The House of Ulloa (1886) is considered the most significant work of Emilia Pardo Bazan, who is said to have introduced Zola’s naturalism into the Spanish narrative. Although some of its characters show direct affinity with the bovarist psychological model (dreaminess, disappointment with reality, and unrealistic expectations), this particular aspect of the novel –a masterpiece of the 19th century Spanish literature – has not yet been researched, even within the Spanish-speaking literary criticism. The comparatist perspective of the present study required a closer look at some elements of the diegesis: space, customs represented by the secondary characters and the inner world of the main characters. The primary aims of the paper are to juxtapose Flaubert’s mentality models with those in The House of Ulloa, consider the specificity of the bovarist model as shown in the classic as well as to demonstrate that this peculiar take on the Emma Bovary syndrome enriches the symbolic dimension of the novel and represents the symptomatic state of mind of the Spanish at the end of the 19th century.
Artykuł analizuje zaburzenia funkcjonowania woli na przykładzie postaci obecnych w kilku tekstach francuskiego symbolizmu. W oparciu o badania z zakresu psychologii eksperymentalnej opisane w dziele Th. Ribota Les Maladies de la volonté omówiono przypadki osób, których niespełnione lub obsesyjne pragnienia wskazują na osłabienie woli przez brak lub nadmiar impulsu. I tak obok postaci abulików stworzonych przez T. de Wyzewa i J. de Tinan, w tekstach Villiers de L’Isle-Adama i M. Schwoba pojawiają się ludzie dążący za wszelką ceną do osiągnięcia woli mocy, czyli potwierdzenia własnej wyjątkowości.
This article analyses the disorder in functioning of will by the example of characters from a few texts of French symbolism. On the basis of experimental psychology research described in Les Maladies de la volonté of Th. Ribot, there are discussed the example of people which unfulfilled or obsessive desires point to weakening of will due to the lack or excess of impulse. So next to the characters of aboulic individuals created by T. de Wyzewa i J. de Tinan, in the texts of Villiers de L’Isle-Adam and M. Schwob we can see people pursuing at any cost the achievement of power, or the confirmation of oneself uniqueness.
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