Primary and secondary monazite-(Ce) in a calcitized gneiss clast from Bukowiec near Rożnowskie Lake (the Silesian Unit, Western Outer Carpathians) has been analysed using SEM-EDS methods. Secondary monazite-(Ce) formation probably took place prior to calcitization of the gneiss.
W mocno zmienionym w wyniku kalcytyzacji klaście gnejsu z odsłonięcia piaskowców ciężkowickich (górny paleocen–dolny eocen; jednostka śląska) w Bukowcu (rejon Jeziora Rożnowskiego) stwierdzono obecność pierwotnego oraz wtórnego monacytu-(Ce). Forma występowania wtórnego monacytu-(Ce) wskazuje, że powstał on prawdopodobnie w trakcie przeobrażeń biotytu, przed kalcytyzacją gnejsu.
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The Gorce Mts., situated in the medial segment of the Polish Outer West Carpathians, comprise two submeridional and one subparallel neotectonic elevations. Morphological features of the highest mountain ranges show properties of advanced maturity, whereas the radial pattern of deeply-cut V-shaped valleys of high and strongly diversified gradients, as well as convex and convex-concave slope profiles, together with the presence of overhanging valleys testify to young uplift. Drainage basins of the 4th order show basin elongation ratios typical for intensely uplifted regions, similarly as the stream length-gradient indices (SL), whilst the thickness of the belt of no erosion is moderate and does not exceed 80 m.
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