Wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na kompleksowe i rozbudowane sieci przesyłowe gazu ziemnego oraz konieczność wprowadzenia bardziej wydajnego utrzymania danych przestrzennych dotyczących owej infrastruktury przesyłowej wpłynęły na podjęcie przez zarządcę infrastruktury decyzji o rozbudowie dotychczasowej infrastruktury o dodatkowe elementy związane z możliwością wykorzystania inteligentnych systemów lokalizacyjnych bądź odpowiednio rozbudowę istniejących elementów o rozwiązania funkcjonalne oparte na WebGIS. W niniejszym artykule opisano podejście koncepcyjne omawianego rozwiązania z wykorzystaniem komponentów programistycznych typu open source. Wdrożone rozwiązanie WebGIS umożliwia monitorowanie bezpieczeństwa przesyłu gazu ziemnego oraz związanego z nim wpływu na środowisko naturalne, pomaga w planowaniu i utrzymaniu sieci przesyłowej oraz podnosi skuteczność podejmowania świadomych decyzji dotyczących różnych aspektów zarządzania infrastrukturą gazową w odniesieniu do aspektów lokalizacyjnych.
Due to the need for further expansion of a gas pipeline network and more efficient maintenance of available spatial data on the gas pipeline infrastructure, the management of gas transportation system operator has decided to extend the existing information system for the management of gas infrastructure by introducing location intelligence, i.e. its upgrading with the functional WebGIS solution. This paper describes the approach for developing the solution by using open source software components. The implemented WebGIS solution enables environmental monitoring in relation to safe natural gas transport, helps in planning and maintaining the gas pipeline network, and provides location-conscious decisionmaking on various aspects of the gas infrastructure management.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW
The WebGIS portal .Green Krakow. is the result of two years of interdisciplinary work on the so called .Vegetation map of the City of Krakow.. The technology used in the project includes: UMN MapServer, PHP MapScript and the MySQL data base. Two services WMS and WFS running in the .Green City. application meet the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications. Additionally, the following components were used to construct the whole WebGIS application: Apache ver. 2.2.9, PHP ver. 5.2.6, MapServer 5.2.0 CGI, MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP, and Python), PHP/MapScript 5.2.0, Java Rosa 1.5.0, GD 2.0.35, FreeType 2.1.10, GDAL/OGR 1.5.2 and MySQL 5.0.67. The Internet client can access 8 different information layers like: community types (54 classes; 15.993 polygons), nature valuation of communities (5 classes; 14.773 polygons), protected plant stands (814 positions\points), city districts (18 polygons), local names (139 polygons), streets (6.592 lines), water (lines and polygons) and map sheets in the scale 1:10.000 (99 polygons) and the scale 1:5.000 (325 polygons). Raster layers such as cadastre map, aerial orthophotomap and hillshade were used as background of the vector geodata information to power the visualization of the UMN MapServer application. The data base with multimedia files enclose 144 digital images of selected plant communities, 101 PDF files of the map composition and 97 KMZ files to download and direct integration in the Google Earth application containing the QuickBird images for Krakow area from May 2007.
The climatic emergency that involves the globe has led targets of greenhouse gas reduction in the EU and all over the world. In this scenario, recent advances in renewable renewable energy sources (RESs) have focused interest on the diffusion of power supplies that are produced by photovoltaic and wind plants. The non-programmable nature of these energy sources has led recent studies to consider the power-to-gas (P2G) solution as an opportunity for employing the curtailed electric energy by converting it into hydrogen. The localizations of P2G plants depend on several factors regarding power production, distances, and population distributions. The necessity of integrating these factors led this work to study the development of a cost function that is hosted by a webbased GIS (geographic information system) platform, thus allowing for the storage, elaboration, and web fruition of an entire data set that is related to the possible new localizations of P2G plants. The structure is based on open-source technology and creates a solution that is easily employable by specialists. The developed platform is composed of different remotely connected blocks that are solely based on open-source technology and is focused the interest on the territory of Sicily (Italy). GIS software, a RDBMS database, a geospatial server (Geoserver ), a Python optimization module, and a WebGIS visualizer are integrated. This work represents a scientific contribution to the management of energy sources, with a particular focus on policies that are based on hydrogen technology. In fact, different data sets that contain several levels of information that are related to the management and the localization of P2G plants will be even further employed in the future.
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