W artykule dokonano analizy zachowania i rozwoju tożsamości narodowej i etnicznej w dwóch aspektach: 1. Wspomagania i podtrzymywania poczucia tożsamości kulturowej i językowej uczniów należących do mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych, ukazania wartości kultury mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych, ich wkładu w tworzenie kultury polskiej oraz uczestnictwa we współczesnym życiu społecznym naszego kraju. Istotę omawianego zagadnienia stanowi m.in. nauczanie języków mniejszościowych I w językach mniejszościowych oraz organizacja sieci szkół z w/w językami. Zauważa się zagrożenia w edukacji zwłaszcza dzieci romskich zarówno w ich dialekcie i w języku polskim. Ważny element upowszechniania wiedzy o prezentowanej problematyce stanowią inicjatyw szkolne, dotyczące głównie twórczości artystycznej dzieci. W ładzie edukacyjnym mniejszości narodowych w Polsce istotne miejsce zajmują inicjatywy władz lokalnych, w tym np. Gminy Miasta Wejherowa oraz szkół Wejherowa, w których kształcą się m.in. dzieci romskie. Do tradycji mniejszościowych w naszym kraju należą m.in. Dni Mniejszości Narodowych „Bibliografie gdańskie, które promują tolerancję oraz piękno.
The article analyses the behavior and development of national and ethnic identity in two aspects 1. Supporting and maintaining a sense of cultural and linguistic identity of pupils I to national and ethnic minorities. Showing cultural values of nationalistic, and ethnic minorities, their contribution to the development of Polish culture and their participation contemporary social life of our country. The essence of this problem is, among others, teaching languages of minority and in languages of minority and organising a network of schools with languages mentioned above. A danger in educating Roma children, both in their dialect, as well as in Polish language is noticed. An important element of disseminating knowledge about the issues presented here are relatives of schools, which concern mainly the artistic creativity of children. In the educational governance of national minorities in Poland the initiatives ot local authorities are If lost important, including tor example, the authorities of Wejherowo Commune and schools of Wejherowo. in which , among others, Roma children are trained. I he minority traditions in our country are, among others, Days of National Minorities: "Biographs of Gdansk" which promote the tolerance and the beauty.
The left-bank Vistula Boulevards dating back to the beginning of the 20th century constitute a valuable testimony of the hydrotechnical construction industry. The idea for the boulevards constructed in the interwar period has come from the 19th century boulevards of Georges Haussmann in Paris and constitutes a unique example of the bold ideas of President Stefan Starzyński. The idea was to connect the city with the river in order to elevate the rank of Warsaw as a European capital. The interwar boulevards were designed according to the contemporary canon of modern architecture and Bronisław Plebiński, an eminent engineer, supervised the construction works. The construction of the boulevards, initiated in the 19th century, was discontinued when World War II broke out. In the post-war period the former boulevards were connected with the abutment and the new staircases of the Śląsko-Dąbrowski bridge. The rebuilding of the retaining walls, destroyed as a result of military activities, was conducted together with the construction of the East-West road (Trasa W-Z), with the use of resources available at that time. The revitalisation designs are somewhat alarming, as they aim to transform the boulevards significantly. The levelling of the slope in order to replace it with a reinforced concrete construction, secondarily paved, seems utterly pointless and destructive. “Bulwary Starzyńskiego” (the boulevards reconstructed by Starzyński) also deserve to be protected and recognised as the testimony of a past epoch. Apart from the modernist and functional architectural form, special attention needs to be paid to the selection of noble materials and the quality of workmanship. The renovation and revitalisation of the boulevards, conducted according to conservation principles, would restore them to their original elegant form. Both the 19th century and the interwar boulevards should be protected by the conservator as monuments of significant historical value, inscribed on the register of monuments.
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