Aim/purpose - Financial inclusion is a catalyst for achieving sustainable development. This study attempts to evaluate impact of financial inclusion on sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach - Both Error Correction Model (ECM) and Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) were used to ascertain the short-run and long-run relationship respectively among the variables which covers the period from 2001 to 2016, as data for HDI (Human Development Index) were available for Nigeria from 2001 through 2016 only. Findings - The result of the analysis indicated that in the short-run there is short-run causality running from a number of commercial bank branches, demand deposit from the rural areas, loan to rural areas to HDI. The long-run result revealed that the explanatory variables consisting of loan to rural areas, number of commercial bank branches and demand deposit from the rural areas all have positive significant impact on HDI in Nigeria. The overall result revealed that financial inclusion has impact on sustainable development in Nigeria. Research implications/limitations - The study recommends that banks and monetary authorities should develop new product and services that will attract savings from the rural dwellers because of the level of significance of their deposit to the development of the country. All the more so as commercial banks should also ensure that the rural dwellers are provided with more bank branches, most especially, in areas where there are few or no banks. Credit facilities should also be provided to the people at an affordable rate as this will uplift the level of inclusion and reduce the level of exclusion in the country which will improve the sustainable development in the country. Originality/value/contribution - Empirically, the study attempted to investigate the impact of financial inclusion on sustainable development in Nigeria. The results of the study suggest that government should continue its effort in the area of poverty alleviation by embracing financial inclusion via a vis financial institutions introducing new financial product and services at lower cost that will cater for the disadvantaged group in the society. (original abstract)
Microinsurance provides indigent households with protection against basic threats, especially in developing countries. When compared to the general population, poor households are usually more often subject to risk such as illnesses, accidents or property losses, and are therefore more dependent on insurance services. However, due to their low economic attractiveness, they are often not served by traditional insurance companies. In Europe, particularly Central and Eastern Europe, microinsurance is a relatively new concept that is developing comparatively slowly. Thus, this situation constitutes an opportunity to develop a microinsurance system that can become an active instrument in reducing the risk of insurance exclusion in developing and developed countries.The purpose of the article is the micro-insurance specifics in the aspect of insurance exclusion. The research process required the use of the following research methods and techniques: critical literature analysis, desk research, observation, qualitative methods and graphic presentation techniques of research and analysis results. The main conclusions that flow from the article is an opportunity to develop micro-insurances not only in poor countries. They give the opportunity to increase the insurance capacity of insurers. It is also a chance to have insurance coverage by a larger group of households.(author's abstract)
W 1978 r. w Chinach prawie 250 mln obywateli żyło poniżej krajowej linii ubóstwa, a wskaźnik ubóstwa wynosił 30,7%. W 2018 r. wskaźnik ten wyniósł 0,6%. Celem artykułu jest omówienie realizowanej przez władze chińskie strategii redukcji tego zjawiska. Dane statyczne obejmujące okres od początku reform gospodarczych do lat 2018-2019 pokazują proces, jaki dokonał się w tej dziedzinie. Mimo że głównym celem reform podjętych w 1978 r. przez Deng Xiaopinga była poprawa warunków życia, w początkowym okresie nie wdrożono żadnej polityki celowej. Od połowy lat 80. XX wieku sukcesywne i ukierunkowane działania, a także modyfikacja i dostosowywanie wdrażanych programów pozwoliły ograniczyć ubóstwo, szczególnie na obszarach wiejskich. Mimo ewidentnych sukcesów Chiny stoją przed poważnymi wyzwaniami. Konieczne jest precyzyjne ukierunkowanie polityki na rzecz walki z ubóstwem, a także koordynacja strategii i konfrontowanie jej z praktyką.(abstrakt oryginalny)
In 1978 in China, nearly 250 million citizens lived under the official poverty line, and the poverty rate was 30.7%, which by 2018 fell to 0.6%. The purpose of the paper is to review the history of China's poverty reduction strategy. The statistical data, covering the period from the beginning of the economic reforms to 2018/2019, show the process that took place in reducing poverty in China. Although the main goal of the reforms undertaken by Deng Xiaoping was to improve living conditions in China, no targeted policy was applied in the initial period. From the mid-1980s onwards the systematic and targeted actions but also successive modification and adjustment of the implemented programs allowed to continue the fight against poverty, especially in rural areas. Despite the obvious success, China still faces major challenges. It is necessary to lead a more precise orientation of poverty relief policies, but also through the coordination of the antipoverty strategy and confronting it with practices.(original abstract)
Spoglądanie na problem ubóstwa jako na równie dominujący co dotkliwy czynnik określający codzienne losy ludzi jest naturalnie tylko jednym możliwym punktem odniesienia, co jest dobrze wiadome i co również tutaj zostało już dobitnie zasygnalizowane. Jednakże jest to punkt widzenia pod pewnymi względami szczególnie wymowny, skłaniający do myślenia. Owe w punkcie wyjścia indywidualne, rodzinne, skoncentrowane w gospodarstwach domowych losy przebiegają oczywiście w szerszym otoczeniu, pod wpływem właściwych mu cech charakterystycznych i zmian. Mamy więc do czynienia ze splotem czynników, które zaliczymy do ogólniejszych poziomów struktury społecznej, które odzwierciedlają względnie specyficzne, ale jednak zewnętrzne, otaczające mechanizmy regionalne i lokalne, oraz wreszcie te, które "przynależą" danym ludziom i w decydującym zakresie określają ich unikatową egzystencję. Temu właśnie poświęcone jest studium Everyday Hardship. Patterns of Resilience in the Households Living in Poverty. (fragment tekstu)
Wcielając w życie współdziałanie podmiotów sektora publicznego i organizacji pozarządowych Sejmik Województwa uchwałą nr II/27/2/2004 z 15 listopada 2004 r. przyjął Program Współpracy Województwa Śląskiego z Organizacjami Pozarządowymi na 2005 r., w którym jedną z dziedzin współpracy jest polityka społeczna, a w jej zakresie działania na rzecz wyrównywania poziomu życia mieszkańców województwa. Realizując ten program województwo ogłosiło w 2005 r. otwarty konkurs na realizację zadań publicznych, którego celem jest dofinansowanie tych projektów zadań, które są ukierunkowane na polepszenie warunków życia mieszkańców Śląska. Wymierne rezultaty tego przedsięwzięcia będą widoczne dopiero w przyszłości, jednak już teraz można zgodnie stwierdzić, że podjęta przez województwo inicjatywa współpracy z organizacjami pozarządowymi na rzecz polepszania życia mieszkańców regionu powinna być kontynuowana przez kolejne lata. (fragment tekstu)
Przedstawiono zagadnienie opieki nad ubogimi. W szczególności omówiono regulacje prawne władz austriackich w zakresie rozwiązywania problemu ubóstwa oraz działania galicyjskich władz autonomicznych w tej kwestii.
In the first half of the 19th century, public care for the poor in Galicja consisted of above all the creation of institutions and foundations for the poor. Among the social-economic changes that occurred in Galicja in the second half of the 20th century, when the capitalist system was established, there were, in addition to many positive effects, a number of negative phenomena as well: poverty, misery, homelessness, many children orphaned (and other social pathologies). The scale on which these misfortunes occurred brought about the need for state intervention. The responsibility of providing support to the poor came about in the 1860s, when the organising of support was also handed over to individual local governing bodies. It was only in the 19th and 20th centuries that the national government intensified efforts to establish public support for the poor. At this time the idea of creating compulsory labour programmes came about, a clever idea which guaranteed those who possessed a talent for their work the opportunity to later gain employment in the field they were working in. This led to the creation of the employment office in the first decade of the 20th century. (original abstract)
Jak to się dzieje, że od stuleci biedne południe globu nie może nadążyć za rozwijającą się północą? Czy to kwestia różnic cywilizacyjnych? I kiedy skończy się ich epoka? Przyglądając się mapie gospodarczej świata dostrzega się różnice między poszczególnymi narodami. Różnice często wcale nie wynikające z dostępu do zasobów naturalnych. To właśnie im poświęcony jest milenijny program rozwoju pilotowany przez Organizację Narodów Zjednoczonych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Coraz częściej słychać żądania różnych grup zawodowych domagających się wyższych zarobków, niejednokrotnie łączone z argumentacją braku wystarczających środków do życia czy też ogólnego ubóstwa. Z drugiej strony wyniki badań świadomości finansowej Polaków wskazują, że nie potrafimy właściwie zarządzać własnymi pieniędzmi. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza osób o niskich dochodach. Związek pomiędzy ubóstwem a umiejętnością racjonalnego gospodarowania własnymi zasobami jest wyraźny. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy sytuacji tysięcy rodzin w Polsce jest podjęcie powszechnych i skoordynowanych na poziomie krajowym działań z zakresu edukacji finansowej oraz promocja postaw przedsiębiorczych.
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This paper attempts to provide a critical appraisal of the debate on the effectiveness of microfinance as an effective tool for eradicating poverty and also the history of microfinance banks in Nigeria. It argues that while microfinance has developed some innovative management and business strategies, its impact on poverty reduction remains in doubt. Micro finance impact on poverty reduction in Imo state was studied by a stratified sampling method in the selection of the customers. The study area was divided into 16 sample units based on the various local government areas in Imo state. Four (4) MFBs were purposefully selected from each of the 3 Senatorial Zones, making a total of 12 MFBs. In order to have unbiased selection of samples, Three Hundred and eighty two questionnaires (382) were randomly distributed to customers of these selected microfinance Banks in the three senatorial Zones as follows, namely: Owerri (82), Okigwe (100) and Orlu (200). The result revealed that majority of respondents were male constituting about 78 % while women 22 % and majority of the respondents were married (65 %), single (33 %) divorced (2 % ). 137 of the respondents do not have any formal education, 67 possess primary school leaving certificate. 81 indicated having secondary school certificate. 71 with diploma / NCE and its equivalent. 28 of them have first degree certificate and above representing 36 %, 17 %, 21 %, 19 % and 7 % respectively. The monthly income brackets of the respondents show that One hundred and eleven (111) respondents (29 %) indicated earning ₦10,000 N15,000, 95 respondents or 25 % indicated ₦15,001 - ₦20,000 as their income bracket, 94 or 24 % were earning above ₦20,000, while 84 (22 %) indicated earning below ₦10,000. From the result, high income class has more capacity to save than poor dwelling in rural areas. The finding appears to support the predication of Economics theory of savings which argues that saving is a function of the level of income. The implication of this study is that the federal government of Nigeria and financial institutions in the country should take up the challenge of establishing bank branches in the rural areas or make formidable arrangement for supplying more credit to the rural dwellers. (original abstract)
Głównym celem opracowania jest przestawienie sześciu wybranych koncepcji biznesowych, które mogą zostać wykorzystane jako element programów rozwojowych adresowanych do najuboższych. W pierwszej części zdefiniowano pojęcie "ubóstwa" oraz określono obecny zakres ubóstwa na świecie. Część druga zawiera charakterystykę koncepcji zarządzania, które mogą stanowić narzędzie poprawy jakości i warunków życia w krajach rozwijających się. Wspomniane koncepcje to: społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu, podstawa światowej piramidy dochodowej, inkluzywny biznes, konstelacja wartości, kreatywny kapitalizm i przedsiębiorczość społeczna. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano analizę piśmiennictwa, w tym raportów agencji rządowych i organizacji społecznych, których przedmiotem działalności jest rozwój gospodarczy na świecie oraz walka z ubóstwem.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The main purpose of this paper is the introduction of the six chosen business which might be applied as the element of the development programs addressed to the poorest people. In the first part of the article the definition of poverty is presented and its range in the world is staked out. Part two includes characteristics of management conceptions which might be used as tools of improvement of life's quality and conditions in developing countries. These mentioned conceptions are: Corporate social responsibility, Bottom of the pyramid, Inclusive Business, Values constellation, Creative capitalism and Social economy. As the method of the survey the analysis of scientific writing including governmental reports and social organizations, which are focused on the economic development and fighting with destitution, is applied.(original abstract)
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This study aims to analyse the socio-economic fac- tors contributing to poverty reduction in South Africa using time series data from 2006 to 2019. The stationarity of the variables will be assessed by applying the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) analytical technique will be adopted to analyse the cointegration amongst variables pertaining to different orders of cointegration amongst lower bound [I(0)] and upper bound [I(1)]. The study will analyse the long-term and short-term effects of the socio-economic factors contributing to poverty reduction in South Africa. If the calculated F-statistic is greater than the upper bound [I(1)], the Error Correction Model will be adopted to assess the short-run effects. Diagnostic tests will be performed to test the robustness of the model. The tests will performed will include: (1) the Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation; (2) the Jarque-Bera test for normality; (3) the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey technique to test for hetero- scedasticity; and (4) the cumulative sum chart to detect deviation from the average associated with a subgroup.(original abstract)
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Michael Harrington has been interested in the problem of poverty in the United States for many years. In his opinion the poverty problem is a social problem. The poverty of particular people, according to him, is not a question of individual characteristic of people suffering it but rather of socio-economic conditions end mechanisms. The question "who should be considered as poor?" can be answered only against a concrete historical background, with in a context of a definite society living at a definite period of time. The poverty is not only a problem of the poor but, first of all, of the society in which the poor live. Besides its economic aspect the poverty has also its psychological and political aspects. While recognizing the importance of the economic factor, M. Herrington accepts, as a starting point, the official income definition of the poverty and measures resulting from it. He is also formulating a number of postulates concerning such realization of this definition eccording to which anybody, who is not encompassed by the economic promotion of the entire society, is conside red to be poor. The struggle with the poverty represents an obvious social goal, which becomes all the more urgent since the poverty is characterized with autodynamics. The causes of the poverty are analyzed by the author from two different view points. In the liberal-reformistic interpretation, the main emphasis is placed by him on the existence of the so-called "vicious circle of the poverty" in which the poverty is both the effect and the cause of the poverty. On the other hand, the analysis performed from the left ist view point reveals that at the very foundations of "the vicious circle" lies the monopolistic structure of the US economy and subordination of the state's targets to corporations targets. Whan analyzed in such a context, an effective struggle with the poverty, in Harrington's opinion, calls for fundamental social reforms to be performed and implemented under pressure exerted by a wide socialist-liberal- and trade-unions coalition. Harrington believes in a likelihood of establishing such coalition and in its effective operation.(original abstract)
Przedstawiono działalność Banku Światowego. Z racji swych zadań odgrywa on główną rolę w realizacji Milenijnych Celów Rozwojowych (MCR), przyjętych w 2000 roku przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne Narodów Zjednoczonych. Omówiono jak MCR wpływają na strategię Banku Światowego, jego programy sektorowe oraz programy dla krajów-beneficjentów. Zwrócono uwagę na zbyt powolny postęp w realizacji MCR.
The article presents the evolution of World Bank's assistance policy and the Bank's role in working towards the Millenium Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2000. World Bank's statutory obligation is to improve the standards of living for people around the world, and in particular to reduce poverty. It is therefore the largest and most important organization that contributes to the development goals adopted by the UN. World Bank's activities in this area have recently become systemic in nature. They are aimed both at creating Country Assistance Strategies, Poverty Reduction Strategies and sector strategies in collaboration with beneficiary countries' governments, and at providing financial assistance in the form of grants and concessional loans. A key element of the activities is World Bank's lobbying on behalf of low-income countries, aimed at liberalizing the world trade and obtaining bilateral and multilateral financial assistance for such countries. These factors - the more open trade and well-spent, increased assistance from developed countries - will contribute to sustained improvement of the standards of living in developing countries. Although the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals worldwide by 2015 does not seem feasible, there has been considerable progress. The benefits of World Bank's systemic approach to poverty reduction are beginning to emerge, including the decreased percentage of population that live on less than 1 USD per day, reduced mortality of children, and improved access to elementary education. (original abstract)
W pierwszej odsłonie autorka poruszyła kwestię ubóstwa i wykluczenia społecznego jako problemy globalnych. W drugiej części omówiła działania podejmowane na skale światową, w celu zwalczania ubóstwa na świecie.
The Millennium Development Goals are the most comprehensive and widely supported set of poverty reduction targets the world has ever established. Without access to adequate education, health care, and safe drinking water, people's capacity to realize their own potential as productive workers, informed members of their communities and fulfilled individuals is constrained. The international community's strong support for the MDGs has generated considerable pressure to incorporate them into national programmes of aid-recipient countries and aid programmes of bilateral and multilateral donors. It is clear that not all countries will follow the same path toward reaching the Millennium Development Goals. Accelerating global progress will require additional resources but, just as important, equitable policies and institutions to absorb and use those resources effectively are also needed, both nationally and internationally. Attaining the Goals will represent significant movement toward a more equitable and prosperous world. (original abstract)
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The inflexibility of poverty is being met with increasing impatience from governments of diverse ideologies, donors and other international agencies. Recent data compilations show that many poor and non-poor people in many developing countries face a high degree of financial exclusion and high barriers in access to finance. Therefore, financial inclusion plays a critical role in reducing poverty. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between sustainable financial services and poverty reduction in Nigeria from 1965 - 2010 using Error Correction Model (ECM). It was observed that total value prime lending rate, financial savings, credit to private sector and rate of inflation all have significant impact on the financial deepening. In the final analysis, the study concludes that financial inclusion tends to strengthen financial deepening and provide resources to the banks to expand credit delivery thereby leading to financial development. The study therefore recommends that these findings, in turn, will inform the policy makers and stakeholders to build more inclusive financial systems. (original asbtract)
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Afghanistan has 6 neighbors: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan (to the north), Iran (to the West), Pakistan (to the South-East), and China (to the remote East). Intervention and continuous war as well as insecurity are the main thematic areas of poverty in Afghanistan. Moreover, in many cases, poverty in Afghanistan is mainly affected by economic and political policies of neighboring countries. There- fore, lack of economic and political integration at the regional level has increased the poverty in Afghanistan. By any measure such as per capita income, life expectancy, health, education, welfare, or freedom, Afghanistan is a very poor country. This paper discusses poverty and the dimensions of poverty in Afghanistan. In addition, this paper presents ways to reduce poverty through providing security and regional integration with neighboring countries. (original abstract)
Artykuł przedstawia proces narastania niedostatku i ubóstwa w Polsce w okresie przebudowy gospodarki i przemian społeczno-politycznych. Zwraca też uwagę na role państwa w zakresie ochrony przed ubóstwem w ramach pomocy społecznej.
W artykule omówiono problematykę i przyczyny ubóstwa w Polsce, przedstawiono podstawową funkcję państwa jaką jest zapewnienie minimum szans egzystencji oraz liczbę osób korzystających z systemu pomocy społecznej. Uwagę skupiono na sytuacji w województwie pomorskim oraz omówiono sposoby łagodzenia skutków ubóstwa w mieście Gdynia.
The following study presents the connection between economic growth and development. Special attention is devoted to qualitative transformation concerning social and economic development and the meaning of human resources in it. Growing poverty areas have also been characterised. The reasons for continuing impoverishing of Polish society have been worked out thanks to the data from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank) and NIK published by other authors. Furthermore, the writer describes the size of poverty problem in Poland including the number of people using help of Polish Social Welfare and also changes in law control connected with the above. All remarks passed about poverty in Pomorskie Województwo and operation of MOPS in Gdynia, constitute a considerable part of this research. The study points various barriers in the development of Pomorskie Województwo. When characterizing social inequality and poverty in the city - commune of Gdynia, the author used the results of monitoring researches into the environment done by MOPS, as well as their report from the year 2001. The writer would like to thank to MS Bożena Nowakowska - deputy Manager of MOPS in Gdynia, for help with working out the presentation. The author is a research worker and a lecturer in the humanities Department in Naval University in Gdynia. (original abstract)
W artykule omówiono istotę ubóstwa we współczesnych społeczeństwach oraz jego rodzaje. Przedstawiono zabezpieczenie społeczne obywateli oraz ukazano pomoc społeczną jako formę ochrony społeczności przed niedostatkiem materialnym. Scharakteryzowano również system pomocy społecznej w państwach Europy Zachodniej.
The poverty is considered with reference to the natural requirements of lasting the human life and to the wide range of values approved by a man. The aims of social protection are the prevention and reduction of the individual poverty. The independent and non-tautological evaluation of poverty is needed. Defining the social protection, the most important thing is to determine the undertakings to guarantee the appropriate level of living or to determine the results of successful public undertakings. One has to take into account, that people should be protected against the shortage of material means. It can be caused by the loss of earnings in case of disease, unemployment, disability, old age or death. The public undertakings should ensure the access to healthcare if needed and the help for families bringing up small children. Social assistance is the element of social protection. It fulfils supplementary role in the social services system. In European countries the social assistance tasks, their range and the level of services depend on the current situation in economy, demography (of analysed society) and the place of social assistance in the system of social protection. The paper presents the role of social protection in counteraction the poverty in European countries. (original abstract)
Autor poddaje pod dyskusję moralny aspekt takich zjawisk społecznych, jak bieda, ubóstwo oraz bogactwo. Zauważa, że między cywilizacją techniczną a bytem ludzkim obserwuje się coraz większe kontrasty i dysonanse. O ile bowiem w dziedzinie techniki i technologii światowej obserwujemy ustawiczny postęp, o tyle w sferze zjawisk społecznych (jak np. bieda i ubóstwo) ludzkość przejawia pewną bezradność. Stwierdza, że najsłabszym ogniwem współczesnego świata pozostaje dystrybucja dóbr rynkowych oparta na ludzkich zasadach moralnych. Wskazane jest, aby podział dóbr cywilizacyjnych przebiegał bardziej sprawiedliwie niż obecnie. W tym kontekście słowo "sprawiedliwie" nie znaczy równo, ale godziwie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The Author discusses a moral aspect of such social phenomena as poverty and wealth. He argues that more and more contrasts and dissonances are observed between technical civilization and human existence. Simultaneously with continual progress in a field of the world technique and technology, in a sphere of social phenomena (as poverty) humanity seems to be helpless. The Author maintains that a distribution of market goods basing on human moral rules constitutes the weakest link of the modern world. it would be as well to divide the goods of civilization in more justified way than currently. In this context a word "justified" does not mean evenly but fairly. (original abstract)
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