Agricultural law making, including the regulations of farm sales and agricultural estate sales, is a special subject in the development of new civil law codifications. The attention was concentrated on answering the question, if the definition or precise formulation of the premise conditioning the division of a farm is needed or, just the opposite; the premise should be replaced by a more open formula? The rationality of the farm division must be considered by referring to many criteria, those reflecting the current European law. The criteria should be determined by problems resulting from the profitability of agriculture, requirements of natural environment, protection of unique values of country landscape, balanced and multifunctional development of rural areas, social or educational policy. Therefore, the criteria accepting the natural farm division, in line with a modern agricultural concept tending to a development policy of rural areas, should account for the ecological, cultural, social or psychological aspect of the operation of farms, in addition to the financial, production and family aspects. The assumption of the need for functional harmonization and correlation can be effected by the law maker by the use of a general ”economically vital farm” phrase, to be made more precise in concrete circumstances, in regard to the production, financial, ecological and social properties of the division object.