autor stwierdza, że do nabycia własności nieruchomości rolnej w drodze zasiedzenia stosuje się art. 2a ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Dlatego zasadniczo nieruchomość rolną w drodze zasiedzenia może nabyć rolnik indywidualny. Możliwe jest również zastosowanie niektórych wyjątków od tej zasady wskazanych w art. 2a ust. 3 tej ustawy. Wątpliwości rodzi stosowanie w odniesieniu do zasiedzenia zgody na nabycie nieruchomości rolnej przewidzianej w omawianej ustawie.
L’articolo sottopone a esame il modello polacco di controllo pubblico dell’acquisto di quote o azioni in società proprietarie degli immobili agricoli nella sua impostazione attuale. L’analisi, svolta in una prospettiva comparata, prende in considerazione regolazioni in materia vigenti in Francia, Svizzera e in alcuni Stati federati dell’Austria, come anche proposte legislative relative al controllo pubblico di questo tipo di transazioni elaborate in alcuni Stati federati della Germania. Nella parte conclusiva l’autore ribadisce la necessità di esercitare il controllo pubblico dell’acquisto in esame, il che permette di fornire una risposta a un fenomeno denominato come “land-grabbing”, rileva anche evidenti carenze della normativa polacca in materia. Tali carenze concernono in particolar modo l’ambito di applicazione del controllo esercitato dal Centro nazionale per il sostegno agricolo, perché non determinato in modo adeguato, riguardano anche alcuni strumenti del controllo controversi, quali diritto di prelazione oppure diritto d’acquisto di competenza del Centro. L’autore fa notare che soluzioni adottate in alcuni ordinamenti giuridici stranieri potrebbero diventare fonte d’ispirazione per il legislatore polacco, qualora esso decida di apportare modifiche agli strumenti di controllo pubblico dell’acquisto in esame.
The aim of the research carried out within the framework of the publication is to evaluate, in a comparative perspective, the Polish concepts of public law control of share deals in companies owning agricultural real estate. In its first part, the general shape of the Polish model of control of transactions concerning shares of companies owning agricultural real estate is presented. The second part of the work refers to attempts to subject such transactions to public law control, undertaken in parallel in other European countries, i.e. France, Switzerland and some Austrian federal states. This part also discusses some interesting legislative projects being developed in this respect in some German federal states, which, however, have not, as yet, entered into force. Conclusions drawn from the comparison of Polish and foreign legal regulations, as well as the resulting observations relating to the most serious problems of the solutions adopted in Poland are, in turn, the subject of the concluding remarks.
Rozważania koncentrują się na analizie aktualnego kształtu polskiego modelu kontroli obrotu udziałami lub akcjami spółek będących właścicielami nieruchomości rolnych w perspektywie prawnoporówanwczej, uwzględniającej odpowiednie regulacje obowiązujące we Francji, Szwajcarii i w niektórych austriackich krajach związkowych, a także projekty aktów prawnych dotyczących publicznoprawnej kontroli tego typu transakcji opracowane w niektórych niemieckich krajach związkowych. W konkluzji autor stwierdza potrzebę publicznej kontroli obrotu udziałami lub akcjami w spółkach będących właścicielami nieruchomości rolnych, jako reakcji na dostrzegalne zjawisko określane jako „land-grabbing”, a także odnotowuje ewidentne braki polskich regulacji w tym zakresie. Braki te dotyczą w szczególności niewłaściwie określonego zakresu przedmiotowego kontroli obrotu sprawowanej prze Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa (KOWR), jak też kontrowersyjnych narzędzi samej kontroli w postaci prawa pierwokupu i tzw. prawa nabycia przysługujących KOWR. Autor zauważa, że rozwiązania przyjmowane w niektórych zagranicznych porządkach prawnych mogłyby stać się inspiracją dla polskiego ustawodawcy w przypadku planowania przez niego modernizacji instrumentów publicznoprawnej kontroli obrotu udziałami lub akcjami w spółkach będących właścicielami nieruchomości rolnych.
Effective management of land resources requires implementing suitable policies and tools enabling a sustainable approach towards the improvement of the structure of farms, the acquisition of agricultural properties, their subdivision, as well as other procedures concerning the use and turnover of agricultural land. Proper analytical basis for managerial decisions includes procedures concerning estimation of land value.. The estimation of agricultural real estate in Poland generally takes place using a comparative approach, however, an alternative to the valuation process is allowed - the land valuation index method, which falls under the mixed approach. The purpose of the following paper is to verify the effectiveness of the land valuation index method in the context of the changing prices of agricultural real estates in Poland over the years. Moreover, there is widespread recognition that the estimation indices depend on the data of the real estate cadastre, as well as on the location of the real estate differentiated by its affiliation to a given tax district. As emhasised in the literature, the validity of the cadastral data is sometimes problematic and the state disclosed in the cadastre very often differs from the actual state. For the purposes of the following publication, examples of situations occurring in practice and affecting the reliability of the cadastral data on the basis of which the determination of the value of real estate is carried out were also indicated.
W pracy dokonano analizy rynku nieruchomości rolnych na terenie gminy Gdów w latach 2000–2001. Porównano transakcje jakie zostały dokonane pod kątem powierzchni gospodarstw sprzedających i kupujących grunty rolne, ich wyposażenia w techniczne środki produkcji, a także źródła utrzymania gospodarującej rodziny.
The work includes the analysis of agricultural real estate in the commune of Gdów in 2000-2001. The research compares the transactions done in view of the area of farms selling and purchasing agricultural land, their equipment as far as technical production resources are concerned and sources of income for the farm family.
Content available Sytuacja prawna nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej
The Act on shaping the agricultural system of April 2003 introduces a special regime for trading in agricultural real estates. This act, as a rule, imposes the ban on purchasing agricultural real estates by entities that are not individual farmers, including primarily any legal persons (entities) as well as natural persons who do not meet the criteria for being considered as individual farmers. However, the scope of the Act is much wider – its operation does not end with the acquisition of the agricultural real estate by its purchaser. Among the instruments for shaping the trade of agricultural real estates it is also necessary to indicate the obligation of the purchaser to run a farm, which includes the purchased property, for a period of at least 5 years from the date of its purchase, and if the purchaser is a natural person, an obligation to run this farm personally by its owner. In addition, during this period, the purchaser of agricultural real estate may not sell it or give it over to other entities (e.g. for tenancy or lease). The article discusses details of the limitations of the ownership rights to the agricultural real estate, including restrictions on the freedom to use and dispose it. The discussed regulations are also assessed as to their compliance with the Constitution and the law of the European Union.
The aim of the article is to examine whether the provision of Article 8a of the Act on modelling the agricultural system concerns the supervision or control of the National Agriculture Support Centre (KOWR) over the performance of obligations of an agricultural real estate’s buyer. In addition, the study aims to explain KOWR’s rights with respect to this buyer and to examine what will determine the future recovery of agricultural property by KOWR acting on behalf of the State Treasury when it is found that the property is not used in accordance with the obligations set out in the Act on modelling the agricultural system. The research is carried out using the following methods: examination of the law in force, analysis of judicial decisions and relevant literature. The analysis demonstrates that KOWR cannot issue any binding orders or recommendations for an agricultural real estate’s buyer, i.e. it does not have any supervisory measures, therefore the provision of Art. 8a of the act concerns control, and the legislator used the concept of supervision in this provision wrongly and unnecessarily. Moreover, it is clarified that if an inspection demonstrates that the buyer uses the agricultural property contrary to the provisions of the Act, it does not mean that the State Treasury will regain it, as KOWR may not have the financial resources to pay the market value of the property pursuant to the provisions of the Act on real estate management.
Celem artykułu było zbadanie, czy przepis art. 8a u.k.u.r.1 dotyczy nadzoru, czy też kontroli KOWR nad wykonaniem obowiązków nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej. Ponadto przedmiotem opracowania było wyjaśnienie uprawnień KOWR2 wobec nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej oraz ustalenie, od czego w przyszłości będzie należało odzyskanie nieruchomości rolnej przez KOWR działający na rzecz Skarbu Państwa, gdy zostanie stwierdzone, że nieruchomość nie jest wykorzystywana zgodnie w obowiązkami wskazanymi w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem metod: formalnej, dogmatycznej, analizy orzecznictwa oraz literatury przedmiotu. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że KOWR nie może wydawać nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej żadnych wiążących poleceń lub zaleceń, tzn. nie dysponuje żadnymi środkami nadzorczymi, wobec czego przepis art. 8a u.k.u.r. dotyczy kontroli, a ustawodawca w tym przepisie mylnie i niepotrzebnie posłużył się pojęciem nadzoru. Ponadto wyjaśniono, że stwierdzenie w wyniku kontroli, że nieruchomość rolna jest wykorzystywana przez nabywcę niezgodnie z przepisami ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, nie oznacza, że Skarb Państwa odzyska ją, gdyż KOWR może nie dysponować środkami finansowymi na zapłatę wartości rynkowej nieruchomości zgodnie z przepisami ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami.
The article presents selected legal instruments affecting the turnover of agricultural real estate in Poland. Changes since 2016 have introduced not only a new legal regime, but also numerous restrictions on the purchase of agricultural real estate. In some respects, they correspond to the resolution of the European Parliament, which encourages EU Member States to protect the agricultural nature of real estate. The current legal status, however, significantly affects the Treaty free movement of capital. In addition, it limits constitutionally protected property. The Polish regulations have been presented against the background of the regulations of selected European countries.
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