The region between the Wieliczka Foothills and the Beskid Makowski Mts. has yielded new data on the accumulation of loess-like deposits during the Vistulian Glaciation. The grain-size distibution and the heavy mineral composition, particularly the significant presence of amphiboles, indicates on aeolian origin for these silty deposits. The silt was most probably derived from glaciofluvial deposits in the Carpathian forelands. Among the Quaternary deposits which accumulated during the Vistulian Glaciation and Holocene, three horizons of loess-like deposits (correlated with the lower, middle and upper younger loesses of the Lublin Upland), three horizons of solifluction deposits, and three horizons of deluvial deposits were distinguished. The accumulation of seven alluvial successions in the Raba and Harbutówka River valleys encompasses a large part of the Quaternary - from the South Polish Glaciations (terraces VII and VI) up to the Holocene (terraces II and I). The lithostratigraphy of the slope deposits (solifluctional and deluvial) and loess-like deposits has been estabilished mainly on the basis of 14C dates of the palaeosol horizons. One of these dates, combined with palynological analysis, confirmed the existence of a warmer period in the Denekamp Interstadial (31 200 +/- 1000 years BP in the Harbutowice-1 section). The dates obtained fromthe Jastrzębia-1 (20 760 +/- 300 years BP) and Polanka-1 (20 980 +/- 310 years BP and 14 510 +/- 150 years BP) sections point to periods favouring the development of soils in the younger and terminal parts of the Younger Pleniglacial. These results, consistent with the dates obtained by other investigators, point to the existence of a warmer period (between 24-20 ka BP) in southern Poland during the maximum development of the ice sheet (Main Stadial) during the last glaciation in northern Poland.
Przeprowadzono badania fizykochemiczne i paleobotaniczne osadów z sześciu zbiorników akumulacji biogenicznej późnego glacjału zlodowacenia Warty, interglacjału eemskiego i wczesnego vistulianu, głównie z północnej części Wysoczyzny Płockiej i przylegającej do niej od północnego zachodu Równiny Urszulewskiej, przykrytych i nieprzykrytych osadami glacigenicznymi. Wyniki badań pozwoliły wyznaczyć linię maksymalnego na tym obszarze zasięgu lądolodu zlodowacenia Wisły, odtworzyć przemiany klimatyczno-florystyczne tego odcinka młodszego plejstocenu, poznać cechy fizykochemiczne osadów i dynamikę zbiorników jeziornych tego kopalnego, dotychczas nieznanego, pojezierza eemskiego oraz opracować regionalną stratygrafię pyłkową. Szczególnie interesujące okazały się osady biogeniczne ze Studzieńca. Zawarty w nich zapis paleobotaniczny i wyróżnione 24 L PAZ pozwoliły odtworzyć przemiany klimatyczno-florystyczne przed-eemskiego późnego glacjału, stadium proto-, mezo- i telokratycznego interglacjału eemskiego oraz całego wczesnego vistulianu. W obrębie osadów wczesnego vistulianu zaznaczają się dwa ocieplenia interstadialne: Studzieniec I i Studzieniec II, które zostały skorelowane z interstadiałem Amersfoort-Brørup i Odderade lub Zgierz-Rudunki ZRII-11, ZRII-12 i ZRII-14.
Physical-chemical and paleobotanical investigations of organic sediments from six reservoirs of the Late Warta Glaciation, Eemian Interglacial and the Early Vistulian age, situated mainly in the northern part of Płock Upland and Urszulewo Lowland (with or with-out the cover of glaciogenic deposits) were conducted. Results allowed to trace the maximum extent of the Vistula Glaciation in thatarea, to reconstruct climatic and floral changes during that part of theYounger Pleistocene, to estimate physical-chemical features of lake sediments and dynamic of fossil lakes which created that earlier unknown Eemian Lakeland and to work out regional pollen stratigraphy. Biogenic lake sediments from Studzieniec turned out to be the most interesting. Paleobotanical record included in organic deposits and 24L PAZ which were distinguished there give possibility to reconstructthe climatic and vegetation changes during the Late Warta Glaciation, protocratic, mesocratic and telocratic phases of the Eemian Interglacial, as well as during all of the early Vistulian. Two warm interstadial-rank oscillation during the early Vistulian, Studzieniec I and Studzieniec II, were distinguished. They were correlated with Amersfoort-Brørup and Odderade or Zgierz-Rudunki ZR II-11, ZR II-12 and ZR II-14 oscillations.
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