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Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia may develop after a molar, term, ectopic pregnancy, or an abortion. The diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia can be made solely based on changes in human chorionic gonadotropin levels without pathologic confirmation. It is important to distinguish molar pregnancy from that disease, as treatment for these entities differs. However, gestational trophoblastic neoplasia developing after a term or ectopic pregnancy, or an abortion may be difficult to diagnose, because there is no tissue confirmation. In such cases, the time between a previous pregnancy event and the current event, and an inconsistency between very high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin and the size of lesions in the uterine cavity may be warning signs of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. The role of curettage in the treatment of the disease is limited. We present a case of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia that developed after an abortion, serving as a reminder illustration that gestational trophoblastic neoplasia can develop not only after molar pregnancies, but also after other pregnancy events.
The article discusses the literary representations of the experience of unwanted pregnancy and abortion in new women’s prose. The author of the article refers to the novels published between 2003 and 2016. He considers the previously conducted research on the same subject (especially that of Agnieszka Mrozik). However, he concentrates mainly on the prose created in the last few years. He is above all interested in changes regarding the problem of unwanted pregnancy and abortion that occurred after 1989. When writing about this aspect of female experience has appeared in new prose, it is usually about the past and used to question the morality of the Polish People’s Republic. Recently the problem of unwanted pregnancy seems to be non­‑existent as all issues pertaining to maternity are solved in a similar way: despite initial hesitations the heroines of the novels decide to have babies and never regret their choice. In this context Aleksandra Zielińska’s novel Przypadek Alicji (The case of Alice) seems to be especially interesting. Considerations concerning this novel appear in the final part of the article.
Content available remote Pojem osoby v diskusi o etice potratů
Much of the recent debate over the moral permissibility of abortion focuses on the question of whether the foetus is or is not a person, i.e. the only entity endowed with moral rights including the right to life. The article traces this line of thought in several key figures in the debate (Thomson, Tooley, Warren and Brody). However, I consider this way of argumentation as both inappropriate and misleading; in the second half of the article I offer arguments against using the concept of person in this debate.
tom XIII
nr 3
The present article is an attempt to determine the range of protection of the right to human life in the French legislation. Taking into account the indicated problem area, the author draws attention to the fact that this protection relates to each phase of the biological development of man, beginning with the pre-natal stage, through the post-natal period until the end of life. However, in dependence on the degree of man’s development (the embryo, fetus, child, adult) the level of its advancement is different. It needs remembering that the French law protects human life on both the civil and penal planes. Still, depending on the type of norm, the range and character of protection provided to man are different, too. As far as the French civil law is concerned, it is human beings who are guaranteed the primacy by the legislature through prohibition of any attempts on their dignity, and the protection of the individual starts from the moment of their birth. In turn, the criminal law imposes an absolute prohibition of depriving humans of Les remarques sur les limites de la protection de la vie humaine dans la le droit français 37 their lives in an intended manner. It must be stressed that the problem area discussed in the article required making reference to two categories of problems: on the one hand – an essay to qualify the limits of human life as regards temporal aspects and designating the initial and final moments of human existence, on the other one – a concrete reference to questions immanently connected with the sphere of conditions and circumstances of permissibility for individual’s existence or that of cessation of it (abortion, the status of human fetus, artificially aided procreation or euthanasia). In the concluding part of the considerations, it is stated that the question of protection of human life undoubtedly is an extremely complicated issue and raises numerous doubts of the interpretative nature. Indeed, from both the biological and legal perspectives there arise serious difficulties to precisely establish the individual stages of human development, as well as adjusting the law to varying conditions of protection of it. Therefore, in each situation where legal norms do not satisfy the requirements posed to them there opens a field of ethical reflection which relates to interpretation of the limits within which human life proceeds.
This article is the second part of a study devoted to the problematic aspects of pregnancy interruption. In the undertaken analysis, some references were made to the draft amendment to the Constitution (print 993 of 2007), authors of which insisted on specifying the borderlines of human life’s protection. In the above considerations the attention was paid to the premises, which are necessary to be taken into account in case of potential changing of the abortion law in Poland. Within this scope some references were made especially to: conditions of acknowledgement of the human fetus as an interest protected by penal law, the inter-relations between law and morality, and to the expected profit and loss balance, connected with the increasing criminalization of the pregnancy interruption.
One of the difficult cases the biomedical practice encounters is concerned with the ethical conduct with ectopic pregnancy (eccysis). The conviction is fairly common that ectopic pregnancy has to be terminated as soon as possible, as such an intervention gives a very good prognosis and allows minimizing the risk of maternal death. In urgent situations the developing embryo is removed by surgical intervention. In the case of early treatment of ectopic pregnancy methotrexate is used rather than surgery. In the practical dimension, however, such an action is directed against the embryo, effecting the destruction of it. In the case of an early detection of such a pregnancy and the mother’s good health it is also possible to refrain from immediate intervention and to wait and carefully observe the situation. This is because cases of an ectopic pregnancy ending in delivering a live and healthy baby are fairly common. From the Christian point of view action directed immediately against the human fetus is excluded. From the moral point of view detecting an immediately threatening rupture of the Fallopian tube or the cervix, usually after 7-10 weeks of gestation, is the most difficult. Removing the affected tissue or organ (or a part of it) where the embryo has implanted is morally acceptable. The source of threat to the mother is not the embryo, but the changes occurring in the tissue of the organ where it is developing. It is necessary to remove the tissue and it is the tissue that is the object of the surgical intervention. Terminating the pregnancy and the death of the baby is a side effect of the intervention that cannot be avoided. Such a surgical intervention is then assessed from the perspective of two classical moral principles: the holism principle and the principle “voluntarium indirectum” (an act with a double result). This interpretation is affirmed by statements of the Magisterium.
Jeden z trudnych przypadków, z którymi spotyka się praktyka biomedyczna, dotyczy etycznego postępowania w przypadku ciąży ektopowej (pozamacicznej). Dosyć powszechne jest przekonanie, że ciąża ektopowa musi być szybko zakończona, gdyż takie postępowanie daje dobre rokowania i pozwala zminimalizować ryzyko śmierci matki. W sytuacjach ciecierpiących zwłoki rozwijający się płód usuwa się na drodze ingerencji inwazyjnej. W przypadku wcześnie rozpoznanej ciąży ektopowej medycyna wybiera raczej oddziaływanie farmakologiczne, przeważnie przy pomocy metotreksatu (methotrexate). W wymiarze praktycznym powyższe działania są jednak bezpośrednio wymierzone w embrion, powodując jego zniszczenie. W przypadku wczesnego wykrycia takiej ciąży i dobrej kondycji zdrowotnej matki, możliwe jest również powstrzymanie się od natychmiastowych ingerencji i wyczekiwanie połączone z uważną obserwacją. Dosyć częste są bowiem przypadki samowyleczenia. Znane są również rzadkie przypadki donoszenia ciąży ektopowej i urodzenia zdrowego dziecka. Z punktu widzenia chrześcijańskiego wykluczone jest działanie wymierzone wprost w ludzki embrion. Najtrudniejsze z moralnego punktu widzenia jest rozpoznanie bliskiego w czasie pęknięcia jajowodu lub szyjki macicy, przeważnie po 7-10 tygodniach ciąży. Moralnie dopuszczalne jest usunięcie tkanki lub organu (jego części), w którym embrion się zagnieździł. Źródłem zagrożenia dla matki nie jest embrion, ale zmiany dokonujące się w tkance organu, w którym on się rozwija. Konieczne jest jej usunięcie i ona jest celem chirurgicznej ingerencji. Skutkiem ubocznym tej ingerencji jest niemożliwe do uniknięcia zakończenie ciąży i wtórna śmierć´ dziecka. Taką ingerencję medyczną ocenia się więc z perspektywy dwóch klasycznych zasad moralnych: zasady całościowości i zasady „voluntarium indirectum” (czynu o podwójnym skutku). Powyższa interpretacja znajduje afirmację w wypowiedziach Magisterium Kościoła.
„Gazeta Wyborcza” is considered to be one of the most influential and opinion-generating Polish newspapers. Since its inception, it regularly publish-es articles on topics closely related to the Church. During the Jubilee of the Year 2000 „Gazeta Wyborcza” published 677 texts on the Church, its pastoral leaders and faithful, texts broaching issues of ethics and Christian morality. The vision of Christian morality created by „Gazeta Wyborcza” is incompatible with the interpretation of the Magisterium of the Church. The journalists take up a fight with the Church – a teacher of Christian ethical principles, especially through the use of deliberate demoralization. According to the columnists, the most respected value should be tolerance. However, this „tolerance” is – in the opinion of the journalʼs editors – an abandonment of the defence of their professed principles, as well as not giving their view point concerning good and evil. In „Gazeta Wyborcza” we find praise for a culture that believes that in vitro fertilization, abortion and euthanasia are a sign of progress and a triumph of freedom. In the Year 2000, the journalists of „Gazeta Wyborcza” devoted many publications to propagating homosexual attitudes.
This article is a short comment on abortion as understood canonically in the Latin Code, with some references to Polish cases. The Author presents canon 1398 (with its 1988 au- thentic interpretation) in the light of can. 1329, and then draws attention to its incompat- ibility that needs to be corrected. He criticises the term “abortus”, that is to be discarded in a modi ed (future) canon 1398. The same criticism can be applied to the notion of a necessary accomplice in canon 1329 § 2, that should also be removed from the Latin penal law. A future canon 1398 needs to be harmonised with the modi ed canon 1329.
Artykuł jest krótkim komentarzem do aborcji kanonicznej w rozumieniu kodeksu łaciń- skiego na tle niektórych polskich przypadków. Autor omawia kan. 1398 (z jego interpretacją autentyczną) w świetle kan. 1329, a następnie zwraca uwagę na ich niezharmonizowanie, co powinno zostać poprawione. Autor krytykuje pojęcie „abortus”, które powinno być usu- nięte w przyszłym, zmienionym kan. 1398. Ta sama krytyka powinna być zastosowana do pojęcia sprawcy koniecznego z kan. 1329 § 2, które również powinno być zniesione w łacińskim prawie karnym. Przyszły kan. 1398 powinien ponadto być zharmonizowany ze zmienionym kan. 1329.
In the article I’m describing the problem of settling a dispute between the expectant mother and the doctor in the issue of the interrupt of pregnancy. In the first part of the work I‘m fixing my attention on legal inaccuracies and I‘m subjecting the definition of the conscience clause to philosophical analysis of the notion to which they are contributing. In second part I‘m explaining meaning of the conscience, the autonomy and medical benefits according to the rationalist model synejdezjologia which is used as the pattern to solve a chosen problem.
Content available remote Skandalizacja jako sposób walki o wartości
tom 17
The article describes scandalization mechanism, which may be active in discussions on values and other questions. It involves an association of a particular event with crime, horror and negative anticipation. Scandalization is also manifested by a visual exaggeration, hate speech, incivility and the lack of respect in discussions. The 2016 abortion debate in Poland has been analyzed to define the mechanisms.
Niniejsze opracowanie omawia Wyrok Sądu Sprawiedliwości Ontario z dnia 12 czerwca 2014 r. w sprawie R. v. Wagner. Komentowane orzeczenie dotyczy prawnych ram protestów antyaborcyjnych w kanadyjskim porządku prawnym. Sąd uznał aktywistkę pro-life Mary Wagner winną naruszenia sądowych nakazów nadzoru kuratorskiego – które zakazywały jej przebywania na terenie klinik aborcyjnych w Ontario – oraz zakłócania korzystania z prywatnej nieruchomości. Oskarżona weszła do kliniki aborcyjnej w Toronto i próbowała przekonać znajdujące się tam pacjentki do zrezygnowania z aborcji, wręczając im róże i broszury. Sąd uznał, iż ani obrona konieczna (konkretnie „obrona innych”), ani stan wyższej konieczności nie wyłączają odpowiedzialności karnej Wagner. Odrzucił również twierdzenie, iż płód jest „istotą ludzką” na gruncie prawa. Stwierdził, iż przypisanie człowieczeństwa płodowi w prawie jest zadaniem normatywnym niezależnym od naukowych kategoryzacji. To skrajnie normatywistyczne założenie doprowadziło sąd do wniosku, że protest Wagner w klinice nie był próbą ochrony prawa „każdego” (everyone) do życia w myśl art. 7 Kanadyjskiej Karty Praw i Wolności. W końcu sąd przyjął, że ani zasada „rządów prawa”, ani zasada „zwierzchności Boga” wysłowione w preambule Karty nie konwalidują działań oskarżonej. W ocenie autora komentowany wyrok jest zgodny z pozytywistycznie rozumianą literą prawa. Kwestią sporną jest to, czy pozostaje on sprawiedliwy, w zależności od przyjętej koncepcji sprawiedliwości. Glosowany wyrok przeczy jednak wymogom słuszności. Karanie więzieniem za pokojowe protesty pro-life jest poważnym naruszeniem kluczowych wartości państwa liberalnego i demokratycznego.
The paper deals with the judgment of the Ontario Court of Justice of 12 June 2014 in the case R. v. Wagner 2015 ONCJ 66. The reviewed judgment refers to legal frameworks of anti-abortion protests in the Canadian legal order. The Court found pro-life activist Mary Wagner guilty of breach of probation orders – which prohibited her from being on the premises of any abortion provider in Ontario – and of mischief interfering with private property. She gained entry to abortion clinic in Toronto and sought to intercede with various clinic patients by offering them roses and pro-life brochures in an effort to have them reconsider their interest in having an abortion. The Court held that neither law of self-defence (exactly defence of others) nor the law of necessity could insulate Wagner’s conduct from criminal liability. The Court also rejected the contention that a foetus is a “human being” under the law. It said that ascribing personhood to a foetus in law is a fundamentally normative task which falls outside the concerns of scientific classification. This strong normativism position led the Court to the conclusion that Wagner’s protest in the clinic was not an attempt to protect the “everyone’s” right to life under s. 7 of the Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms. Finally the Court assumed that neither Principle of the “Rule of Law” nor principle of the “Supremacy of God” – both expressed in the preamble to the Charter – convalidated the defendant’s acts. In the author’s view the reviewed judgment is consistent with the letter of the law in the sense of legal positivism. It is debatable whether the given judgment is righteousness, depending on which theory of justice is chosen to rely on. However the court’s opinion belies the requirements of equity. Imprisonment for peaceful pro-life protest is serious infringement of core values of liberal and democratic state.
W wielu krajach rozwijających się aborcja jest nadal główną „metodą” regulacji urodzeń. W krajach socjalistycznych była często jedyną metodą kontroli populacji. W artykule przedstawiono stan debaty o aborcji. Liczbę tych zabiegów rządy poszczególnych państw starają się zmniejszyć i ograniczyć możliwości dokonywania aborcji „na życzenie”. Przeanalizowano główne argumenty zwolenników ruchu pro-life i pro-choice oraz dążenia niektórych polityków do ograniczenia możliwości przeprowadzania legalnych aborcji. Faktem jest, że w krajach zachodnich liczba tych zabiegów nie ulega zmianie lub nawet się zmniejsza, lecz wzrasta z roku na rok w krajach Ameryki Łacińskiej i niektórych krajach Afryki i Azji. Najwięcej kontrowersji budzi tzw. aborcja eugeniczna i kryteria selekcji noworodków poddawanych tej aborcji. Najlepszym sposobem zmniejszenia liczby aborcji jest zapobieganie niechcianym ciążom. Należy więc zwiększyć nakłady na doradztwo w zakresie planowania rodziny, upowszechnienie środków antykoncepcyjnych, które powinny być łatwo dostępne i edukację o innych niż aborcja metodach kontroli urodzeń.
In many developing countries abortion is still the main form of birth control. In the former communist countries abortion was also the basic method of population control . This paper discusses and evaluates the current debate on abortion aimed at making it rarer and not available for every woman ,,at demand”. The basic arguments of the proponents of pro-life and pro-choice were analysed as well as the various approaches of pro-life politicians who want to make abortion illegal or harder to get. The fact is that in most Western countries the abortion rate is stable or falling, but it is rising in Latin America and in some parts of Africa and Asia. The most controversial question is the so called eugenic abortion and the criteria according to which such an abortion is implemented. The best way to make abortion rarer is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In order to achieve that aim more should be done in the field of birth-control counselling, making contraceptives easy to get and educating couples about various methods of birth control, other than abortion.
Maternity is a social role, as it supplies new members of the society and it involves a lot of people when it is being realized. Accepting the child is a great event for the whole family, but it is also significant for the society. The society also has a significant influence on forming the attitudes towards maternity. It happens not only through the educational process in the family, Church or school, but also through the information that is transmitted by the mass media, through legislature, politics and economy. Demographic problems imply serious economic consequences connected with maintaining the aging society. However, one of the factors that have a negative influence on the decision of giving birth to children is a lack of support from the family in realizing the procreative function. Poland that has one of the lowest Total Fertility Rates in European countries is numbered among these EU countries that allot the least money for children. For forming attitudes towards maternity the following phenomena are not unimportant: a critical attitude towards families with many children stereotypically considered as pathological, promoting contraception, making efforts to liberalize the abortion law, reducing man to a laboratory problem by fertilization in vitro. More social responsibility is necessary for forming proper attitudes towards maternity and preparing the conditions for its decent realization.
The backward treatment during the Stalinist period in 1956 was set against the need to stop uncontrolled abortions. The liberalization of the abortion law was supposed to solve the swollen social problems with the hands of doctors who had been assigned the duty to perform abortions without limitation. Doctors, who are attached to the ethical standards of the profession, sabotaged the law, demanding to keep in this matter the freedom of decision and the principle of “primum non nocere”. Communist authorities applied repression against the resistance, especially after exacerbation of abortion procedures in 1959. They removed the gynecologists, who were protesting against the dictatorship of administrative decisions, or demanded a change of specialization. The protector of the repressed was the Church, who opposed the secularization of the health service and during the Great Novena, he organized for medics the professional pastoral care integrating their (pilgrimages to Jasna Góra, training of natural methods of conception regulation, lectures on ethical principles). Despite the efforts made by the medical community, the communist authorities have introduced medicalisation of obstetrics and have limited the Church’s influence on hospital care. They removed the nuns from the healthcare system and imposed doctors instead of the medical code on the set of mandatory administrative procedures. The result of the actions taken was the complete subordination of the health service to the ideological goals.
Content available remote Aksjologiczne podstawy prawnej ochrony życia dziecka poczętego
nr 7 (20) nr 1
W kwestii przerywania ciąży na przestrzeni dziejów wypowiadali się filozofowie próbując odpowiedzieć na fundamentalne pytania, kiedy zaczyna się życie i od jakiego momentu należy je chronić. Kultura i prawo, a w głównej mierze religia i wierzenia religijne oraz wyznawane systemy filozoficzne wpływały na kształt ochrony życia nienarodzonego. Judaizm w tej kwestii kieruje się Starym Testamentem, a Kościół katolicki mówi o świętości życia wywodzącej się z Ewangelii. Kościół katolicki posiada również w tym zakresie wewnętrzne regulacje prawne – Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. – który zakresem podmiotowym, jak i przedmiotowym obejmuje wszystkich katolików. W kwestii ochrony życia nienarodzonego stanowisko zajął Kościół prawosławny, islam, hinduizm i buddyzm. Założenia aksjologiczne mają dominujący wpływ na kształtowanie się systemu ochrony życia poczętego, dlatego są one tak istotne.
In the issue of abortion throughout the history, philosophers have spoken about trying to answer the fundamental questions when life begins and what is the moment, it is necessary to protect it. Culture and law, and to a large extent religion and religious beliefs, as also subscribed philosophical systems have influenced throughout the history to protect the unborn life. Judaism on this issue follows the Old Testament and the Catholic Church speaks about the holiness of life derived from the Gospel. The Catholic Church has also in that scope the internal regulations – the 1983 Code of Canon Law – which in the subject and present scope includes all Catholics. In the issue of protection of the unborn life, other religions have also taken a stand, among others: Orthodox Church, Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism. Axiological assumptions have a dominant influence on the development of the system of conceived life protection, and therefore they are so important.
The article presents selected problems relevant for the contentious issue of abortion and related discourses indicating that one of the characteristic features of abortion discourse is its mediatization. The author aims to characterize the constraints on abortion discourses and the varied environments in which different types of such discourses emerge. Abortion discourses are sociolinguistically differentiated and may exhibit different styles and modes of expression. Although they share the scope of the subject matter involved as in all cases they are centered on abortion-related problems, the field of discourse in each case is defined by the nature of the communicative situation in which a particular discourse is embedded. All abortion discourses are underlined with particular assumptions concerning the nature of human life and its beginning, as well as the issues of the dignity and liberty of the human person. The author suggests that what really hampers abortion discourses and prevents their participants from reaching a consensus is the fact that people who engage in such disputes are faced with the incommensurability of the values which translate into decisive factors and the final arguments used by interacting discussants. Another problem is posed by the fact that the two extreme positions in the debate are formulated with the use of different styles and registers, which results in the clash of asymmetric discourses. Finally, it is not insignificant that subjectively important values are much varied and that they must coexist with two main sets or “families” of abortion-oriented fundamental values present in the polarised camps.
Według Tadeusza Stycznia, filozofa, ucznia Karola Wojtyły i jego następcy jako kierownika Katedry Etyki Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła, fakt aborcji jest potrójną śmiercią. Po pierwsze jest to śmierć dziecka, następnie matki, która decyduje się na zabicie swego dziecka, i wreszcie dotyka państwa, które własnym ustawodawstwem pozwala na aborcję. Tylko w tym kontekście można właściwie zrozumieć ten problem. Państwo powinno stanowić prawe prawo w służbie ludzkiemu życiu oraz w obronie godności człowieka. W ten sposób czasy współczesne powierzają etykom specjalne zadanie w służbie życia ludzkiego. Styczeń określa to mianem służby prawdzie czy też wolności w prawdzie.
According to Tadeusz Styczeń, a philosopher and a student of Karol Wojtyła and His succesor as the Head of the Department of Ethics at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the fact of abortion is a triple death. First it is the death of a child, then mother’s who decides to kill her own child and finally it upsets the state, which allows abortion with its own legislation. Only in such a context is it possible to understand the problem properly: The state should make legal law in service of human life and protection of human dignity. In this way our contemporary times entrust the ethisists a special task serving human life. Styczeń defines it as service to the truth or freedom in the truth.
Klauzula sumienia umożliwia rozstrzygnięcie konfliktu pomiędzy normami sumienia wynikającymi z nakazów prawa naturalnego oraz przyrodzonej godności osoby ludzkiej a nakazami wynikającymi z norm prawa pozytywnego, zdecydowanie na korzyść nakazów etycznych. W Europie i świecie występują dwie tendencje: jedna zmierza do jak największego rozszerzenia swobody zabijania ludzi uznanych za niepotrzebnych (w tym płodów ludzkich), a druga opcja formułuje coraz dokładniejsze sformułowania dające możliwość realnego korzystania z klauzuli sumienia. W tej sytuacji ogłoszono apel Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy z 2010 r., skierowany szczególnie do państw europejskich, o stworzenie warunków prawnych do szerszego korzystania z klauzuli sumienia. Uprawnienie do działania w zgodzie z własnym sumieniem jest formalnie w normach prawa polskiego zagwarantowane pracownikom związanym z ochroną życia i zdrowia poprzez możliwość powołania się na instytucję umożliwiającą im odmowę wykonania określonej czynności, która może być sprzeczna z ich rozumieniem troski o życie i zdrowie, sprzeczna z nakazami ich sumienia, które jest dla nich wiążące. Normy zawierające to uprawnienie zawarte są tak w Konstytucji, jak i w innych ustawach RP, a także w kodeksach etycznych środowisk medycznych. W wyniku nacisku środowisk lewicowych i liberalnych niektóre sformułowania w prawie i kodeksach etycznych z ostatnich lat tak ograniczyły możliwość korzystania z klauzuli sumienia, że przepisy te są wadliwe, a według wielu także niekonstytucyjne. Ich zmiany słusznie domagają się środowiska parlamentarne i medyczne. Dyskusja na temat klauzuli sumienia winna być rzetelnie kontynuowana i uwieńczona przyjęciem w parlamencie RP odpowiednich norm prawnych realnie chroniących sumienie lekarzy, pomocniczego personelu medycznego, farmaceutów, a także sędziów i innych pracowników ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzkiego.
The conscience clause enables settlement of the conflict between norms of conscience arising from precepts of the natural law and inherent dignity of the human being, and the demands arising from the norms of positive law, definitely in favor of moral precepts. In Europe and in the whole world, there are two tendencies: one seeks to maximize the extension of the freedom of killing people deemed unnecessary (including the human fetus), and the second option formulates more accurate provisions, which giving the possibility a real exercise of conscience clause. In this situation, announced an appeal of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from 2010, directed especially to European countries, for the creation of the legal conditions to a wider use of conscientious clause. The authorization to act in accordance with own conscience is formally guaranteed in norms of Polish law, to the employees associated with the protection of life and health. Ability to rely on this institution allow them to refusal the perform the specified activity that may be contrary to their understanding of the care of life and health or contrary to the injunction of their conscience, which is binding on them. Norms containing this right are included both in the Constitution, as well as other acts Republic of Poland, as well as the ethical codes of the medical community. As a result of the pressure of leftist and liberal circles, some provisions in the law and ethical codes from recent years have limited ability to use the conscience clause, that these rules are flawed, and by many, also unconstitutional. Discussion about conscience clause should be continued and completed by adoption of the Republic of Poland Parliament a relevant legal standards, that will real protect the conscience of doctors, auxiliary medical personnel, pharmacists, as well as judges and or other health professionals.
The main purpose of marriage ought to be active love, in other words, procreation- oriented fertile love. One notices, however, that the moral and social norms regarding this issue have presently undergone a far-reaching process of individualisation, as a result of which sexual functions have been separated from parental-reproductive ones. The following article sets out to present certain changes in the mentality of young people who are soon to be married with regard to conception control and abortion. The position of the Catholic Church on these matters is not acknowledged and frequently questioned by engaged couples. The sociological analysis shows that the moral consciousness of the Polish youth is undergoing a slow process of secularisation.
Nauka Kościoła katolickiego wskazuje na bezwzględną ochronę życia poczętego. W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z karą ekskomuniki za dokonanie aborcji oraz relacją norm prawa kościelnego do przepisów obowiązujących w Polsce. Wskazano kwestie związane z możliwością dokonania aborcji wobec bezwzględnego zakazu jej dokonania na gruncie prawa kościelnego. Ponadto poruszono również kwestię obowiązków lekarza wobec zaistnienia przesłanek do przeprowadzenia legalnej aborcji oraz wskazanie na prawa, jakie mu w związku z tym przysługują.
The learning of the Roman Catholic Church is pointing out to the absolute protection of the conceived life. The discussed issues associated with the penalty of excommunication for making abortion and the relation of norms of the Canon Law will stay in the article to provisions being in force in Poland. The issues associated with the possibility of making abortion in view of the absolute ban of for her making the Canon Law on land will be recommended. Moreover an issue of duties of the doctor to becoming known of premises to conducting the legal abortion and pointing at laws he therefore is entitled to which will also be addressed.
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