One of the conditions of criminal liability for committing the offense under Art. 231 of the Criminal Code is acting to the detriment of public or individual interest. In the case of an offense under Art. 231 of the Criminal Code by a legal practitioner, i.e. a judge, public prosecutor, notary or bailiff, it is important to define the concept of “public interest”. Due to the scope of powers and duties of the above-mentioned professional groups, acting to the detriment of the public interest will be a much more common feature of a crime than acting to the detriment of the individual interest. It should be noted that the notion of “public interest” as a definition element of a crime under Art. 231 of the Penal Code is an undefined phrase, which is understandable due to the blank nature of this crime. It is therefore important to define this concept as precisely as possible when resolving a case in a specific factual state – in view of the importance of public tasks of these professional groups, as well as the legal and social consequences of their actions or omissions. One cannot lose sight of the fact that too broad an interpretation of this concept would result in an unauthorized extension of the scope of liability, with a negative effect on the functioning of the legal system. This publication is an attempt to answer the question whether such a definition of “acting to the detriment of the public interest” in judicial practice is accepted as a standard of judgment.
Misuse of power is a crime that threatens the proper functioning of state institutions, undermining trust in the system of power, and creates a particular sense of injustice among the citizens who come into contact with it. Service in the Police puts before each officer a number of duties, resulting from the provisions of law contained in acts, regulations as well as decisions and orders of superiors. Few professions are so ethically demanding and so full of moral conflicts. No other profession requires making moral judgements about the behaviours of other people, and using in response to these behaviours appropriate social reactions, based on moral reasons. The crime of abuse of function involves the exceeding of powers or failure of a public officer to perform his duties, and such abuse of power must be to the detriment of a public or private interest. Acting to the detriment means that the offender's conduct poses a threat to any public or private good. The crime of abuse of power consists in the action of an entity having specific duties and powers in the public sphere, where that action consists in exceeding the powers or failing to fulfil the obligations to the detriment of a legally protected good. In each case a number of activities are required to establish the source of the right or obligation of a public officer to take specific actions, to define the addressee and the content of the right or obligation, and in the event that the public officer is under an obligation to act, also to determine the moment of updating the obligation. Furthermore, an indication of the part of the actual conduct of the offender which was directly related to a specific prohibition or order and a demonstration that the actual conduct of a public officer was contrary to that prohibition or order. Exceeding the powers by a public officer should be considered a specific type of factual and formal event, when there is a breach of an official order or prohibition binding on this person.
One of the most disputable issues related to the interpretation of Article 231 (1) of the Criminal Code currently in force, is the qualification of this type of a prohibited act as formal (with no consequences) or material (with consequences). It seems that the majority of the arguments support the opinion that an abuse of power should belong to the specific group of abstract exposures to danger, which are called offences of potential danger. The problem is, however, that the legislator has not clearly set out, nor provided for appropriate criteria for the court to asses, in a concrete case, a possibility to create a threat to legal interest.
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A critique of university leadership, in particular as it is manifest in disciplinary processes. The basic problem is the separation of the leader from the institution she leads. Separation is an all-too-common problem with university leadership, and gives rise to a fundamental crisis of responsibility – what I name the problem of abyssal responsibility: a non-locatable responsibility for which no-one answers fully – making it unfairly difficult for the academic sanctioned to challenge the disciplinary decision. The gap created by the separation of the person deciding from evidence and reasons can be exploited for abusing power. In abyssal responsibility, the right to punish is intimately linked to the right to grant clemency, what I call sovereign exception. I ask whether the separation internal to the structure of abyssal responsibility might allow for a creative corrective to it. And I answer no, because then the only responsible decision would to abolish the leader. Responsibility in such cases must be made transparent and visible. I propose a form of leadership which is non-personalist and de-hierarchised, one which involves co-learning and co-responsivity, and above all is not separate. In short, a leadership which is democratic.
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Rola współczesnego prawa międzynarodowego w odniesieniu do polityki prawnokarnej polega przede wszystkim na harmonizowaniu systemów karnych różnych państw oraz przyjmowaniu reguł dotyczących współpracy międzynarodowej. Dotyczy to także przestępczości korupcyjnej. W opracowaniu poddano analizie dokumenty odnoszące się do zjawiska korupcji przyjmowane pod auspicjami międzynarodowych organizacji rządowych o charakterze powszechnym i regionalnym. Przedmiotem analizy prawniczej są postanowienia umów oraz przepisy prawa krajowego. W opracowaniu przedstawiono formy, pod jakimi występują w dokumentach międzynarodowych podstawowe typy przestępstw korupcyjnych, tj.: łapownictwo w sektorze publicznym w obu jego odmianach (przekupstwo i sprzedajność), handel wpływami (platan protekcja), nadużycie uprawnień oraz bezpodstawne wzbogacenie, będące najbardziej kontrowersyjnym typem przestępczości korupcyjnej. Głównym zamierzeniem było określenie znamion strony podmiotowej i przedmiotowej poszczególnych typów czynów przestępczych. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono omówieniu podstawowej formy przestępczości korupcyjnej - łapownictwu. Rozważania poczynione przy omówieniu tego typu przestępczości korupcyjnej mają jednak zastosowanie bezpośrednio lub pośrednio także w przypadku pozostałych typów przestępstw korupcyjnych.
The current role of international law, in relation to criminal policy, is harmonization of criminal justice of different states and rules relating to international cooperation. This also applies to the crime of corruption. The paper focused on documents about corruption adopted by international governmental organizations in the global and regional level. Objects of legal study are provisions of agreements and polish law. The paper presents basic types of corruption offences stipulated by international instruments, such as: bribery in the public sector (in both its forms passive and active), trading in influence, abuse of power and illicit enrichment, which is the most controversial type of corruption offences. The main aims of the paper are to determine the subjective features and objective features of corruption offences. Main attention is devoted to basic form of corruption offences - bribery. Considerations made in the area of bribery are applicable directly or indirectly also in remaining types of corruption crimes.
Роль современного международного права по отношению к уголовно-правовой политике, в первую очередь по оптимизации системы уголовного правосудия в различных странах и принятие правил для международного сотрудничества. Это также относится и к преступлению коррупции. В исследовании были проанализированы документы, относящиеся к коррупции, принятой под эгидой международных правительственных организаций в целом и на региональном уровнях. Производится юридический анализ указов договоров и принципов национального права. Приведены формы, в которых выступают в международных документах основные типы коррупционных правонарушений, а именно: взяточничество в государственном секторе в обеих его формах (получение взятки и продажности), торговля влияниями (Платан фаворитизм), злоупотребление властью и неосновательное обогащение, которое является наиболее спорным типом преступления коррупции. Основной целью было определение обективных и субективных признаков сторон различных типов преступных деяний. Наибольшее внимание уделено обсуждению основной формы преступления коррупции - взяточничество. Соображения, высказанные в ходе обсуждения данного вида преступлений коррупции могут быть применены, непосредственно или косвенно, в случае других видов коррупции.
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