Research background: Among academicians, a growing interest in brand valuation methods can be observed since the 1980s, when it became obvious that firms have off-balance sheet assets which have a significant effect on their value. Moreover, in a number of cases, the need to value the brand arises due to the reporting requirements or transactional and other intrafirm reasons. The existing methods used so far have commonly focused on changes in variables such as sale prices, changes in customer behaviour, or sales volumes and very often lead to different results, even when valuing the same brand. We believe that the risk factor has been neglected in these methods, although having a significant impact on the brand valuation.Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to formulate an alternative brand valuation approach based on the risk difference. This is defined as the difference between the risk to which a producer with a certain brand is exposed and the risk of the producer without a brand.Methods: Firstly, a set of assumptions was defined concerning the issue what conditions are required to be applied to use the proposed methodological approach. Next, the concept itself is formulated and tested while using the case study approach. Hence, in conditions of a model company, the method was verified with specific data. The results were also compared with the reproduction cost approach.Findings & value added: This paper presents a novel brand valuation method based on the risk difference. Building on a thought experiment, we compare an incumbent with a brand rather than with an average producer, which is a commonly used approach, with a new entrant to the market. We argue that in comparison to existing methods, our methodological approach reduces the number of unobservable inputs in the brand valuation process, and thus increases the accuracy and reliability of its results. Our method supports both researchers and practitioners to establish a better understanding between the well-established financial theories and new directions in brand valuation research. (original abstract)
W coraz większej mierze wartości niematerialne, w tym marka, decydują o możliwościach rozwojowych firmy. Inwestycje w budowę marki są nierzadko bardzo znaczące, natomiast efekty przynoszone przez markę, bywają trudne do uchwycenia. Nie jest zatem łatwo zauważyć i zmierzyć explicite materialne rezultaty marki, a korzyści przynoszone przez nią bywają często odległe w czasie. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie autorskiego algorytmu wyceny marki za pomocą metody dochodowej na przykładzie marki Xantra dla spółki Armis, działającej w branży usługowej, zajmującej się sprzedażą sprzętu RTV, elektroniki i sprzętu komputerowego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the increasingly intangible assets, including brand, determine the capabilities of the company's development. Investments in brand building are often very significant nevertheless the effects brought by the brand may be difficult to capture. Accordingly, it is not easy to notice and measure explicit material results of brand, and the brand benefits often tend to be deferred as long-term. This article presents the author's algorithm brand valuation for Xantra a company operating in the service industry, engaged in selling consumer electronics, electronics and hardware by using the income method. (original abstract)
Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób ocenić wpływ marki na sukces przedsiębiorstwa?. Zdefiniowane zostały podstawowe pojęcia związane z marką - wizerunek, siła, wartość i inne. Omówiono metody wyceny wartości marki wraz z krótkim opisem każdej z nich. Przytoczono przykłady wykorzystania wartości marki w praktyce zarządzania. Określono możliwe sposoby włączenia monitorowania właściwości marki do systemu zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.
This article concerns brand's influence on the company's success. It aims to analyze the possibility of including the brand's value in company's management system. Basic terms connected with the brand like value, strength, etc. are being defined. Different methods of brand valuation are described and some examples of using brand value in management practices given. Possible ways of including monitoring brand's features into management system are discussed. (original abstract)
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Zaprezentowana w artykule metoda pozwala na ustalenie wartości rynkowej marki w oparciu o przyszłe przepływy pieniężne. Wiodącą rolę w prezentowanej metodzie obok ustalenia stopy dyskonta odgrywa dokonanie szacunku wolumenu i wartości sprzedaży, które odzwierciedlają strategiczne zamierzenia firmy. Błędy w oszacowaniu przychodów ze sprzedaży prowadzą do bardzo dużych różnic w wartości szacowanej marki. Wymagana jest tu zatem szczegółowa znajomość branży, w której działa przedsiębiorstwo oraz wiedza na temat konkurencyjności produktów spółki i stosunków zarówno z klientami, jak i dostawcami. (fragment tekstu)
The article presents a method to calculate licence fees used for brand valuation. The article discusses an algorithm used to calculate cash flow for ex ante evaluation. Sales volume and sales value reflect the strategic goals of a company and their evaluation is of key importance in the method presented, therefore the need for in-depth knowledge of the sector in which a given company operates is stressed, as well as knowledge about the competitiveness of its products and relationships with customers and suppliers alike. The article also discusses a method to calculate licence fees for valuated brands. Models to calculate discount rate are presented and attention is paid to the need to adjust a given model to an established cash flow. Methods to calculate residual value are also reviewed; residual value reflects the value after a given forecast period, when cash flows have stabilised. (original abstract)
Wycena marki na podstawie wielkości opłat licencyjnych opiera się na założeniu, że marka jest warta tyle, ile wynosi "zwolnienie" jej właściciela z płacenia opłat licencyjnych na rzecz innego podmiotu. W metodzie tej zakłada się hipotetycznie, że właściciel marki musiałby płacić za umożliwienie posługiwania się nią, przy czym wysokość tych że hipotetycznych opłat stanowi wartość marki. Nie będąc zmuszonym licencjonować markę, właściciel jest tym samym zwolniony z ponoszenia opłat związanych z posługiwaniem się nią. Wycenę marki opartą na porównywalnych opłatach licencyjnych pokazano na przykładzie metodologii stworzonej przez amerykańską firmę konsultingową, Consor.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of this paper is to present the method of brand value estimation based on the royalty payments. This approach values a brand by reference to the amount of royalty that the owner has been relieved from paying to a third party due the fact that owner has full legal and beneficial title to the brand. Under this approach the value is calculated as the net present value of the expected annual royalty payments that the company would have had to pay a third party under a hypothetical licensing arrangement. The royalty payment stream is calculated by applying an assumed royalty ratę to the stream of net sales revenue expected to be generated in the future.(original abstract)
The objective of the paper is to examine value creation in private higher education. The results of the research are to be applied in reasonable structuring of study programs and courses and for creating profitable business and marketing strategies for private universities. From a student perspective, higher education is a project that must generate a positive net present value. In the pre-investment and investment phases, students see cash outflows and opportunity costs. In the third phase, the project generates benefits that take the form of cash inflows from employment or doing business in the relevant field. The value of the study program from the perspective of a private university is produced by the present value of the future cash flows generated by the investment in the study program and its administration and operation. The main cash inflows are created by tuition revenues and the main cash outflows are brand-related investments and personnel costs. The market equilibrium occurs when the value of a degree program from the perspective of a private university corresponds to the total aggregate net present value of a degree program at a private university from a student perspective. (original abstract)
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