In the distant past in Poland getting married was accompanied by signing a great deal of necessary documents. These were: marriage contracts, reformatios, waiving by the bride the right to the bride’s parents’ properties (abrenuntiatio), and confirmation of the paid dowry. Among these documents one could also find life contracts, which meant that after the death of his/her spouse, the living spouse can use his/her property until his/her own death. This property could not be sold, exchange or rent unless it was a real property. This life contract became invalid after the user’s death or when a widow/widower decided to marry again. The contract concerned was signed the day or a few weeks after the wedding ceremony. It was a financial protection, especially for women, because it gave, especially widows, financial stability and independence. Such a contract was signed on March 6 1784 by Hieronim Lubartowicz Sanguszko and Anna, née Pruszyńska. Thanks to this document, Anna got from her husband, among others, the town of Sławuta with the nearby villages, livestock form this region, a palace in Sanguszki, and 40 thousand zloty. All this was supposed to be a guarantee for Anna in the case of becoming a widow, and, in accordance with her husband, she could use it until her death. In the distant past in Poland there were childless marriages, too. In such cases the life contract had a different character. A life contract of this character was signed by Stefan Luboński from Luboń, Bracławice cup-bearer of the Crown (died ca. 1739) and Katarzyna, née Gizowska. It was signed in Chęciny on December 30 in 1738
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Historia drobnoszlacheckiej rodziny Husarzewskich jest interesującym przykąłdem kariery rodzinnej w dawnej Rzeczpospolitej. To świat klienteli, opierającej swe powodzenie głównie na magnackiej protekcji. Husarzewscy nie osiągnęli większych karier za panowania Sasów - być mże jest to związane z barierami materialnymi. Znacznie lepiej powiodło się Husarzewskim za panowania króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, kiedy to najzdolniejszty z nich - Aleksy Onufry stał się bliskim współpracownikiem króla, a dzięki swoim koneksjom utorował swoim spadkobiercom drogę do dalszych zaszczytów
The history of a poor gentry family Husarzewski is an interesting example of a career and working one/s way up the ladder of consecutive ranks in the social hierarchy of the past Respublica by the family members. It was a word of poor gentry clientele, now tied up to the tails of the robe of not only a magnate, but of any wealthier naighbour who would be wiling to guarantee protection and stable living. The success of the Husarzewskis rested mainly on the magnat patronage and the service at the side of subsequent rulers, in public administration and in the army. However, none of the members of the Husarzewski family took a higher office in the Saxon times. It may indicate that economic barriers, in spite of better and better family connectios, were too difficult to overcome for the poorer gentry. The situations of the Husarzewski family improved substantialyy during the reign of Stanisąłw August Poniatowski, when the ablest of them Aleksy Onufry, became a close collaborator of the king and owing to his connectins opened to his descendants the door to further privileges
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Książęta Lubomirscy należeli w XVII-XVIII w. do najpotężniejszych rodów Rzeczypospolitej. Młodsza gałąź tej familii, obejmując w połowie XVII w. leżący w powiecie radomskim Janowiec, wraz z przyległymi dobrami, weszła w skład lokalnej elity społeczno-majątkowej. Dwór Lubomirskich w Janowcu był przez trzy pokolenia jednym z centrów politycznych i kulturowych pogranicza sandomiersko-lubelskiego. Od śmierci księcia Antoniego Benedykta Lubomirskiego w 1761 r. datuje się jednak kryzys w jego funkcjonowaniu, zakończony ostatecznym upadkiem i sprzedażą dóbr janowieckich przez jego syna – Jerzego Marcina w 1778 r. Niniejszy tekst stanowi próbę rekonstrukcji składu i organizacji dworu Lubomirskich na zamku w Janowcu, w ostatnich latach jego funkcjonowania. Ze względu na brak archiwum rodowego badania oparto na aktach metrykalnych parafii w Janowcu, które przyniosły wiele interesujących spostrzeżeń. Na podstawie przeanalizowanego materiału udało się częściowo odtworzyć funkcjonowanie dworu, który w świetle badanych metryk wiązać należy z osobą księcia Franciszka Ferdynanda Lubomirskiego, miecznika koronnego (brata Antoniego Benedykta Lubomirskiego). Zrekonstruowano skład oficjalistów zarządzających dobrami, obsadę nadwornych urzędów i działającej na zamku kapeli. Ujawniono też pewne symptomy kryzysu w funkcjonowaniu dworu od połowy lat sześćdziesiątych
In the 17th and 18th centuries, Lubomirski princes belonged to the most powerful lines of Polish Commonwealth. A younger branch of this family, encompassing Janowiec (in the Radom county) in the middle of the 17th century, together with adjoining territories, became a member of the local socio-financial elite. Lubomirski family’s manor house in Janowiec was through three centuries one of the political and cultural centres in the borderland between the Sandomierz and Lublin regions. However, Prince Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski’s death in 1761 marked the beginning of the crisis in functioning of the manor house. Finally, in 1778 it experienced a fall when all Janowiec properties were sold by Antoni’s son, Jerzy Marcin. The article concerned is an attempt to reconstruct the composition and organization of the manor house of the Lubomirski family in Janowiec in the last years of its functioning. Due to a lack of the line archive, the research is based on church books of the parish in Janowiec, which brought about many interesting observations. On the basis of the material analysed it was possible to partly reconstruct the functioning of the manor house which, in the light of the church books, should be linked with Prince Franciszek Ferdynand Lubomirski, Antoni’s brother. What else was reconstructed is the composition of the clerks managing the property, the staff of the offices, as well as the band performing in the manor house. Some symptoms of the crisis in functioning of the manor house from the half of the 60’s were revealed
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Ostatnie lata w polskiej historiografii przyniosly ogromne zainteresowanie testamentami i inwentarzami pośmiertnymi. Te pierwsze są znakomitym źródłem do studiów nad życiem społeczeństwa w dawnych wiekach. Przede wszystkim przybliżają obraz mentalnosci i religijności. Pomagają w odtworzenie powiązań rodzinnych testatora oraz jego działalności gospodarczej. inwentarze pośmiertne umożliwiają ntomiast poznanie kultury materialnej i umysłowej. Ułatwiają rekonstrukcję stanu majątkowego danej osoby, a tkże budują obraz gospodarczy badanej epoki. Przedmiotem publikacji są dwa testamenty i inwentarz Jadwigi i Marcina Mitkiewiczów, którzy zajmowali się rzemiosłem piekarskim w XVIII - wiecznym Krakowie
The subject matter of this article are two wills and inventory of Jadwiga and Marcin MItkiewicz, who were the representatives of baker's trade of the 18th century Kraków. On the backdrop of other contemporaneous bakers the Mitkiewicz family stood out in term of accrued wealth. According to the inventory its value was estimated to the sum of more than 10000 zlotys. Owing to these documents stored in the State Archives in Kraków it was possible to give more insight into the previously unknown hostory of many tradesman families from Kraków
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Początki Michelsdorfu (Michałowa) są nierozerwalnie związane z kolonistami mennonickimi, w większości amiszmia, którzy przyjęli zaproszenie Adama Jerzego ks. Czartoryskiego. Wywiązanie się przez nich z umowy było trudne zarówno z uwagi na zawirowania polityczne pod koniec XVIII w. jak i niesprzyjające warunki do gospodarowania. Pierwsi z nich dali za wygraną juz z latach 1813 - 1815. Bardziej znaczący był odpływ kolonistów na Wołyń w latach 1820 - 1822. Reszta opuściła wieś po powstaniu listopadowym
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The vicinities of Kraków were characterized by favourable natural conditions (e. g. good soil, hydrographic network, developed tract/road network. The proximity of the urban agglomeration and main tracks was a reason for a considerable mobility of peasants from the villages lacated in the Kraków vicinity. Registration in the register books in the local parishes was introduced relatively early (e. g. in Rudawa parish baptisims and marriages from the 70s of the 16th century). The present knowledge about Modern parish register books is unsatisfactory and the data provided by archives and studies show divergences and need to be verified with the actual state in parishes. For these sources are most often original documents stored on the premises of particular parishes. On the other hand, 19th century registers can usually be found in archives. The State Archive in Kraków holds micrifilms of only several rural parishes from the Old Polish period (e. g. parish register books of Raciborowice parish from the years 1604-1797), which were made at the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century. However, scarce originals of the parish registers from the period are preserved in the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Kraków (e. g. baptismal register books of Bolechowice parish from the years 1593-1643). The Mormon Church Central Library, in turn, of all the parishes in question holds only the microfilms of the register certificates from Raciborowice parish. The preliminary analysis of the state of preservation of the parish registers from the Kraków vicinity proves that it is possible to undertake their comparative studies with the register certificates from Kraków parishes. The initiative of the digitalization of the Modern register books kept in parish archives has been undertaken by the "Crown of Northern Kraków" Society, embracing seven muniocipalities from the vicinity of Kraków
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W archiwum na Jasnej Górze znajduje się mikrofilm zabytku "Krolowa polska na Iasnogorze. Nabożeństwo na wszystkie dnie roku na cześć Maryi Panny", który jest świadectwem tendencji w kształtowaniu się nazwiska na początku XVIII w. Pojawiają się tu następujące grupy form nazwiskowych: 1) pierwotne określenia o charakterze przezwiskowym i imiennym, np. "Jarzyna", "Pukiel"; 2) sekundalne formacje nazwiskowe (w tym formacje patronimiczne zakończone na - i/yc, - i/ych, - owicz, - ewicz, - ek, - ak, - uk, oraz posesywne, tzw. szlacheckie, - zakońzcone na -ski, -cki, - i/yński , - e/ański, - owski, ewski
The Archives of Jasna Góra contain a microfil of relic "Polish Queen in Iasnogora. Service for every day in the year in veneration of Virgin Mary", which is evidence of the trends in the formation of surnames at the beginning of the 18th centuary. The following groups of surname appear in the relic "Polish Queen in Iasnogora...": 1) primeval attributes of nickname and nominal type constitute, e. g. "Jarzyna", "Pukiel"; 2) secondary surname formations are patronymic ( - - i/yc, - i/ych, - owicz, - ewicz, - ek, - ak, - uk),and possessive (- ski, - cki, - i/yński, - e/ański, - owski, - ewski, - fromations, called gentry type
Reading Ottoman-Polish diplomatic relations leads to a clear conclusion that in the late 18th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had an opportunity to enter into an international alliance as a partner alongside the Ottoman Empire. Topaktaş has not attempted to create hypothetical scenarios regarding the survival or otherwise of the First Republic, but has reconstructed the idea of an Ottoman-Polish alliance in a scholarly manner, drawing on a rich body of historical sources. The publication contains innovative insights from the fields of history, political science and international relations. It takes into account the latest state of research and the results of searches personally conducted by the author. Topaktaş has almost managed to avoid factual mistakes and errors. The scale of the research apparatus used and the high specialisation of the technique of the historian of Polish-Turkish relations makes this monograph a work complementary to the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Poland and the Ottoman Empire. The reader is presented with a convincing argument alternating with a narrative that gives the impression of a reportage on the journey and stay of Franciszek Piotr Potocki - all wrapped up in academic terminology. The author has accomplished the research goals declared in the introduction. I personally believe that Topaktaşs book is a groundbreaking and inspiring treatise on the late 18th century. It is worth recommending to enthusiasts of Ottoman studies, but also to students of history interested in the subject.
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