Oznaczono stężenie rtęci całkowitej w kapeluszach i trzonach 16 gatunków grzybów oraz glebie spod grzybów zebranych w strefie przygranicznej koło Gubina na jesieni 1994 r. Rtęć oznaczono techniką zimnych par bezpłomieniowej spektrometrii absorpcji atomowej (CVAAS) po roztworzeniu próbek metodą mokrą w kwasie azotowym. Zbadano współzależności pomiędzy stężeniem rtęci w owocnikach i podłożu, na którym wyrosły grzyby.
The total mercury concentration was determined in caps and stalks of 16 species of higher mushrooms and in fall 1994 at the forested area near viilage of Polanowice on the western border of Poland in county of Gubin, District of Zielona Góra. The method of measurment was cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion of the samples with concentated nitric acid in whole glass apparatus concsiting of round bottom flask, partial condenser and a water cooler. Totally 254 fruiting bodies and subsequent soil samples were collected (caps and stalks were analysed separetly). The bioconcentration factor (BCF) values of total mercury were highes for Macrolepiota procera, Orestades marasimus and Boletus edulis , and ranged between 140-160 in caps, and between 70-100 stalks, on a average. These three mushroom species also showed highest concentration of mercury, and the mean values ranged from 3000 to 5300 µg/kg dry wt in caps, and from 1500 to 3200 µg/kg in stalks. Paxillus involutus excluded mercury and the BCF values for the metal in caps and stalks of this species were belowl. The BCF values of mercury for the other species invesgated were between 3,7 and 34 in caps, and 2,0 and 17 in stalks. Only Amanita muscaria (caps and stalks) and Russula rosea (stalks) showed a slight, however stastistically not signficant, bioindicating potency for increasing mercury concentration in soil. Cortinarius praestans showed ststistically significant negative logarithmic correlationship between mercury concentration in caps (r= - 0.49; p< 0,05) as well as in stalks (r= - 0.57; p< o,01), and underlying soil.