W związku z przewidywanym w najbliższych latach wyczerpaniem zasobów rud Zn-Pb, w czynnych zakładach górniczych. dokonano oceny potencjału zasobowego niezagospodarowanych złóż rejonu olkuskiego i zawierciańskiego. Dla udokumentowania złóż rezerwowych opracowano nowe zasady liczenia zasobów oraz oceny kategorii rozpoznania, dostosowane do przewidywanego. gniazdowego modelu rozmieszczenia mineralizacji bilansowej. Zweryfikowane zasoby rud w złożach niezagospodarowanych oszacowano na 66 mln ton, co stanowi zaledwie 36.6% zasobów pierwotnie udokumentowanych. Z dotychczasowego rozpoznania wynika, że tylko złoże "Gołuchowice", z uwagi na wielkość zasobów (prawie 29 mln ton rudy), ma szanse na samodzielne zagospodarowanie. Większość pozostałych złóż wymaga uzupełniających badań (geofizycznych i wiertniczych) dla uściślenia modelu ich budowy.
Considering the imminent exhaustion of Zn-Pb ore reserves at the currently operating mines, the reserves potential of undeveloped deposits was evaluated for both the Olkusz and the Zawiercie ore districts. In order to assess these reserves, new calculation principles and new estimation methods of assessment categories were prepared, consistent with the presumed, nest-like distribution model of economic-grade ores. The verified reserves of 66 Mt of ore in these undeveloped deposits were obtained. which constitutes only 36.6% of initially assessed reserves. The new estimations demonstrate that only the "Gołuchowice" deposit with the reserves of almost 29 Mt of ore can be developed as a separate mine. In most of the remaining deposits supplementary geophysical surveying and additional drillings should he completed in order to specify models of their structure.
The aim of that publication was the presentation of previous and planned research concerning selected vascular plants and soils near Olkusz (Southern Poland). The extremely high concentration of heavy metals in soils from that region was caused by the natural geochemical aureoles of dispersed metals (due to weathering of Zn-Pb-Fe ore sulphides) and mining and processing of shallowly occurring metalliferous deposits (containing Ag-Pb and Zn-Pb ores) since XII century. The condition of stress in metals, shortage of water and some plant nutrition led to formation of some adaptable vegetation features by plants growing in that region. Some species called metallophytes have been already detailed investigated. Moreover some geochemical and pedological research of soil have been already done. However the conditions of habitat of pioneering species such as Koeleria glauca and Corynephorus canescens are not still recognized.
Exploitation on Zn-Pb ores in Upper Silesia region dates back to the XIII century. Analyzed slags are associated with Hohenlohe smelting plant which started its work in 1804 as an iron smelter, and continued as zinc smelter since 1873. Waste material from smelting plant production was stored in Katowice – Wełnowiec, although nowadays most of it has been used for commercial purposes. Slags are composed of silicates and aluminosilicates, e.g. willemite, pyroxene- and melilite-group, K-feldspar accompanied by silico-phosphates close to perhamite, harrisonite and arsenate-chloride with composition similar to nealite. Chemical composition of most phases is simple with some unique substitutions in case of Sr and Ce.
Areas of intense mine drainage that are subjected to numerical modelling require the construction of a complex model structure that will properly reflect actual conditions. This paper presents the process and results of constructing such a structure for the Olkusz Zinc and Lead Ore Mining Area, an area situated in a cone of depression the extent of which reaches 500 km2. This size range calls for a selection of appropriate external boundaries, properly separated from these of the mine drainage area. The complex geological structure of the Olkusz area, associated with considerable variation in the thickness of rock formations, discontinuities of rock levels and occurrence of numerous faults, must be schematised so that calculation layers can be identified. The faults in the study area have to be reflected in the regional model structure, although only those faults that actually affect groundwater flows should be selected. The model structure needs to include detailed recognition and reflection of hydraulic contacts between aquifer levels, together with a selection of hydrogeological parameters that are different for particular formations. Only a complex structure built in such a manner may be the foundation of further model studies.
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