Pojęcia jądra i przestrzeni Bergmana są dobrze rozpoznawalne we współczesnej analizie i sięgają początków lat dwudziestych ubiegłego stulecia. Własność reprodukowania, na której te pojęcia są oparte, ma krakowski rodowód. W roku 1907 wprowadził ją, jak również podał bardzo wygodną konstrukcję jądra, Stanisław Zaremba, profesor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i pierwszy prezes nowo założonego Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego.
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This paper presents Stanislaw Zaremba’s contribution to the philosophy of science. Zaremba is widely known as a mathematican but his philosophical works are less known. His philosophical view of physics and mathematics is strlongly influenced by the French philosophy of science (H. Poincré, P. Duhem). We could also find parallels with D. Hilbert’s view on axiomatization of physics. He proposed some interesting methodological concepts (e.g. distinction between two stages of theory building: creative and axiomatic, which is similar to later famous Reichenbach’s distinction between “the context of discovery and the context of justification.”). Zaremba presented consistent view of the theory of physics as a deductive structure but certain assumptions related to methods of physics are controversial. His philosophical articles were known to continental philosophers of science, mainly French ones. Unfortunately, Polish philosophers of science from the Lvov–Warsaw School only occasionally cited Zaremba’s papers. It seems that members of the Viena Circle did not know Zaremba’s philosophical papers. In this paper I try to show that Zaremba’s philosophical publications are an important, but forgotten, part of Polish philosophy of science before World War II.
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This article provides information about publications and speeches of the Jagiellonian University Professor, Stanisław Zaremba, covering the years of 1900-1935. It includes a list of papers presented by him during meetings of the Academy of Learning in Kraków, international mathematical congresses, conventions and meetings of the Kraków department of the Polish Mathematical Society and conventions of mathematicians of Slavic countries. Moreover, there is a comprehensive list of Zaremba’s lectures delivered at the Jagiellonian University. The article includes also the first list of his publications, including articles and books on mathematics and its applications, mathematical education, philosophy, mathematical physics, mechanics and crystallography. The list includes numbers of reviews, which appeared in „Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik”, „Zentralblatt für Matematik” and „Mathematical Reviews”.
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In the paper we present a little-known episode from the research activities of Stanisław Zaremba in the field of crystallography. We discuss two publications: one of over 470 pages, entitled Sur les fondements de la cristallographie géométrique written together with Stefan Kreutz and published in „Bulletin de l’Académie de Sciences de Cracovie” and Rola przekształceń punktowych przestrzeni w krystalografii included in Poradnik dla samouków.
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