The aim of this paper is to try and outline the activities of Hanna Szumańska-Wertheim in Warsaw during the 1943–1944 period. It provides information about the arrest of her husband, Stanisław Wertheim, and about her underground cultural undertakings (the “Wisła” publishing house). The author also draws the readers’ attention to Szumańska-Wertheim’s activities as a courier in the resistance movement.
Sibilla Aleramo (1876–1960) and Emilia Szenwicowa (1889–1972), Polish journalist and translator, met in 1927: the Italian writer hoped that Szenwicowa would translate her novel Amo dunque sono into Polish. A year later, Aleramo spent a few weeks on vacation in Positano, in the villa of the Szenwic family, where she often returned until the outbreak of World War II. In 1931, thanks to Szenwicowa’s mediation, Aleramo undertook the translation of Dom kobiet, a theatrical piece by Zofia Nałkowska, into French and literal Italian, using mediatory versions. A collection of Aleramo’s letters has recently been found in the family archive of the Polish journalist’s heirs. The letters, published for the first time in the present paper in fragments, testify to the profound friendship that united the two intellectuals, and document, amongst other things, their various collaborative projects concerning the translation of theatre plays from Polish to Italian. The aim of the paper is to analyse the moments of correspondence between Aleramo and Szenwicowa that refer to the theatre.
Sibilla Aleramo (1876–1960) ed Emilia Szenwicowa (1889–1972), giornalista e traduttrice polacca, si conobbero nel 1927: la scrittrice italiana sperava che Szenwicowa avrebbe tradotto in italiano il suo romanzo Amo dunque sono. Un anno dopo, Aleramo trascorse qualche settimana di vacanza a Positano, nella villa della famiglia Szenwic, dove ritornò spesso fino allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale. Nel 1931, grazie alla mediazione di Emilia, Aleramo intraprese la traduzione di Dom kobiet, una pièce teatrale di Zofia Nałkowska, basandosi su traduzioni mediatorie in italiano e francese. Nell’archivio familiare degli eredi della giornalista polacca è stata recentemente ritrovata una collezione di missive aleramiane. Le lettere, per la prima volta pubblicate in frammenti nel presente saggio, testimoniano la profonda amicizia che univa le due intellettuali e documentano, tra l’altro, diversi progetti di collaborazione inerenti la traduzione di testi teatrali dal polacco in italiano. I momenti della corrispondenza tra Aleramo e Szenwicowa che si riferiscono al teatro vengono sottoposti nel presente intervento ad un’analisi approfondita
Artykuł koncentruje się na Ernestynie Śniadowiczównie, bohaterce powieści Zofii Nałkowskiej Węże i róże (1913). Głównym celem pracy jest wykazanie, że jej postać miała swój rzeczywisty odpowiednik w osobie młodszej siostry pisarki, rzeźbiarce Hannie Nałkowskiej. Decydującym impulsem do postawienia takiej tezy stały się słowa samej autorki, która w swoich Dziennikach wyznała, że wszystkie jej powieści są w pewnym stopniu autobiograficzne. Mimo to żaden z badaczy nie zwrócił dotychczas uwagi na istotne podobieństwa między Ernestyną i Hanną Nałkowską. Węże i róże to jedyny utwór w dorobku pisarki, w którym podjęła zagadnienia związane ze sztuką i nakreśliła figurę artystki. Moment powstania powieści zbiegł się z czasem, kiedy rzeźbiarka właśnie wkraczała w świat sztuki. Zestawienie rysów sylwetki Śniadowiczówny z biografią Hanny Nałkowskiej, a także wiadomościami pochodzącymi z Dzienników jej siostry oraz wspomnieniami wspólnych przyjaciół wykaże, jak wiele wspólnego miała literacka kreacja z autentyczną postacią.
The article focuses on Ernestyna Śniadowiczówna, the main character in a novel by Zofia Nałkowska Snakes and Roses (1913). The main purpose of the work is to show that the character had its real counterpart in Zofia’s younger sister, the sculptor Hanna Nałkowska. The words of Zofia herself were crucial, who in her Diary confessed that all her novels were autobiographical to some extent.Still, researchers have not paid sufficient attention to the significant similarities between Ernestyna and Hanna Nałkowska. Snakes and Roses are the only piece in the writer’s work, in which she analyzed the issues related to art and pointed out some characteristics of the artist. Zofia was writing her novel when Hanna was entering the world of art. A comparison between Ernestyna Śniadowiczówna and Hanna Nałkowska, as well as the information from Zofia’s Diary and reminiscences of their friends show that the literary character is likely to be based on a real person.
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