The purpose of this paper is to trace the very origins of an adventure education in Poland. We present some ideas that can be found in the Polish literature and articles published in the early 1920s. In the novel entitled Lato leśnych ludzi (The Forest People’s Summer) Maria Rodziewiczówna (1864–1944) presents a complete adventure education programme which is realized in a forest wilderness. Although this programme is similar in properties to that of British boy scouts, both educational systems are different in many ways, so “the forest people school” can be regarded as Rodziewiczówna’s original concept based mainly on the Polish history and local traditions. Ślizgawka (Ice Rink) is a memoir written by Franciszek Wysłouch (1896–1978) describing a unique pattern of winter skate-tour performed in the Polesie country before the Great War. These skate expeditions in the wilderness are the best examples of the pure adventure education. General Mariusz Zaruski (1867–1941) in his articles edited in the anthology Na bezdrożach tatrzańskich (In the Tatra Wilderness) pointed out many educational advantages of mountaineering and ski-touring in the Tatra Mountains. He also focused his attention on the wilderness education programmes. These ideas sounded revolutionary and were rejected by the Polish society of the beginning of 20th century.
Aim: A synthesis of different researches on outcomes in adventure and outdoor education was used in this paper, in order to develop universal tool, aiming to support analyzes of future groundwork materials in competences researches. Method: The article is based on extended literature review. The research becomes more multiplying than comparative in nature, or serves to deepen or add knowledge about outcomes in adventure outdoor education. Results: In this theoretical reasoning attempt of selection, classification, connection within broader categories of competences was made by reviewing previous researches and literature, moreover tested on examples of concrete educational process. Conclusion: In reviewed literature researchers often use tools designed particularly to serve this purpose and that are aimed at structuring the skills and competences acquired by participants of this kind of education. Other researchers dealing with this topic are likely to experience a difficulty while trying to summarize and compare the results of other research presented in literature due to the various classifications and terminology used.
An increased interest in qualitative research is connected with the revival of the discussion on reliability and credibility of research conducted by qualitative methods. The aim of the article is to present certain selected issues related to conducting qualitative research. Relatively common research methods used in this area are a case study and, well established in the literature on educational research, participatory action research. Other important methods are observations and interviews that are often used as a way of collecting qualitative data, which, supplemented by actual writing, are already recognized as research methods. Finally, the article describes problems of researcher’s positioning towards subjects and the social justice pedagogy based on the concept of service learning (learning in the service of society).
The aim of this paper is to present the key terminology in the field of adventure education, its essence and development direction on the example of countries with rich tradition of education in this field. The author presents selected proposals of outdoor and adventure education definitions, as well as similarities and differences between erlebnispaedagogik and adventure education. The paper exposes the essence of adventure education and the direction of evolution on the example of Germany, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand.
The article presents an attempt to describe outdoor training as a certain tradition in adventure education. As in the case of every HR intervention, outdoor training also has to respect the systematic model of training: the three step model of creating, delivering and evaluation of educational activity in the employee education. The text characterizes this model and describes the specifics of outdoor training as an activity created to improve participants’ soft skills by engaging them in simulation being an outdoor experience and in facilitated discussion about these experiences. The differences between outdoor training and adventure education activities concerning goals, role of instructor, education stimulus, and scope of evaluation are described. Additionally, the text compares the standards of Polish adventure education activities and the standards presented in two samples of articles from the Journal of Experiential Education.
The article presents an attempt to describe outdoor training as a certain tradition in adventure education. As in the case of every HR intervention, outdoor training also has to respect the systematic model of training: the three step model of creating, delivering and evaluation of educational activity in the employee education. The text characterizes this model and describes the specifics of outdoor training as an activity created to improve participants’ soft skills by engaging them in simulation being an outdoor experience and in facilitated discussion about these experiences. The differences between outdoor training and adventure education activities concerning goals, role of instructor, education stimulus, and scope of evaluation are described. Additionally, the text compares the standards of Polish adventure education activities and the standards presented in two samples of articles from the Journal of Experiential Education.
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The article is a synthetic analysis of the Outdoor Adventure Education model in the context of three elementary components: the environment – in relation to the theory of space from the perspective of sociological and pedagogical theory of space; personal perspective and growth as well as social development – in relation to psychological phenomena that accompany the individual and group involved in the process of Outdoor Adventure Education. The aim is to present how these processes determine the effects of education and what personalities’ elements are involved.
The article presents a typology of activities in adventure education in Poland based on two books written as a result of the conference “Adventure education in nature” (2013, 2014). Based on the criteria created by comparing adventure education activities to outdoor training, three different types of these activities are differentiated and their methodology is discussed: long-term life changing activities based on the precise model of a person (3 types of scouting – Baden Powell’s, Selton and Polish scouts (harcerstwo); Hahn’s and Rydzyna schools approaches; survival), short– term educational activities, and recreation in goal adventure in nature activities. The differences concerning the role of the instructor, the types of methods used and the possible scopes of evaluation are discussed for each type of activity. A comparison of the groups of activities and outdoor training discussed is presented in the form of a table.
The use of elements of risk in education warrants discussion about risk as a factor stimulating social integration and the personality development of students, as well as their personal abilities for risk taking. The purpose of this paper is to present a selection of classical psychological theories and research findings from foreign specialist literature dealing with risk taking in developmental approach and extreme sports, the components of which are part of experience education.
The article presents a typology of activities in adventure education in Poland based on two books written as a result of the conference “Adventure education in nature” (2013, 2014). Based on the criteria created by comparing adventure education activities to outdoor training, three different types of these activities are differentiated and their methodology is discussed: long-term life changing activities based on the precise model of a person (3 types of scouting – Baden Powell’s, Selton and Polish scouts (harcerstwo); Hahn’s and Rydzyna schools approaches; survival), short–term educational activities, and recreation in goal adventure in nature activities. The differences concerning the role of the instructor, the types of methods used and the possible scopes of evaluation are discussed for each type of activity. A comparison of the groups of activities and outdoor training discussed is presented in the form of a table.
Tekst ma na celu prezentację doświadczeń zebranych podczas realizacji modułu fakultatywnego pt. Pedagogika przygody, w którym uczestniczyli studenci pedagogiki na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Zaprezentowane zostaną również wyniki pilotażowych badań ankietowych dotyczących pedagogiki przygody i gier terenowych, przeprowadzonych wśród studentów. W tekście znajdzie się także odniesienie do metody pracy o nazwie live action role-playing (larp). Zaprezentowane zostaną wyniki badań pilotażowych z zastosowaniem larpów, przeprowadzonych w klasie pierwszej szkoły podstawowej w Piekarach Śląskich. Głównym celem badań była weryfikacja założenia, że gra fabularna w postaci live action role-playing, oparta na autorskim scenariuszu, wpływa na integracje dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym. Zastosowano metodę quasi-eksperymentu pedagogicznego oraz studium przypadku. Podjęte działania polegały na poprowadzeniu larpa z grupą dzieci, które są na etapie wzajemnego poznawania się. Zastosowano technikę obserwacji skategoryzowanej. Studium przypadku zostało uzupełnione swobodną rozmową z poszczególnymi dziećmi. Do przeprowadzenia badań skonstruowano autorskie narzędzie pt. Arkusz obserwacji integracji grupowej oraz autorski scenariusz live action role-playing pt. W Baśniowej Krainie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że live action role-playing w pracy z grupą pomagają odpowiednio zbudować jej strukturę i wspierają kształtowanie się pozytywnych relacji w grupie. Larp umożliwia przeżywanie, doświadczenie i poznanie, co z kolei pozwoliło uczestnikom gry zacieśnić istniejące między nimi relacje.
The objective of the following paper is to present the experiences gathered during the execution of The Adventure Pedagogy elective module attended by the students of pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Silesia. Another issue introduced therein are the results of trial surveys concerning adventure pedagogy and field games conducted among students. The paper also includes a reference to the work method called live action role-playing (LARP). The results of trial surveys, wherein LARPs were applied, conducted in the first grade of a primary school in Piekary Śląskie, can also be found in the paper. The main objective of the research was to verify the premise that a role-playing game in the form of live action role-playing, based on an original script, influences the integration of children at their early school age. The applied methods included a quasi-experiment and a case study. The undertaken activities consisted in performing LARP with a group of children who were only starting to get to know one another. The technique of categorized observation was employed here. The case study was complemented with a casual conversation with particular children. An original tool called “The Group Integration Observation Sheet” was constructed, as well as an original script of live action role-playing written – “In a Fairytale Land” in order to conduct this research. The conclusion, based on the findings, is that live action role-playing applied in group activities helps in building the group’s proper structure and fostering positive relations within it. LARP makes it possible to experience and learn, which in turn facilitates participant bonding.
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