Wstęp. Trądzik zwykły (acne vulgaris) jest częstym schorzeniem skóry występującym u osób między 11. a 30.rokiem życia. Widoczne wykwity skórne w postaci zaskórników, krost i grudek mogą wpływać znacząco na samopoczucie pacjenta. Długotrwałe leczenie, które nie zawsze przynosi oczekiwane rezultaty, może obniżać jakość życia pacjentów. Cel pracy. Analiza wpływu trądziku zwykłego na codzienne funkcjonowanie studentek kosmetologii oraz studentów fizjoterapii PMWSZ w Opolu i biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. Materiał i metody. Badana grupa składała się z 224 osób, w tym 111 kobiet i 113 mężczyzn w wieku 19–28 lat. Do analizy wykorzystano standaryzowany kwestionariusz HADS (szpitalną skalę lęku i depresji) oraz autorski kwestionariusz ankiety złożony z 14 pytań zamkniętych. Wyniki. Zdecydowana większość (191 osób, 85,27%) badanych czuje się mniej atrakcyjnie z powodu choroby. Dyskomfort fizyczny w postaci bólu, świądu czy pieczenia deklaruje 155 osób (69,2%). Natomiast dyskomfort psychiczny odczuwa 168 respondentów (75%). Wnioski. Badanie dowiodło, iż trądzik zwykły i jego przejawy utrudniają i wpływają na pogorszenie codziennego funkcjonowania ankietowanych.
Background. Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder in people aged 11–30. Visible skin eruptions in forms of blackheads, nodules and pustules may lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life and influence the well-being of a patient greatly. Long-term treatment which does not always bring expected results may also seriously lower the quality of the patients’ lives. Objectives. The analysis of the influence of acne vulgaris on everyday life of the students of cosmetology, physiotherapy in Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole and Opole University biotechnology students Material and methods. The research group consisted of 224 persons – 111 women and 113 men aged 19–28. For the analysis the authors used standardized HADS questionnaire (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). A questionnaire prepared by the authors was used which comprised 14 close questions. Results. The research has clearly proven that acne vulgaris makes the lives of the respondents difficult. A great many of them (191 respondents, 85.27%) feel less attractive because of the problem. Physical discomfort such as pain, itchiness, and burning are claimed by 155 respondents (69.2%). Mental discomfort is felt by 168 people (75%). Conclusions. Acne vulgaris significantly makes every day functioning of the respondents worse and hard
Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) technology has been used by cosmetic and medical practitioner since 1990. Initially it was only used to remove unnecessary hair, but over time, it began to be used for anti-aging treatments, removing erythema, acne lesions, and acne scars. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate how the use of IPL technology has affected acne lesions and to determine whether the condition of the patient’s skin has improved. Material and methods: A young woman who was struggling with ordinary acne underwent a series of treatments using IPL technology to reduce skin eruptions. Results: The study subject was a 22-year-old patient who had been suffering from acne vulgaris for several years. The skin on her face exhibited changes in the form of pustules, blackheads, and lumps. The entire treatment series was 10 weeks. Prior to the procedure, a very thorough interview was conducted, during which all contraindications were excluded. The Hellgren-Vincent scale, which is used to determine the severity of acne lesions, accurately determines the amount of skin lesions in the form of lumps, pustules, and blackheads. Conclusions: As demonstrated by this study, IPL technology has been beneficial for the condition of the patient’s skin. Pictures from before and after unambiguously indicate the positive effect of intense pulsed light. There has been great improvement in the skin’s overall condition, with reduced acne lesions (lumps, pustules, blackheads).
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