The experiment was carried out in 2002 and 2003. The fresh seeds of new Polish faba bean cultivars: Bachus, Basta, Orlik, Jupiter and Nowo were tested. The control cultivar was Windsor Biały. The examined faba bean cultivars differed significantly in dry matter content. Two small seed cultivars: Orlik and Jupiter and one large seed cultivar Bachus showed the highest amount of dry matter. The cultivars tested in the experiment were characterized by a high amount of macroelements. The biggest content of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium was found in Nowo seeds, phosphorus in Jupiter seeds and calcium in Windsor Biały. There were no significant differences found between the compared cultivars in the sodium content. The seeds of faba bean of all the cultivars had a very favourable Ca:Mg ratio.
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 2002-2003. Materiał badawczy stanowiły świeże nasiona najnowszych polskich odmian bobu: Bachus, Basta, Orlik, Jupiter i Nowo. Odmianą kontrolną był Windsor Biały. Spośród badanych w doświadczeniu odmian bobu największą zawartość suchej masy miały 2 odmiany drobnonasienne Orlik i Jupiter oraz odmiana grubonasienna Bachus. W badanych odmianach bobu wykazano dużą zawartość makroelementów. Odmiana Nowo odznaczała się największą zawartością azotu ogólnego, potasu i magnezu. Najwięcej fosforu zawierały nasiona odmiany Jupiter, a wapnia - nasiona odmiany Windsor Biały. Nie stwierdzono istotnej różnicy w zawartości sodu w zależności od odmiany bobu. W nasionach bobu były korzystne proporcje Ca:Mg, niezależnie od odmiany.
Broad bean „Windsor Biały" cultivar was used in the investigation at the stage of 30% dry weight content in seeds. Broad bean pods were stored at temperature of 1-2°C and air humidity of 85-90%. Observations and analyzes were carried out at 3-day intervals and the experiment was ended when in the given population the number of seeds with the symptoms of secoscence exceeded 10% (i.e. after 18 days). With the prolonged period of storage the firmness of pods gradually decreased and after 18 {.lays Iheir initial weight was reduced by 11%. Afler that period the share of marketable seeds in the total weight or pods increased from 43,9% directly after harvest lo 44.4%. Al the same time the weight of 1000 seeds decreased from 4221 to 3801 g. During storage a great part of seeds preserved their natural colour, though with the passage of time the percentage of seeds with symptoms of ageing rose; it amounted lo 0.6 directly after harvest and to 1.4%, 1.9%, 3.0%, 4.7%, 7.0%, and 11,0% after 3, 6, 9. 12, 15, and 18 days, respectively. Changes in the physicochemical compositions of (he seeds concerned all components analyzed. A distinct gradual increase occurred in dry weight content from 29,97%j directly after harvest to 34,40% after 18 days of storage, in starch content from 11,37 lo 12,35%, and in protein content (total N x 6.25) from 8.72 to 9.89%. The content of total sugars varied about 3.0% while the content of vitamin C decreased from 21.6 to 16.0 mg/100 g of fresh weight.
Strąki bobu odmiany Windsor Biały przechowywano w temperaturze 1-2°C i wilgotności 85-90%. Obserwacje i analizy prowadzono w odstępach 3-dobowych, a eksperyment zakończono po 18 dobach, gdy liczba nasion z objawami starzenia przekroczyła 10%. Wraz z upływem okresu przechowywania obserwowano systematyczny ubytek masy strąków, masy 1000 szt. nasion przy zbliżonym udziale masy nasion w masie strąków. Analizy fizykochemiczne nasion wykazały wzrost zawartości suchej masy, skrobi, białka surowego, niewielkie wahania w ilości cukrów oraz powolny spadek poziomu witaminy C.
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