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The landscape of Wilanów is usually perceived from the point of view of its baroque residence as its dominant architectural feature. But the generations of owners from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries also exerted major influence upon its formation, by introducing the ornamental farm (ferme ornée) inspired by its English models. Their interventions mainly concerned the construction of formal and functional relations between the Wilanów residence and the grange, the village and its affiliate premises. They were perceived by their contemporaries as pioneering works on Polish territory. Unfortunately, the landscape relationships developed as their result are largely illegible today. However, due to great artistic value and significance for the development of Wilanów’s cultural landscape identity, their remaining relics should be duly taken into account in local planning. The research undertaken by the author concerned the central part of the Wilanów Estate, with the royal residence located in the middle, covering the area from the Vistula River in the east to the Warsaw Escarpment and the residences located on it in the west, Natolin and Powsinkowskie Lake in the south and Sielanka Lake and Morysin with its fields in the north. The research consisted of: recognition of the state of research in the field of the ferme-ornée phenomenon and the landscape of Wilanów in the literature on the subject, establishing, on the basis of the literature, the definition of a ferme-ornée and a set of features specific to this form of spatial development, archival research, recognizing the historical principles of shaping the Wilanów landscape in terms of the presence of elements representative of ferme-ornée, field work aimed at determining the current state of preservation of elements of the Wilanów fermeornée. The research is summarized by conclusions, emphasizing the need to protect the existing relics.
Krajobraz Wilanowa zazwyczaj postrzegany jest przez pryzmat barokowej rezydencji, stanowiącej jego architektoniczną dominantę. Ale również pokolenia właścicieli z końca XVIII w. i 1. połowy wieku XIX miały ogromny wpływ na jego kształtowanie, wdrażając inspirowany wzorcami angielskimi model ferme ornée (ornamental farm). Ich działania dotyczyły głównie budowania formalnych i funkcjonalnych relacji pomiędzy wilanowską rezydencją a folwarkiem, wsią oraz obiektami filialnymi. Przez współczesnych były uważane za pionierskie na ziemiach polskich. Powstałe w ich wyniku obiekty i powiązania przestrzenne są w znacznej mierze już dziś nieczytelne. Z uwagi na ich ogromną wartość artystyczną i znaczenie dla budowania tożsamości krajobrazu kulturowego Wilanowa ich relikty powinny być uwzględniane w lokalnych działaniach ochronnych i planistycznych. Przeprowadzone przez autorkę badania dotyczyły centralnego fragmentu klucza wilanowskiego, z usytuowaną pośrodku rezydencją królewską, obejmującego obszar od Wisły na wschodzie po skarpę warszawską i leżące na jej koronie rezydencje na zachodzie, Natolin i Jezioro Powsinkowskie na południu i Jezioro Sielanka oraz Morysin wraz z sąsiadującymi z nim polami uprawnymi na północy i polegały na: rozpoznaniu stanu badań w zakresie zjawiska ferme-ornée i krajobrazu Wilanowa w literaturze przedmiotu, ustaleniu na podstawie literatury przedmiotu definicji ferme-ornée oraz zespołu cech właściwych dla tej formy zagospodarowania przestrzeni, kwerendzie archiwalnej, rozpoznaniu historycznych zasad kształtowania krajobrazu wilanowskiego pod kątem obecności elementów reprezentatywnych dla ferme-ornée, pracach terenowych mających na celu określenie obecnego stanu zachowania elementów wilanowskiej ferme-ornée. Badania podsumowano wnioskami, kładąc nacisk na potrzebę ochrony zachowanych reliktów.
Content available Folwark Wilanowski - zapomniane miejsce historyczne
Area of the former Wilanów manorial economy is localized to the south of the Wilanów residence (pres-ently a seat of the Wilanów Pałace Museum) and historically constitutes its integral compositional element. Only recently spatial arrangement of the manorial economy, in a great measure, was still visible. Still today exists a large part of farm buildings. The manorial economy terrain is legally protected only as a part of the monumental urban complex of Wilanów. The area is not separately included in the monuments register. Despite still visible spatial values of the manorial economy, recently, construction of the new apartment house complex within the area was authorized. The new housing buildings were introduced to the terrain between the Wilanów Lake, constituting a water axis of the Wilanów landscape park and the Stanisław Kostka Potocki's street, historical road conneeting the Wilanów residence with the manorial economy, eneroaching on the former manorial economy court-yard. Introducing the new apartment house complex destroyed historical spatial composition of the manorial economy. Furthermore, multi-storey apartment houses dwarf historical farm buildings. Although the existing monumental buildings are planned to be preserved and adapted, their present technical condition and threats evoked by the new neighborhood are alarming. The article is aimed to briefly outline problems of conservator's protection of the Wilanów manorial economy which resultfrom insufficient legal protection and complicated structure of landownership. It also tries to analyze how we can counteract negative transformations in its spatial structure.
Content available remote W poszukiwaniu tożsamości - obrazki z Wilanowa
tom nr 7
Content available Przedmowa
The Wilanów pałace and park, dating from the 17th century, is one of the rare monuments in Poland in which not only the original architecture but also the decorative sculpture and. painting, the interior furnishings and the collection of works of art have been preserved. Talking into consideration the significance of this monument for the history of Polish culture, the Council o f Ministers of the Polish People’s Republic adopted a resolution on its restoration in 1954. The resolution designates means for conservation work and for its adoptation into a modern museum. During the work on safeguarding the valuable monument, some unfortunate alterations made in the 19th and 20th centuries were removed and, on the other hand, some neglected polychrome, sculpture and decorations were uncovered. Thirty restored .palace chambers have been opened to the public this year. This coincides with the 100th anniversary of the National Museum. The restoration of the palace will be completed in 1964.
Дворцово-огородный комплекс в Вилянове происходящий из XVII века, является одним из весьма немногочисленных старинных объектов в Польше, сохранивших не только свой достоверный архитектонический стиль, декоративное, художественное и скульптурное искусство, но также оснащение внутреннего убранства и коллекцию дел искусства. Принимая по внимание ценную, значительную стоимость этого комплеса для истории польской культуры, Совет Министра Польской Народной Республики в 1954 году выдал постановление по делу перестройки этого объекта, обеспечивая притом материальные средства для проведения со- хранительных работ и приспособления объекта к потребностям современной музейной деятельности. В течении хода работ, прочно обеспечивающих ценные памятники, удалено неудачные перестройки, исполненные в XIX и XX веке, открывая притом скульптурное и декоративное искусство, а также забытую полихромию. В текущем году отремонтировано 30 зал, делая их доступными для зрителей в связи с сотой годовщиной существованная Народного Музея. Полная перестройка Дворца предусматривается в 1964 г.
The Warsaw ”Exhibition of Antiquities belonged to a series of events that were a part of the panEuropean fashion for popularising the achievements of fine arts, scholarship and industry in the form of presentations or exhibitions open to the general public. The exhibition opened in June 1856 in the private palace of the Count and Countess August Potocki at Krakowskie Przedmieście 32 and continued for more than half a year. Beside the Potockis, its coorganisers were outstanding scholars and collectors, such as Paweł Bolesław Podczaszyński, Karol Bayer, Edward Rastawiecki, Henryk Stecki and Kazimierz Stronczyński. The aim of the exhibition was to gather and showcase objects linked directly with historical figures and events that reinforced the sense of national identity in the period when Poland was not an independent state; for this reason the event was disguised as one aimed to collect funds for charitable purposes. The Potockis lent 288 pieces from their own collections; 123 of them have survived to our times. The exhibition was accompanied by the publication of pioneering books, including a catalogue and an album which is today considered the first iconographic register of historical monuments in the Polish lands. This exhibition has provided the focus for a new permanent exhibition currently under preparation at the Wilanów Palace.
Content available Symbolika i magia Oraculum w Wilanowie
tom Nr 23
Artykuł przedstawia historię powstania Oraculum w Morysinie - miejscu ściśle związanym z Wilanowem. Rola, jaką spełniało Oraculum, znana była tylko niewielkiej grupie badaczy, także ze względu na zniszczenie obiektu oraz zapomnienie, w jakie popadło po ostatniej wojnie światowej. W sierpniu 2006 r. podjęto trud przeniesienia ocalałych elementów kamiennych Oraculum (Wyroczni) z Morysina do ogrodów Muzeum Pałacu w Wilanowie. Opracowano projekt rekonstrukcji kręgu wróżebnego. Na podstawie udostępnionych materiałów archiwalnych oraz inwentaryzacji zachowanych elementów kamiennych odtworzono jego wymiary. Uratowane fragmenty jedynego zachowanego w Polsce kręgu kamiennego Oraculum, oddają charakter miejsca działania wróżb, przepowiedni i rodzenia się nadziei na zmianę losów narodu polskiego tak charakterystycznych dla epoki romantyzmu. Dla żony Stanisława Kostki Potockiego - Aleksandry Lubomirskiej, 65-letniej wdowy, była to astrologiczna "mandala życia" spędzonego u boku męża, symboliczny pomnik czasów, kiedy kobiety, „matki Polki”, interesowały się ukrytymi znaczeniami, astrologią, wróżbami i kabałą. Interesowały się ukrytymi znaczeniami, astrologią, wróżbami i kabałą.
The article presents the history of erecting the Oraculum in Morysin . a place closely connected with Wilanow. The function of the Oraculum was known only to a select group of scientists, because of the ruined state of the object and oblivion into which it sank after World War II. In August 2006, the remaining stone elements of the Oraculum (the Oracle) were transferred from Morysin to the gardens of the Palace Museum in Wilanow. A reconstruction project of the prophetic circle was prepared. The size was recreated on the basis of available archive materials and the inventory of the preserved stone elements. The remaining fragments of the only stone circle of Oraculum preserved in Poland reflect the character of the site serving to dispense prophecies and predictions and the birthplace of hope for the change of fate of the Polish nation, so characteristic for the era of Romanticism. For Aleksandra Lubomirska - the 65-year-old widow of Stanisław Kostka Potocki, it was an astrological “mandala of life” spent by her husband’s side, a symbolic monument of the times when women, “Polish mothers”, were particularly interested in hidden meanings, astrology, prophecies and Qabalah.
tom nr 10
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie korzyści z budowania systemu zieleni miejskiej w oparciu o tworzącą się w procesie zamieszkiwania strukturę, następujących po sobie przestrzeni prywatnych, społecznych i publicznych oraz możliwości promocji krajobrazu zabytkowego jako krajobrazu codziennej egzystencji. Tekst zawiera omówienie koncepcji Promenady Królewskiej wykonanej w 2007 r. przez zespół Samodzielnego Zakładu Sztuki Krajobrazu na Wydziale Ogrodnictwa i Architektury Krajobrazu SGGW w Warszawie na zlecenie Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie. Jej przedmiotem są tereny na południu Warszawy, pomiędzy Muzeum a Portem Lotniczym im. Fryderyka Chopina, wchodzące w XIX w. w skład dóbr wilanowskich. Ludzie, zamieszkując przestrzeń i tworząc codzienne krajobrazy naszych miast tworzą znaczenie miejsc i ich ducha (genius loci) (Norberg‐Schulz, 1980). Kształtując miasta, w których budowane są przestrzenie egzystencjalne, często paradoksalnie, zapominamy o ich mieszkańcach. Przestrzeń, będąc świadkiem codziennego życia jej mieszkańców nabiera cech określających zamieszkującą ją wspólnotę. Inaczej mówiąc, patrząc na krajobraz możemy poznać wartości wspólnoty, która ten krajobraz zamieszkuje (Gawryszewska, 2007). Tak rozumiana przestrzeń codzienna, i jej kształt, mogą również stać się podstawą kreowania postaw i zachowań. Traktujemy przestrzeń zamieszkania jako coś, co należy do nas, i jesteśmy skłonni chronić ją w imię poczucia własności (Merleau‐Ponty, 1945). To poczucie jest nieodzowne do tworzenia przestrzeni wspólnych, do których zapraszamy innych, aby mogli z nami te przestrzenie dzielić. Struktura przestrzeni egzystencjalnej jest konsekwencją naturalnie następującego procesu kształtowania się tożsamości miejsc i identyfikowania się z nimi mieszkańców w wyniku spontanicznego zagospodarowywania krajobrazu. Możliwość wykorzystania procesu identyfikacji z miejscem w procesie projektowym sprzyja nie tylko jakości zamieszkiwania, ale i promocji historycznych wartości krajobrazu, prowadząc do jego skuteczniejszej rewitalizacji. Rewitalizacja krajobrazu kulturowego, ochrona krajobrazu zabytkowego i jego promocja we wspólnotach lokalnych nie muszą się więc wzajemnie wykluczać.
Idea of the Royal Promenade is an answer to assignment given by the Wilanów Palace Museum concerning showing the significant role of the Wilanów royal residence in the Warsaw spatial order shaping and in the structure of the city landscape values recognized by community. For 400 years, the Wilanów residence has been a center which has influenced social and spatial order of areas localized to the south of Warsaw. Warsaw development and the meaning of the residence result housing concentration which can cause absorption of the residence by urban space. An attempt to prevent this phenomenon is development of the Wilanów residence compositional axis as an urban axis of 11 kilometers length between Warsaw Fryderyk Chopin Airport and Miedzeszyn embankment on the far opposite side of the Vistula river. If we could retrieve relation between dwellers and their space of living, and educe they will treat monuments of the cultural landscape as their own heritage, revitalization of the cultural landscape and identification with place and its monuments will be much effective. We assume as following: nearly 60 000 people live on the area of old property, and they have no idea about it. They do not identify with the museum, which is far, do not identify even with their place of living, except the closest space near flats and houses. There is lack of public parks here, lack of good designed, useful public greens.
tom Nr 23
Artykuł zawiera informację na temat rzeźby „Chłopiec z łabędziem” zdobiącej fontannę w Ogrodzie Różanym w Wilanowie. Kontakty właścicieli firmy odlewniczej działającej w Warszawie - Minterów prowadzą do wykorzystania modelu śląskiego rzeźbiarza Teodora Kalide działającego w Berlinie. Zagadnienia technologiczne, ujawniane w trakcie prowadzenia prac konserwatorskich skłaniają do zainteresowania także historyków sztuki. Prowadzi to do ciekawego związku historii sztuki z konserwatorstwem i problemu: jak konserwacja staje się nauką pomocniczą umożliwiającą poznanie zależności sztuki i XIX-wiecznych wynalazków technicznych. Autor sygnalizuje problematykę konserwatorską związaną z obiektami, które powstały w wyniku zastosowania galwanoplastyki i galwanostegii. Efektem postępujących zniszczeń może być konieczność zastąpienia rzeźb XIX-wiecznych ich kopiami brązowymi.
The article contains information concerning the sculpture called "A Boy with a Swan". Decorating a fountain in the Rose Garden in Wilanow. The contacts of the owners of the casting factory operating in Warsaw - the Minters - led to using for it the model made by a sculptor from Silesia, Teodor Kalide, who worked in Berlin. Technological issues discovered while conducting restoration work prompted also art historians to probe the matter further. All that led to a fascinating combination of history of art with restoration, and the question how restoration could become auxiliary science allowing for recognizing the relationships between art and the 19th-century technological inventions. The author indicates restoration problems connected with objects which were made with the use of galvanoplastic and galvanostegia. The result of further damage could be the necessity of replacing the 19th century statues by their bronze copies.
Herbaceous vegetation is a critical component of the multi-layered arrangement in historic gardens, enhancing its harmony and natural balance. Despite its numerous advantages, such as limiting weed growth, inhibiting soil degradation, and increasing biodiversity, it remains one of the most neglected components of historic gardens. The objective of this article was to present practical guidelines for the management of herbaceous vegetation in the North Landscape Garden of Wilanów Palace made for the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów between 2017 and 2018. Analytical studies and design works were conducted for an area of 5.3 ha. Following the principles of conservation with respect to spatial forms and landscape features with simultaneous reference to the composition of natural plant communities and preservation of the existing natural qualities, a list of 106 dominant and coexisting plant species was proposed. Herbaceous vegetation covered in total 39% of the park’s area. The identified species indicated a habitat of subcontinental oak-hornbeam forest (Tilio-Carpinetum calamagrostietosum) and willow-poplar marsh (Salici-Populetum). In addition, compositional guidelines and recommendations for implementation, care and use were specified. The correct management of herbaceous vegetation in a historic garden requires a well-thought-out design and implementation process that accounts for cultural values and habitat conditions.
W poniższym tekście omówiono rozwój, stan zachowania i możliwości ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego, powiązanego z rezydencją wilanowską. Obszar ten, o ponadlokalnych wartościach historycznych, artystycznych i naukowych, od lat ulega degradacji w wyniku nowych inwestycji, powstających bez poszanowania dla zastanych wartości. Autorka opisuje dotychczasowe formy jego ochrony, wskazując na ich małą skuteczność. W podsumowaniu wskazuje na wpis do rejestru zabytków krajobrazu kulturowego Wilanowa jako formę ochrony prawnej, która stworzy warunki do zachowania jego wartości.
In the following text the author discusses the development, existing state and possibilities of protection of cultural landscape associated with the residence of Wilanów. This area, characterized by significant historical, artistic and scientific values, for years was degraded which was a result of new investments, emerging with no respect for existing values. The author discusses the existing forms of protection, pointing to their low effectiveness. In the summary author indicates that the entry in the register of monuments of Wilanów cultural landscape would be the most effective form of its legal protection in terms of the preservation of its values.
Content available Norwid i Potoccy z Wilanowa
Wilanów is an important place on Norwid’s biographical and intellectual map, not only due to the cultivation of memory of his great “ancestor” John III Sobieski, but also because he learned to paint at the Warsaw studio of Aleksander Kokular, who was associated with Wilanów. Norwid maintained close contacts with the closest family of Wilanów’s owner, Count Aleksander Potocki: his second wife Countess Izabella nee Mostowska, primo voto Potocka, secondo voto Starzyńska, and her son Stanisław Potocki, grandson of Stanisław Kostka Potocki. Norwid even enjoyed the protection of Countess Starzyńska and would often meet in Paris with her son, an art collector, as well as exchange letters with him, mainly on the subject of art. Perhaps they visited together Hôtel Drouot, an art auction house in Paris.
Wilanów to miejsce na biograficznej i intelektualnej mapie norwidowskiej bardzo ważne nie tylko ze względu na kultywowaną w nim pamięć o wielkim „przodku” poety – Janie III Sobieskim. Norwid uczył się w warszawskiej „malarni” związanego z Wilanowem Aleksandra Kokulara, utrzymywał także bliskie kontakty z najbliższą rodziną właściciela dóbr wilanowskich – hrabiego Aleksandra Potockiego: jego drugą żoną hrabiną Izabellą z Mostowskich, primo voto Potocką, secondo voto Starzyńską, oraz z jej synem Stanisławem Potockim (wnukiem Stanisława Kostki Potockiego). Cieszył się nawet protekcją hrabiny Starzyńskiej, a z jej synem, kolekcjonerem, wielokrotnie spotykał się w Paryżu i prowadził z nim korespondencję poświęconą głównie kwestiom sztuki. Być może wizytowali też wspólnie paryski dom aukcyjny Hôtel Drouot.
Acient materials from Wilanow were excavated nearly 40 years ago. It was researched by professor Wiercinski but the results of this work did not appear (it was published only cranial researching). We decided to finish this project – make inventoring, measure, and compare our results. So, the aim of work is to examinate the structure of Wilanow’s population dated back to the early Middle Ages. The whole series is represented by 75 skulls and 48 sketetons. A lot of skulls are very fragmentary, and the analysis is based on the descriptions only of 49 skulls (21 male, 25 female and 3 children). The skulls form Wilanow are interesting because they are approaching the border of brachycephalic. This population is quite different from that one having lived in Poland and dated from this same age. This problem should be researched in the future.
Content available Przywracanie kompozycji Szwanera w Wilanowie
The palace and park in Wilanow were embellished with exceedingly lavish sculpture ornaments. The best known sculptors who worked for the king were Andrzej Schluter and Stefan Szwaner. The latter was the author o f one o f the most magnificent bas relief all’antica decorations o f the palace facade, depicting the deeds and victories of king Jan III Sobieski. Owing to the highly unsatisfactory present-day state of the bas reliefs, it was decided in spring 1993 to initiate conservation work. The task was entrusted to a team of artists-art conservators, headed by Piotr Grzegorz Mądrach, and composed o f Jolanta Pawlak, Zenon Sądecki, Piotr Zambrzycki and Jerzy Zebrowski. Conservation began with a thorough acquaintance with the history o f the sculptures and a detailed examination of their technical state. Close studies o f the history o f the sculptures and archive iconographie material led to an ex traordinary discovery. All descriptions, drawings and photographs prior to the 1930s present designs made by Stefan Szwaner during the seventeenth century. A radical change occurred in 1 9 3 3 -1 9 3 7 although there are no information documents telling us who, why and when altered the sculptures on the palace facade attic storey. The conservation team proposed the recreation o f the original form o f the bas reliefs. A commission o f experts: art historians, museum staff, historians, art conservators and technologists, was established. After an examination o f all arguments in favour and against the restoration o f the seventeenth — century com position, it was decided to recreate the original shape of a sculpture known as „The Expedition against the Tartar Hordes”. This work was restored by making a clay model, a plaster form and a positive cast in modified mineral mortar, reinforced with a rust-free steel net. The copy o f the Stefan Szwaner statue was then installed on the attic storey o f the Wilanow palace facade. The task was completed in the autumn o f 1994. After a period o f sixty years, we can once again admire „The Expedition against the Tartar Hordes” in the form and with the symbolic designed by its author.
An enormous carpet with floral decorations which embellished the floor in the Painting Gallery at the Wilanów Palace since the 1970s is leaving the display at the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów forever. The text presents the characteristics and the history of the manually woven carpet executed as a copy of a nineteenth-century rug.
The museum established in the Wilanów residence by Stanisław Kostka Potocki was the first art museum in Poland. Today, on the bicentenary of the death of its founder, we reflect upon the activities and prospects for research on Potocki's legacy conducted with the participation of the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów. In 2014, in cooperation with the Winckelmann Society, the Museum initiated the project “Johann Joachim Winckelmann i/und Stanisław Kostka Potocki. Nowe badania i dokumenty/Neue Forschungen und Dokumente”, aimed at studying the influence of Winckelmann's works on art collecting in Central Europe, including the activity of Stanisław Kostka Potocki. As part of the project, a German translation of Potocki's most important work, O sztuce u dawnych, czyli Winkelman Polski, has been published. The popularisation of Potocki's output is also carried out by way of organising numerous scientific conferences and publishing studies on his literary legacy (cf. O spuściźnie literackiej Stanisława Kostki Potockiego. Studia i szkice), political activity (M. Getka-Kenig, Stanisław Kostka Potocki. Studium magnackiej kariery w dobie upadku i “wskrzeszenia” Polski), the ways of developing his collection of works of art, as well as the stories of individual objects therein, such as the image of the Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci or the portrait of Stanisław Kostka Potocki by Jacques-Louis David. At the same time, research is being carried out on Potocki's collection itself, as well as on his manuscripts and letters. The results of this research are presented in the form of exhibitions organised by the Museum (“Leonardiana in Polish Collections”) and numerous articles published in Wilanów Studies. The profound change, currently underway, of the profile of both the permanent and temporary exhibitions in the interiors of the Wilanów Palace aims to emphasise the significance of the Enlightenment idea of collecting as practised by Stanisław Kostka Potocki. The section of the exhibition on the first floor of the palace, presenting the art collecting achievements of the third generation of the Potocki family in Wilanów, will be made available to the public in 2022.
Content available Konserwacja obrazów i malowideł ściennych
Fused with the architecture are paintings in the palace such as those on linen (plafonds, friezes, supraportals, panneaux) and some mural paintings (on ceilings, vaults, fascia and walls). The conservation of the paintings on linen met with no difficulties despite the poor condition of their preservation as wiell as some repalntings. Proper conservation methods were decided upon after a detailed laboratory analysis defined the scope of the damages. Those pictures which needed relining were treated accordingly, applviing the iso called Dutch method. Retouchings, darkened varnish and repaintings were removed from some of the pictures. Some losses were filled up with gluechalk putty. The surfaces of the paintings were isolated by mastic varnish; before hanging up the pictures they are to be covered with a wax mixture for an additional protection. Original two-part circular wooden stretcher are discovered in some plafonds canvas. The mural paintings often covered by two or three coats of paint posed the question whether to restore an earlier preserved painting or to accept later alterations. In the Grand Hall of .the main part of the palace fragments o f 17th century paintings were uncovered as well as some ornamental decorations in window recesses; these latter will be reconstructed. Parts of 18t)h century paintings „en grisaille“ will be worked on and then veiled by the paintings on linen taken out for conservation work. The 18th century repaintinigs will be removed from among the well-preserved paintings in the King’s and Queen’s bed-chambers. It was decided to preserve these repaintings — on four very damaged plafonds in the south wing — to correspond with the original’s composition and colouring. The most valuable discovery concerns well-preserved paintings found in a staircase. The paintings were made in calcic al secoo technique imitating Gobelin tapestry. Studies on some of the .paintings have not been carried out yet because of the construction work in progress. The question of an original polychrome beam ceiling structure in the ante-chamber, which was revealed on the first floor while exchanging the rafters, was very difficult for the conservators. In the 18th century the ceiling lining was fixed on the ceiling structure, whitened walls were rough-cast and adorned with paintings done in the calcic technique. By the end of the 18th century they were covered in Chinese style and repainted again towards the end of the 19th or at the beginning of the 20th century. To protect the composition in the ante-chamber, the conservators have decided to work on the 18th century paintings and to leave the polychrome ceiling in concealment. The paintings of minor value, preserved often only in fragments, are to be conserved where possible or, in any case, inventoried.
В состав художественного украшения Дворца, связанного с его архитектурой, входят картины, рисованные на полотне (плафоны, фризы, „супра- порты, „panneaux”) а также стенная живопись (на потолке, на своде, карнизах и стенах). Консервация картин, рисованных на полотне, несмотря на их плохое состояние и перекрашивания, не представляла особенных трудностей. После проведенных детально лабораторных исследований, подробно определено степень разрушения и в связи с тем установлено соответственный метод консервации. Картины, требующие нового сдублирования, сдублировано в воске методом, званым голландским; с некоторых частей картин удалено ретуш, потемневший лак и перекрашивания. Убыли заполнено мелово-клеевой замазкой. Поверхность картин изолировано смоловым лаком; прежде чем картины, будут повешены, поверхность их для добавочного изолирования будет покрыта смесью воска со специальным лаком. В некоторых картинах открыто оригинальные двухчастичные подрамники, соединённые при помощи гнёздышек и клинов. В стенной живописи очень часто встречаются двух и трёхкартные наслоения, живопись такого рода требует восстановления прежнего, сохранившегося изображения или задержания возникших позже перемен. В Великой Сени главного корпуса здания открыто фрагменты XVII-вечных изображений а такж е значительные орнаментальные украшения на внутренней поверхности оконных отверстий, эти орнаментальные украшения будут реконструированы. Остаток картин „en grisaille” с XVIII века будут закрыты после обеспечения, снятыми для консервации изображений на полотне. С картин, находящихся в спальнях короля и королевы, сохранившихся в довольно хорошим виде, будут удалены XVIII-вечные перекрашивания. На четырёх плафонах в южной галереи, очень повреждённых, перекрашивания которых колоритом и композицией отвечают подлинникам, решено удержать. Наиболее ценным открытием является открытие на лестничной клетке хорошо сохранившихся изображений, исполненных известковой техникой „al secco”, подделаных под гобелены. В связи с продолжающимися строительными работами некоторые картины ещё не были исследованы. Трудного решения требовал вопрос консервации свода в Передней на втором этаже, первоначально балочного, покрытого полихромией, который открыто во время замены скрепы в крыше. В XVIII веке нижнюю поверхность свода укреплено, стены побелено и всё это вместе покрыто штукатуркой, а целость украшено художественно известковой техникой. В коньце XVIII века всё это покрыто композицией в китайском стиле, вторично перекрашено на переломе XIX и XX века. Для удержания композиции помещения решено приступить к консервации XVIII-вечных изображений, а покрытый полихромией свод оставить в укрытии. Менее ценные картины, сохранившиеся только отрывочно, по мере возможности, будут подданы консервации, но в каждом случае будут включены в инвентарную опись.
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The author begins his article with an extensive review on historical and present documentation concerning the Wilanów Park. According to the main stages of territorial development, the park consists of three parts: the central section — the oldest an/d baroque in style; to the south of this is the romantic landscape part; and then there is the north part dating from the 19th century. Conservation work began here in 1948. It provided for the preservation of the different styles prevalent in each section of the park but, at the some time, maintaning a harmonious whole. Conservation work covered the garden, grounds and melioration system as well as the reconstruction and conservation of the park statues and buildings. This work was interrupted in 1950 because of a lack of funds. Work was resumed in 1960 in the garden, coordinating the conservation programme with the solution of technical problems necessary for the proper functioning of the Wilanów Park.
В самом начале статьи автор представляет обширный осмотр исторической и современной документации, касающейся Виляновского огорода. Согласно с главными фазами территориального развития, огород делится на три основные части: центральная наистаршая в стиле барокко, с южной стороны расположена часть огорода романти- чески-ландшафтная, а с северной стороны находится часть огорода — повставшая в XIX веке. Консервационные работы, к которым присту- плено в 1948 году имели в виду удержание стильной особенности в отдельных партиях огорода с одновременным учётом полной гармонизации территория. Относилось это одинаково к работам местным, мелиоративным, озеленения, как и к работам, связанным с реконструкцией и консервацией статуй и огородных построек. В 1950 году в веденных работах наступил перерыв по причине недостатка инвестиционного фонда на обновление парка. В 1960 году снова приступлено к работам на территории огорода, согласуя реализацию консервационных закладок с разрешением с современной технической проблемы, необходимой для правильного функционирования целого комплекса.
This article presents and analyses six unpublished documents that concern the continuation of the villa 'factory', the maintenance of the garden and the Wilanów manor a few years after the death of King Jan III, during the administration of the estate by Prince Aleksander Benedykt. Four of them are letters written in January 1698 and spring 1699 by Jan Kazimierz Żeligowski, plenipotentiary and administrator of the Wilanów estate, to Aleksander. They are held in the Manuscripts Department of the University of Warsaw Library. The letters contain key information on the appointment of the stuccoer Antonio Perti as head of this 'factory' and the scope of his responsibilities and circle of collaborators between 1699 and 1704, as well as a detailed description of the damage caused to the palace by the lack of adequate supervision in the preceding period. Żeligowski's account is supplemented by news of other investments in Wilanów and undertakings made during this period. These sources are a valuable addition to the accounting archives and property records from the Vilnius collection (LVIA) compiled and published in 2014 by Aleksandra Skrzypietz. The last two documents come from the same collection and other Sobiesciana from the Archive of the Warsaw Province of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin at the 'Honoratianum' Spirituality Centre in Zakroczym were used for their correct interpretation. This is a list, drawn up on 1 March 1720, of the movable property of Wilanów divided between the princes Jakub Ludwik and Konstanty Władysław. Until then, they were part of the deposit in the Warsaw Capuchin monastery, in the rooms of the royal suite and in the upper oratory - the place where the royal coffin was displayed. The creation of the inventory and the final distribution of the movables may be connected with the sale of Wilanów by the princes to Elżbieta Helena Sieniawska née Lubomirska, the wife of the Grand Crown Hetman, which was not finalised until 1720.
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