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The aim of this article is to present the problem of moral fairness of Polish insurance market. According to Polish law and Polish Brokers Code Of Conduct broker should act for the benefit of insured individuals. However, the fact that brokers are paid a courtage (broker fee) by insurers allows to doubt whether brokers always act genuinely for the benefit of their customers. Two different answers to the question were analysed: one suggested by P. Sukiennik and the other offered by J. Kliszcz. P. Sukiennik claims that broker fee must be transparent for clients. He thinks that the transparency results in lowering the total amount of commission and finally it increases the quality of brokerage. J. Kliszcz insists that nowadays regulation is sufficient in guarantying clients’ interests. He maintains that a client is not interested in getting to know the broker fee, but in lowering the total price of service. From the ethical point of view one can say that both authors tacitly accept the utilitarian perspective. However, they judge differently the existing practices and thus give different prescriptions.
The aim of this paper is to present regulations related to professional liability of a real estate agent, and an indication of the effectiveness of information issues. First of all, economic theory of agency will be used as a tool to characterize the relationship between the parties of a transaction. Next liability will be discussed, i.e. the agency contracts and agent’s professional liability − distinguished from civil and criminal liability. The theory of agency exists as a research tool in the new institutional economics. Its assumptions can be summarized as follows: The agent as a subject is acting on behalf of the principal who, in terms of the indicated target, according to his own preferences and possibilities performs actions leading in his opinion to the desired result by the principal. The relationship may form problems of information asymmetry, because the agent does not have to reveal his knowledge and capabilities, so the principal is not able to affect the method of implementation of an order. The identification of professional liability of a real estate agent comes directly from the set of his contract. Basic regulations defining agency agreements and identifications of professional liability arose during the political changes in Poland. Patterns come from different countries and different legal systems. Polish business practice used them in accordance with its capabilities. The observed patterns of work of agents’ representatives lead to the conclusion that they may lead to strengthening the presence of information asymmetry problems in the form of adverse selection or moral hazard. As a result, they can lower the information efficiency. A real estate agent can provide mediation activity by acting on the basis of multiple sources of contractual provisions. These include a contract of employment, contract work, self-employment or running a company. Regardless of the basis for their relationship with an employing person an additional (and primary) source of responsibility are agency agreements. Two types of contracts (open and with an exclusivity clause) impose different qualitative responsibilities on a agent. Regardless of the form of the activity they are associated with high risks connected with the provision of services on asset markets with high specificity and uniqueness of the transaction. Therefore, from an economic point of view attempts trying to reduce the occupational risk and market risk should be regarded as reasonable.
Content available remote Służby specjalne w starożytnym Izraelu
Wszystkie państwa posiadają służby wywiadowcze. Działalność tych służb jest zróżnicowana uwarunkowaniami historycznymi i społecznymi. Metody, jakimi posługują się służby specjalne w swoich działaniach, odzwierciedlają zawsze historyczny etap ich funkcjonowania. Autor niniejszego tekstu omawia działalność służb specjalnych w starożytnym Izraelu. Artykuł składa się z trzech części wydzielonych na podstawie kryterium historycznego. W pierwszej autor omawia działalność służb podczas wyjścia Izraelitów z Egiptu i w okresie Sędziów. W drugiej – analizuje działania służb specjalnych w okresie monarchii izraelskiej i w epoce upadku państwa. Natomiast w trzeciej – przedstawia dwa przypadki działań specjalnych o charakterze wyjątkowo negatywnym, przytoczonym przez autorów Nowego Testamentu.
All states have intelligence services. The operation of these services varies depending on historical and social circumstances. The methods used by secret services in their activity always reflect the historical stage of their operation. The author of this text discusses the operation of secret services in ancient Israel. The article consists of three parts separated on the basis of historical criteria. Firstly, the author describes the services’ operation during the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and in the period of the Judges. Secondly, he analyzes the operation of secret services during the Israelite monarchy and the era of the fall of the state. Thirdly, the author discusses two cases of special operations of an extremely negative character, quoted by the authors of the New Testament.
The paper refers to the essential problem of the European political space, namely the insufficient implementation scale of accountability standards, which has a direct effect on the democratization of the European political system, specifically on the democracy deficit. The paper was presented the accountability standard on the background on the EP election in 2014, with the strong focus on the relations between the voters and the EP candidates. In the analyses the factors characterizing the quality of political discourse were considered taking into account both, the electorate political activity (principal – in the meaning Principal-Agent-Theory), as well as the offer of the running politicians (as the agents).
W artykule przedstawiono projekt implementacji wieloagentowego systemu sterowania zespołem robotów mobilnych. Uwzględniono aspekty implementacji w systemie czasu rzeczywistego QNX. Przedstawione zostały zasady komunikacji pomiędzy agentami i mechanizmy synchronizacji ich działań. Omówiono zasadę działania spotkań agentów, wymiany komunikatów i negocjacji wykonania usługi poprzez tablicę ogłoszeń. W podsumowaniu przedstawiono stan zawansowania prac.
An implementation of multi-agent control system has been described. The communication and synchronisation mechanism has been discussed. Message flow and client-server negotiation via blackboard are proposed as the main communication means. Several sample message protocols has been presented and implemented in the application being developped. Some aspects of QNX implementation have been discussed.
Content available remote Data intensive scientific analysis with grid computing
At the end of September 2009, a new Italian GPS receiver for radio occultation was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Center (Sriharikota, India) on the Indian Remote Sensing OCEANSAT-2 satellite. The Italian Space Agency has established a set of Italian universities and research centers to implement the overall processing radio occultation chain. After a brief description of the adopted algorithms, which can be used to characterize the temperature, pressure and humidity, the contribution will focus on a method for automatic processing these data, based on the use of a distributed architecture. This paper aims at being a possible application of grid computing for scientific research.
Content available remote Alliance and Coalition Formation
Rapid development of agent technologies has evoked new research problems, among them formation of the groups of agents, such as alliances and coalitions. In the paper we differentiate between alliances and coalitions and suggest approaches to their formation. Agents of the highlighted alliances and coalitions are considered as group-rational, i.e., more interested in achieving the common goal than in their own benefits. The paper deals with specific alliances in which an agent accepts the offer to join the alliance despite the fact that one or more clauses of the planned alliance are not acceptable for him. This way, the agent may participate in the alliance on restricted conditions. The paper focuses on the problems of alliance and coalition formation, specifically, on the issues of agents’ activities at the stage of alliance and coalition structuring. For different cases when an agent is either informed about other agents’ capabilities or not, different agent’s activities are considered. For the purposes of modeling and verification of the proposed algorithms and approaches to alliance and coalition formation the Erlang/OTP platform is used. The paper specifies how the Erlang/OTP platform can be used for modeling agents’ intercommunication during formation of coalitions.
Content available remote On Computing Bodies
tom Vol. 76, nr 3
Eco-grammar (EG) systems are proposed as a suitable formal framework for the study of some of the computationally relevant properties of the behavior of collections of embodied agents sharing a common environment and acting in it in simple ways. It is illustrated that the computational power of such systems goes - in certain situations - beyond the traditional limits of the Turing-computability.
Content available Koncepcja habitusu u Pierre'a Bourdieu
Numer został przygotowany przy wsparciu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (1222/P-DUN/2015).
The article handles a sociological formulation of the term in the works of the eminent scholar. It also takes into account a wider, explicative context relevant to other terms (field, capital, agent, disposition, competence, distinction) used to analyze French society. It is a synchronic approach to habitus overlapping its diachronic analysis referring to the use of the term habitus in Greek, Roman and Christian philosophy found i.e. in Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Virgil, Thomas Aquinas works.
tom Vol. 98, nr 44
Praca dotyczy technik reprezentacji i tworzenia planów uniwersalnych dla agentów funkcjonujących w otoczeniach stacjonarnych i deterministycznych. Pokazano, że makro-tablice generują plany uniwersalne. Zaproponowano teorio-mnogościowy test pozwalający rozstrzygać czy zachodzi algebraiczny warunek istnienia makro-tablicy.
tom Vol. 98, nr 44
Praca dotyczy zadania identyfikacji stanu otoczenia agenta. Wiadomo, że problem wyznaczenia optymalnego, prostego eksperymentu identyfikującego stan jest NP-trudny. W związku z tym, pojawia się potrzeba redukcji złożoności problemu planowania eksperymentu. W tym celu, zaproponowano strategie szeregowej (sekwencyjnej) dekompozycji problemu, wykorzystująca zasadę ograniczonej optymalności. Podstawowa idea metody polega na procesie sekwencyjnego eliminowania hipotez fałszywych, Który jest naprzemiennym ciągiem czynności: planowanie eksperymentu rozróżniającego parę stanów i jego wykonanie. Dokonano analizy złożoności obliczeniowej metody.
This paper concerns the problem of state identification of agent's environment. It is known that it is NP-complete to find the optimal state identification experiment. In order to reduce a complexity of state identification problem, a decomposition method is proposed. A main idea of the method relies on a sequential elimination of the wrong hypotheses. It is shown that the method satisfies the principle of bounded optimality.
Content available remote A multi-agent system for distributed job and resource management
tom nr 875
A multi-agent system for a network of computers is described. The system consists of a distributed set of agents, each of which runs locally on a computer in the network. The system has no central control. It is controlled only by its agents. The agents are independent and they behave according to a protocol. The behaviour of agents simulates a game of tasks for access to resources. It is such that each task has a guarantee to be excuted, what implies a systematic progress of the respective jobs.
Praca zawiera opis wieloagentowego systemu dla sieci komputerowej. System składa się z agentów rezydujących w węzłach sieci. Każdy z agentów dzizła na lokalnym komputerze stanowiącym węzeł sieci. System nie ma centralnego sterowania. Jest sterowany tylko przez swoich agentów. Agenci są niezależni i działają według pewnego protokołu. Działanie agentów symuluje grę, w której zadania ubiegają się o dostep do zasobów. Działanie to jest takie, że każde zadanie ma gwarancję wykonania, co implikuje systematyczny postęp odpowiednich prac.
Content available remote Coherence in control of information security: coins
tom Vol. 2, No. 4
The message is a norm-related and experience based policy guidance about control of authorization and authenticity in communications for sustainability in life cycle system's ubiquitous principal - agent relation's dependable behavior with respect to reliability, maintainability and maintenance concerning confidentiality; i.e., confidence or secrecy, integrity and availability. The performance is fed back through monitoring, account and audit of fault caused incidents, errors and rule failure consequent effect events. Knowledge management, for entities' evaluated requisite variety width in cognition of situation event contexts, is the primary condition for authorization of the system entities' right to access role adequate assets; i.e., adapted and accredited communication architecture applications.
Content available Zmiana instytucjonalna
Tekst poświęcony jest kategorii zmiany instytucjonalnej. Podjęto w nim próbę scharakteryzowania dwóch odmiennych tradycji jej wyjaśniania. W tym celu przedstawiono: rozumienie instytucji, zależności między podmiotem a instytucją, typy zmiany instytucjonalnej, mechanizmy i formy zmiany instytucjonalnej oraz jej niezamierzone konsekwencje.
The author attempts to describe the phenomenon of institutional change. He discusses two different approach institutional change and its explanation, and presents his definition of institution and of the interdependen between agent and institution. He also discusses the types and mechanisms of institutional change and its unintend consequences.
Podejmowanie przez psychologię kognitywną (cognitive sciences i nauki pokrewne: social cognition, cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience itp.) problematyki związanej z takimi kategoriami, jak: świadomość, ,ja" czy podmiot stanowi - po latach nieobecności - swoiste novum. Na tym tle wyłania się specyficzny sposób widzenia osoby i natury jej działania. Jego istotną cechą staje się podważenie potocznych wyobrażeń na temat funkcjonowania człowieka jako świadomego podmiotu, kierującego własnymi działaniami zgodnie ze swoimi świadomymi planami, intencjami czy wolą: wzrastająca liczba badań wskazuje, że procesy odpowiedzialne za ludzkie zachowanie w znacznej mierze przebiegają w sposób subświadomy i automatyczny, a to, co sobie uświadamiamy, to jedynie efekty ich działania. W artykule przedstawione zostaną empiryczne argumenty (zwłaszcza z obszaru społecznej psychologii poznawczej oraz badań neurobiologicznych) przemawiające za tą właśnie tezą. Uzmysłowienie sobie roli tzw. poznawczej nieświadomości prowadzi zarazem badaczy do szeregu pytań. Ważniejsze z nich dotyczą tego: kto (jeśli nie podmiot utożsamiany ze świadomym ,ja") kieruje zachowaniem i sprawuje nad nim kontrolę?, a także tego: jaka jest rola świadomości, ,ja" i doświadczenia bycia podmiotem? Sytuacja ta skłania również do zadania pytania bardziej podstawowego: czy naukom szczegółowym dostępna jest kategoria ,podmiotu jako takiego"?
Categories such as: "consciousness", "self, "agent" - after decades of absence - regain recognition as a specific novelty in the field of cognitive psychology (cognitive sciences and related disciplines: social cognition, cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience, etc.). In this context, a particular approach towards the person and the nature of his/her actions emerges. The main mark of this approach seems to undermine our commonsense convictions on the man's functioning as a conscious agent who controls the course of his actions according to his conscious plans, intentions or will: an increasing amount of evidence indicates that complex processes responsible for human behavior do not require awareness; an important class of these unconscious processes is automatic: we are only aware of some of their effects. The text provides a number of empirically grounded arguments (advanced especially in the field of social cognition and neuroscience) in favor of the thesis mentioned above. Some evidence confirms a significant role of so called "cognitive unconsciousness" in various complex mental processes, although this raises some questions. Just to name some of the key difficulties: Who (if not the conscious "I") is the controller of one's own behavior and who guides it? What do we need consciousness for? What is the role of human sense of agency and a subjective experience of the will? And finally, to bring forward the fundamental one: can a scientific theory deal with the category of an 'agent as such'?
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