Współczesne systemy analityczne coraz częściej sięgają po nowe sposoby analizy danych oparte na rozmytym wnioskowaniu i przetwarzaniu informacji, która nie zawsze jest reprezentowana w sposób precyzyjny. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano nowatorski, w pełni funkcjonalny, opracowany i zrealizowany przez autorów system hurtowni danych rozmytych (FDW, Fuzzy Data Warehouse). Hurtownia danych rozmytych stanowi repozytorium danych, które przechowuje zarówno dane precyzyjne, jak i dane rozmyte oraz pozwala na klasyczne i rozmyte przetwarzanie zgromadzonych w niej danych. W artykule zebrano najważniejsze cechy funkcjonalne systemu FDW oraz wykonanej przez autorów aplikacji analitycznej FDW Browser, należącej do klasy narzędzi eksploracji danych Fuzzy-OLAP.
Modern analytical tools increasingly make use of new ways of data analysis that base on fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy processing of information. In the paper, we present a Fuzzy Data Warehouse system (FDW), which we have designed and developed. Fuzzy Data Warehouse (FDW) is a data repository, which contains fuzzy data and allows a fuzzy processing of the data. In the paper, we focus on the most important functional features of the FDW system and our newly developed FDW Browser, which is an analytical application adhering to the Fuzzy-OLAP class of data exploration tools.
Consumer brands often offer discounts to attract new shoppers to buy their products. The most valuable customers are those who return after this initial incentive purchase. With enough purchase history, it is possible to predict which shoppers, when presented an offer, will buy a new item. While dealing with Big Data and with data streams in particular, it is a common practice to summarize or aggregate customers’ transaction history to the periods of few months. As an outcome, we compress the given huge volume of data, and transfer the data stream to the standard rectangular format. Consequently, we can explore a variety of practically or theoretically motivated tasks. For example, we can rank the given field of customers in accordance to their loyalty or intension to repurchase in the near future. This objective has very important practical application. It leads to preferential treatment of the right customers. We tested our model (with competitive results) online during Kaggle-based Acquire Valued Shoppers Challenge in 2014.
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