The discussion in this study deals with the legal form of conservation recommendations. This concerns documents issued by conservation services, which define the way of using the monument, its protection and performance of conservation works, as well as the scope of permissible changes that may be introduced to this monument. In simple terms, the conservation recommendation is a “monument operating manual”, which is issued individually for each building by the competent voivodeship historic preservation officer. The legislator did not specify the legal form of this document. Therefore, in numerous studies one can find a number of standpoints on this issue. Undoubtedly, such discrepancies are not conducive to implementing the principles behind the adoption of the regulation on conservation recommendations, i.e. effective protection of monuments. This article analyses the concepts that dominate the doctrine. This is primarily a matter of accepting that conservation recommendations are issued in the form of an administrative promise or an act of knowledge. The concept according to which there is no single legal form appropriate for all conservation recommendations is also examined. At the same time, an attempt is made to discuss the most frequently negated assumption, according to which conservation recommendations could be issued in the form of administrative decisions. The discussion is conducted on the basis of the legal text and academics’ analysis of the doctrine. An important element of the discussion is that it compares the characteristics of the administrative decision with the properties of the legal forms in which, according to the doctrine, conservation recommendations are issued. The conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis presented here is that it would be appropriate to classify the conservation recommendations as administrative decisions.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza regulacji prawnych odnoszących się do okoliczności skutkujących ustaniem związania przyrzeczeniem administracyjnym bez realizacji przedmiotu przyrzeczenia. W opracowaniu zaproponowano wyróżnienie następujących przyczyn ustania związania przyrzeczeniem administracyjnym: upływ okresu ważności przyrzeczenia, odmowa wydania aktu przyrzeczonego w okresie ważności przyrzeczenia, niespełnienie warunków określonych w promesie oraz cofnięcie przyrzeczenia. Obowiązujące akty prawne w obszarze omawianej problematyki nie zawierają jednolitego modelu normatywnego. Występujące unormowania cechuje zróżnicowanie i brak spójności. Zagadnienie ustania związania organu wydaną promesą bez wydania aktu przyrzeczonego jest ważne w szczególności z punktu widzenia funkcji gwarancyjnej przyrzeczenia administracyjnego oraz zasady budowy zaufania do administracji. Istotnym elementem konstrukcji normatywnej przyrzeczenia powinno być ograniczenie sytuacji prowadzących do ustania związania organu wydanym przyrzeczeniem bez realizacji jego przedmiotu.
The subject of the article is the analysis of legal regulations relating to circumstances resulting in the termination of administrative promise without implementation of the subject of the promise. The article proposes to distinguish the following reasons for termination of administrative promise: expiry of the period of validity of the promise, refusal to issue the promised act during the period of validity of the promise, failure to meet the conditions set out in the promise, and withdrawal of the promise. The applicable legal acts in the area of the discussed issues do not contain a uniform normative model. The issue of termination of binding of the body by a promise issued without the issue of a promised act is important, in particular from the point of view of the guarantee function of the administrative promise and the principle of building trust in the administration. An important element of the normative construction of a promise should be the limitation of situations leading to cessation of binding of the body by the promise issued without the implementation of its subject.
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