Introduction Almost all societies of the world are ageing. One of the most common problems of the elderly are falls and mobility disorders. They may result in disability and in loss of functional independence. We conducted the study to assess the relationship between the level of physical activity and the risk of falls and depression in adults aged 60-75 years. Materials and Methods We used the random route method and included 500 subjects from southeast Poland. We measured physical activity with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and we assessed the risk of falls with the Tinetti test. To assess depressive states, we used the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). We used a questionnaire to obtain sociodemographic and anthropometric data. Results The mean weekly energy expense (metabolic equivalent of task - MET) of the studied population measured with the IPAQ was 823.88 MET min/week. We found a statistically significant relationship between the level of physical activity and the risk of falls and depression in the studied population. Subjects with insufficient physical activity had statistically higher risk of falls (p=0.0373), and had depression statistically more often (p=0.0003). Conclusion Subsequent studies should aim at establishing an optimal training programme for the elderly. It is important for subjects over 60 years of age to know that physical activity is crucial for maintaining good health and functional ability, as well as for subjective wellbeing.
Introduction The rapid aging of the human population is an increasing challenge to public health. With aging of population, the number of people functionally and cognitively dependent increases. The incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms and urinary incontinence increases, too. Material and methods The study included 1032 randomly selected women aged 60–80 years living in south-eastern Poland (the Podkarpackie region). For comparative analysis, we divided this population into two subgroups: I - women with a problem recognized by the doctor considering urinary incontinence (UI) and II - clinical control group (women without urinary incontinence, WP). The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire was used to assess the disability and functioning and WHOQOL-bref to assess the quality of life. Results In the studied population of women aged 60-80 years, 14.53% reported urinary incontinence. The global disability level was higher in the UI group in comparison to WP group (0<0.001). The intensity of disability was highest in domains of activities of daily life, mobility and social participation. In comparison to women without urinary incontinence, the UI group women experienced larger effect of their dysfunction on all domains of quality of life, in particular the psychical health, psychological health and environment (p<0.001) Conclusions The study proves that urinary incontinence has a significant effect on lowering the quality of life and psychosocial functioning of elderly women living in south-eastern Poland. The results point to those domains of functioning which require greatest support. These conclusions communicate a significant message for those who develop rehabilitation programmes for elderly patients with urinary incontinence.
The aim of the research was to assess the postural stability indicators of older women and men receiving institutional care. Methods: The study involved 123 people aged 65–85, living in residential care homes in Rzeszów district. The main research tool was the CQ-Stab 2P 2-platform posturograph. Results: There were statistically significant differences between women and men in the total statokinesiogram path length, the statokinesiogram path length in the anteroposterior direction, the mean COP displacement in the anteroposterior direction as well as the mean velocity of the COP point in the anteroposterior direction under eye control ( p = 0.04). In the case of absence of visual control, men were characterized by significantly worse parameters in the area of mean COP displacement in the anteroposterior and lateral directions as well as the maximal COP displacement in the anteroposterior and lateral directions. It indicated that without visual control body balance parameters in men significantly worsened along with increasing age. A statistically significant difference was found between both genders in terms of the statokinesiogram path length, the mean COP displacement and the mean COP velocity ( p < 0.05). Conclusions: Gender differences in postural stability of older people under institutional care were noticed. Men were characterized by a lower level of postural stability compared to women. Elimination of visual control significantly worsened the balance of the body. The results obtained indicate the necessity of introducing therapeutic programs in nursing homes, taking proprioceptive exercises and exercises without visual input into account.
Wstęp: Z wiekiem wzrasta ryzyko zachorowania na różne choroby, w tym raka piersi. Postępujący proces starzenia się społeczeństw wymaga od współczesnej fizjoterapii zwiększenia sprawności funkcjonalnej osób starszych. Problem antropometrycznego pomiaru zakresu ruchu oraz siły mięśni barku jest słabo dostrzegany w procesie usprawniania pacjentek po mastektomii. Cel pracy: Celem badania była ocena funkcji barku wyrażonej w zakresie ruchu i siły mięśniowej u pacjentek po 60. r.ż., po mastektomii. Materiał i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano 24 pacjentki (średnia wieku: 65 lat) w Zakładzie Rehabilitacji Świętokrzyskiego Centrum Onkologii w Kielcach. Wszystkie pacjentki były poddane zmodyfikowanej radykalnej mastektomii metodą Maddena oraz odpowiedniemu leczeniu uzupełniającemu. W Zakładzie Rehabilitacji zbadano zakres ruchomości stawów ramienno-łopatkowych podczas zgięcia, odwiedzenia, rotacji wewnętrznej oraz rotacji zewnętrznej za pomocą goniometru. Ruchy unoszenia, wysuwania do przodu (protrakcja) oraz cofania (retrakcja) barku oceniano za pomocą antropometru. Dynamometrem zbadano siłę wybranych grup mięśni barku podczas unoszenia, wysuwania do przodu oraz cofania. Analizę statystyczną wykonano za pomocą pakietu STATISTICA 12.0, przyjęto poziom alfa = 0,05. Wyniki: Ruchy zgięcia, odwodzenia i rotacji zewnętrznej kończyny górnej były istotnie statystycznie ograniczone po stronie operowanej piersi. Zakres ruchu oraz siła mięśni barku podczas unoszenia, wysuwania do przodu i cofania były istotnie statystycznie mniejsze po stronie wykonanej mastektomii (12%-14%) w stosunku do strony zdrowej. Wnioski: 1. Funkcja barku u kobiet po 60. roku życia, po stronie operowanej piersi jest znacząco ograniczona. 2. Przedstawione badania wskazują na konieczność poszerzenia zakresu rehabilitacji chorych w starszym wieku po leczeniu raka piersi.
The overall risk of contracting various diseases, including breast cancer, increases with age. An on-going process of population ageing challenges modern physiotherapy with the need to have functional capacity in older people appreciably enhanced. The issue of anthropometric assessment of the range of motion and shoulder muscle strength is presently much underrated in the physical rehabilitation management of women patients after radical one-sided mastectomy. The study aimed to assess the functional mobility of a shoulder expressed as a range of motion, in conjunction with the assessment of shoulder muscle strength, in women patients over 60 years of age after radical one-sided mastectomy. The study comprised 24 patients (mean age 65 years) recruited from the Department of Rehabilitation, Holy Cross Cancer Centre, Kielce. All patients had undergone modifi ed radical mastectomy using the Madden technique, and an adjuvant therapy. The shoulder range of motion, i.e. flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation, was evaluated by a goniometer. Elevation, protraction and retraction movements were evaluated using an anthropometric device. A dynamometer was applied to assess the strength of select muscle groups within the shoulder during elevation, protraction and retraction motions. Statistical analysis was made with the aid of STATISTICA 12.0 software, having adopted a 0.05 alpha level as statistically signifi cant. The movements of fl exion, abduction and external rotation of the upper extremity were signifi cantly reduced on the mastectomy side. The range of motion and muscle strength during shoulder elevation, protraction and retraction were significantly diminished on the operated side (12% - 14%), compared to the non-operated one. 1. Functional mobility of the shoulder was signifi cantly reduced on the mastectomy side. 2. Results of the present study highlight the need to extend the scope of rehabilitation regimens offered to older women after radical one-sided mastectomy.
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A common definition of dependence and dependence degree has not been so far established. Yet, it is crucial for the planning of a range of social welfare services. In order to unify the system of dependence degree assessment and the standardization of support for dependent subjects, a project entitled “Professionalising of the support and welfare services for dependent subjects – new standards of education and care” is being run in the years 2017–2019. Its main aim is to professionalize the care of older adults of various degree of dependence, at their place of residence, and also the design of a unified system of dependence assessment. To assess dependence and its degrees we used the WHO classifications: Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD10). Application of a tool based on these classifications will allow for obtaining complex information on the problems to the functioning of subjects in their environment.
Dotychczas nie wypracowano powszechne stosowanej definicji niesamodzielności i kryteriów niesamodzielności. Jest to niezbędne do zaplanowania różnych form zabezpieczenia społecznego. W celu ujednolicenia systemu oceny stopni niesamodzielności oraz standaryzacji wsparcia dla osób zależnych jest realizowany w latach 2017–2019 projekt Profesjonalizacja usług asystenckich i opiekuńczych dla osób niesamodzielnych – nowe standardy kształcenia i opieki, którego głównym założeniem jest profesjonalizacja opieki nad osobami starszymi o różnym stopniu niesamodzielności w ich miejscu zamieszkania, w tym wypracowanie jednolitego systemu oceny niesamodzielności. Do oceny niesamodzielności i jej stopni zastosowano łącznie klasyfikacje WHO: Funkcjonowania, Niepełnosprawności i Zdrowia (ICF) oraz Chorób i Problemów Zdrowotnych (ICD10). Zastosowanie narzędzia zbudowanego na podstawie tych klasyfikacji umożliwi pozyskanie kompleksowych informacji o problemach w funkcjonowaniu badanego w otaczającym go środowisku.
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